Today in the Spider Room?


Jan 1, 2023
Congratulations! Now you REALLY need to start melting holes lol.
Im done drilling the 500 for the t verdezi, not going to lie it's just the tiniest bit defeating to have to turn around and do a few hundred more šŸ¤£ but I'm getting quick, about an hour per hundred pee cups lol


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
Im done drilling the 500 for the t verdezi, not going to lie it's just the tiniest bit defeating to have to turn around and do a few hundred more šŸ¤£ but I'm getting quick, about an hour per hundred pee cups lol
I keep about 600 5.5oz deli enclosures in my facility at all times and frankly, I'm probably going to need to make more next year. The silver lining about sling cups though IMHO is as long as you use them just for slings produced "in house" so to say, then the biosecurity concerns are negligible at best. They're not going to bring anything harmful in with them because they've never been anywhere else, hence there really isn't a need to clean them between uses (should you choose to ship the majority of your eggsacks to a vendor and get to keep the enclosures). I even end up reusing the substrate and moss a few times as well, just breaking down the sling enclosures, wiping them out, rehydrating the substrate in a 5g bucket, and then remaking the whole enclosure for the next round.


Jan 1, 2023
I keep about 600 5.5oz deli enclosures in my facility at all times and frankly, I'm probably going to need to make more next year. The silver lining about sling cups though IMHO is as long as you use them just for slings produced "in house" so to say, then the biosecurity concerns are negligible at best. They're not going to bring anything harmful in with them because they've never been anywhere else, hence there really isn't a need to clean them between uses (should you choose to ship the majority of your eggsacks to a vendor and get to keep the enclosures). I even end up reusing the substrate and moss a few times as well, just breaking down the sling enclosures, wiping them out, rehydrating the substrate in a 5g bucket, and then remaking the whole enclosure for the next round.
My concern with the pee cups is that they are labeled as sterile unless seal is broken. Immediately upon opening there was a smell that dissipated in seconds. Nice to know I only have to wash once. I did want something durable that I could manage up until they were outgrown. I'm comfortable with a little more moisture bearing sub at small sizes and am psycho about ventilation...thanks to you... But also a requirement because a typical work day plus commute is 27 hours... unfortunately it's dry enough here my 1 inch cube enclosures need watering EOD ... Furthermore my shipping options are nil until it cools down in Phoenix...just in time to require heat packs everywhere else šŸ¤£ They stack beautifully too. For anyone I give them to in person, I know they will have a setup that gets them through their most vulnerable stages of life.

I love these suggestions and am very grateful; I hate needlessly duplicating my efforts, and I can't ignore my multiplier is now about 625 containers (fingers crossed). I bought several gallon buckets from a sandwich restaurant that sells their empties from pickles, I know they are food safe, brilliant suggestion. Thank you. I sure hope my timing pulling the sac today was not to their detriment. That was crazy fast, right??


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 17, 2020


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
Eggsack four of the year about to be separated out. Seems each one needs progressively more enclosures made then the previous. Good problems to have I guess.