Introduce Yourself


Dec 19, 2006
hi there, I'm Frank, referred to online as Raij (pronounced like Rage).. I have recently become the owner of a couple of Emperor Scorpions.. actually I've bought four so far but two have died.. for some reason two of the companions have died, but the original has outlived all of them.. I'm now on the third companion and hope to have better luck with this one.. we're in the central GA area, which sometimes feels similar to the natural habitat of these creatures I've come to call my pets...


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2006
Heck Ill throw this in their, Ive been a member for oh, 3 days. I should most like it here.

Have 2 dogs, 2 ferrets who are getting a better home, I dunno I thought I could handle mammals, They need more attention then other creatures, especially ferrets! I have a 29 gallon tank. And right now Specialize in Ants (7 ant colony's and a small collection of specimen!)! I really want to keep some crazy insects like a big harry T, but My mom (still in highschool!) doesn't dig that idea. But She doesn't care so much about Dreadlocks, or ants? I Play Saxaphone, guitar and an array of exotic and normal instruments as well, Im into art, and music, and Tend to be on the computer a little much. I enjoy the out doors, and am having trouble deciding Between Entomology or Photography! (class of 08 whooot!)

Any ways right now im just looking into Dangerous insects, and how to care for them, it will be come a hobby if not a job?


Oct 29, 2006

Hey Ppl,

Name's Llewellyn,26-year old guy from South Africa. Registered quite a while ago, thought it'd be decent to say hi. Been keeping T's about a yr now.Loving every second.
Got the following:
G. Rosea (1 x Adult Female)
B. Smithi (1 x Juvenile, ??Female)
P. Fasciata (3 x slings)
P. Murinus (1 x sling, ??male)
Harpactira sp. ??unverified (+- 20 slings, 1 subadult Female)
A. Geniculata (1 x sling)
A. Seemanni (1 x sling)
B. Auratum (1 x sling)
P. Pulcher (1 x sling)new
N. Chromatus (1 x sling)new



Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
Howdy. Just decided to join the forum. Been using this site for several months. Great information here.


Dec 21, 2006
Hey everyone.

I once woke up and thoght that a tarantula would make a great pet. I researched almost everyday I got back from school and did that for a few weeks. Finally as an early Christmas present I finally got one. It's a G. Rosea and the person said it was a female, so I believe her. I have had her since tuesday and named her fuzzy. She is about 3 inches from her abdomen to the tip of her front legs. So far I have only fed her on friday. I fed her five crickets, but I bought 24 so hopefully some of the others will breed while I keep them in a container. I already learned a lot about her from just feed her but I have one question so far if anybody can answer it. After she ate them she spun a barely noticable web around the area she caught them and kind of looked like she was dancing. What was that for? Also as for conditions, I keep her in a ten gallon tank, which is a bit roomy for her size, but I can easily divide it in half with some plexiglass if anyone recommends that I make it smaller. The substate is about 3", and I heat the tank with an overhead light. The temperature stays at about 75-80 F and unfortunatley I can't get the humidity to go below 80 for some reason. I think the problem is that when I added water to the substrate, which it is forest bedding, a lot of the water used to expand it might be at the bottom of the tank, which makes the humidity so high, but the top of it is very dry. I have 2 hiding places on each side, a coconut hut and a half log. There is a small water dish that I have seen her drink from. It is about as wide as her and probably half as deep as her. As for heights, there are about 9 inches from the top of the substrate to the top of the tank. The top of the tank is a locked kind of screen, with about 2 inches of solid plastic before it gets to the screen. I understand that falling can easily kill a tarantula but I got a few questions on that. Since I have a terrestrial spider, how inclined would she be to climb? I have only seen her once in one of the hiding places, most of the time she just stays in a corner. I have seen her climb, but not very high up. She climbs up a little, then goes back down. How worried should I be about that? would the forest bedding be a good enough cushion if she every does fall from the side of the tank?

I also keep hermit crabs. They are definatly harder to take care of than Fuzzy. I actually was told about this site through a hermit crab forum. If you have any questions on hermit crabs, ask me.

That's about it. See you on the forums!


Dec 11, 2006
Happy Holidays

Hi all, I have an emperor that my g/f got me for Christmas. Have a great Christmas all.



Mar 14, 2006
First post

Well ive been a member for about a year, so I guess its about time to make a post. So hi all, thanks for all the informative posts, they've been reall help full and fun to read.


Dec 27, 2006
Greetings. I just found this site yesterday in my search for a new Invert to aquire. I found this site to be very helpful and enjoyed the large detailed pictures of the centipedes. ;)


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2006
New member...
Got my first T (B. albipolosum) about 20 yrs ago. Wow! That seems like a really long time when you put it down in writing like that! It was a big beautiful female and I GAVE it to the Seattle Zoo when I moved to So. Cal. 10 yrs ago. They were just putting up a forest floor exhibit and were more than happy to take her. A few years later I got an A. geniculata male. He only lived a few years. Now I would like to try my hand at breeding. I thought I would start with B smithi since the price is decent for spiderlings. So I will be looking for a few young specimens from different gene pools. If anyone has suggestions of breeders to talk to to get started, let me know. I will be doing my 'web' research for the next few weeks, then I will be ready to go, but talking to folks with personal experience is the best for me.

So far I am really enjoying the board. Seems like a great community.

See ya 'round,


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2006
Hello all I'm Jeff! I'm a 23 year old male who spends most my time working, maintaining my fantasy wrestling website or care'n for my animal collection. I've just recently got into T's about a year ago so I'm pretty bad with the Latin names. I have...

1 Chillean Rose Hair T named Ermac
1 Blue Cobalt T named Rasta
2 Leo Gecko's named Gex and Squee
1 Green Anole named Piccilo
1 Painted Turtle named Raph
1 Cornsnake named Jake Roberts
1 Ball Python named Lickity
2 Rats named Honeypuff and Rayne
2 Mice named Midnight and squeaky

I used to keep Betta's (Fighting Fish) regularly but just got tired of water changes. I also owned a scorpion but that died. I plan on getting more T's as time goes on, most likely a Pink Toe and a Goliath but my girl want's a Green Bottle blue (Or whatever it's called)


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2007
Hi, everyone! I'm new to all this stuff and I am basically here to learn how to care for the emperor scorpion I got last November. I always liked scorpions as a kid and wanted to have one someday -it wasn't until my 30th birthday that my wish finally came true and I woke up to find my partner had gotten me one, even though he is creeped out by them (or was).

So, nice to meet you all! (I've really enjoyed looking over some of the cool pics and videos people on here have posted, makes me realise I need a better camera!) {D


Jan 1, 2007
Hi. I'm Jim. I'm a veterinarian with the zoological medicine service at the University of Florida. My research interests are primarily in comparative infectious disease and diagnostic methods for novel pathogens, although I'm just writing up a study on normal chemistry and cytology of hemolymph in B. smithii, G. pulchra, and P. imperator. At home, the inverts I keep are G. pulchra, G. aureostriata, a C. hentzii, a P. imperator, and a couple of Archipirostreptus spp.


Dec 10, 2006
hello all!

I am a college student majoring in mechanical engineering. I decided that I needed a tarantula when I was a freshman in high school after I visited the Butterfly Pavillion in Denver, CO, and held their resident tarantula Rosie.
I didn't know anything about keeping a tarantula at that time, and I had no idea where to get one, so I pretty much gave up on the idea until last year I happened across an article about how to pick out a pet tarantula. From that point on, I researched like crazy and finally purchased my first tarantula last April. She is a grammostola aureostriata sling, which my roommate and I named Gabrielle.
Everyone I know was pretty surprised. :)
I came across this site last month, and I am soooo glad I did! There is so much information here that has been helpful to me.
Keeping tarantulas is definitely addictive....Two weeks ago, my roommate and I purchased 5 more slings: a. metallica, b. albopilosum, b. vagans, a. seemanni, and a n. coloratovillosus. I love them all! They really are fascinating creatures. :D
Last edited:


Jan 11, 2006
Hello :)
My name is Sava and I'm from Bulgaria.
My exotic home zoo consist of 1.0.0 corn snake, 1.1.4 Leopard geckos, 1.0.0 Nhandu coloratovillosus, 0.1.0 Brachypelma albopilosum and 0.0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata.

I'm reading this forum since mounts , but now I decided to introduce myself ... so Hello to everybody :)


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2007
Hi everybody! my name is Lauren and I'm from Montana. I don't have any Ts yet but I will be first-time a spiderling mum to a Carlsbad Green and a Chaco Golden Knee (the Chaco being a birthday present) while a friend takes care of a larger Rose Hair and Chaco. Then I plan to trade the Carlsbad Green with the Rose Hair. In the meantime I'm doing all of the research I can, basically just lurking around this board soaking up information like a sponge! {D


Jan 5, 2007
Newbie for norway announces his arrival!

hi there! My main interest is reptiles, but I've had the pleasure of having a couple of roseas, and yesterday i recieved a scolopender, wich specie I'm trying to find out by entering this forum that I've heard so much about! :)


Jan 5, 2007
new to tarantulas


My name is Heather, I'm 28, from the East Coast. I am a speech language pathologist.

I am getting ready to buy my first tarantula, and I'm doing as much research as possible before my purchase. I would really like an arboreal - i'm thinking either an Avicularia versicolor (antilles pinktoe) or a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (green bottle blue).

Any advice on a good arboreal for beginners would be greatly appreciated. I can't find anyone around here willing to discuss tarantulas with me, let alone anyone who can offer advice! :)


Jan 5, 2007
Hey guys Named Dave from Central Pa just got my first Scorp last week and love it lots of questions though


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2006
Welcome new members. Great to see new enthusiasts arriving daily.

If any place can guide you it's here. Also, each forum's search function is your friend. There is a wealth of information here by the hobby's most seasoned keepers and breeders, so don't hesitate to bump up a thread at your perusal.

*removes invisible mod powers*