Introduce Yourself


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2006
I figure I might as well jump into this as well, since Havent done it as of yet. Name is Nate, Out of Colorado Springs, Colorado And I'm in Law Enforcement...Seem to notice that more and more Police Officers/Sheriff's Keep strange and bizarre critters and I actucally stumbled on this website by mistake...More like a Welcome to a hard core addiction really! I've got quite a few Scorps, T's and Pede's, along with my K9 and a Pretty FOUL tempered Nile Monitor. Soon to be Married as well, I have a VERY wonderful Fiance' Who tollerates my bugs without too many headache's (still wont hold them though) She's got my Tokay (aptly named Squeeker) at her house, along with her Two Dogs, 3 Red Bellied Piranha's (mind my spelling) and SOON to be 2 Sugar Gliders....I Dont do much of the small furry critters, But I'm ALWAYS looking to expand the bug collection!


Dec 4, 2006
Hiya everyone im barry from the uk. Currently i have the following

chili rose - Grammostola rosea
Chaco golden mustard - Grammostola aureostriata
pink toe - Avicularia Avicularia
Martingue pink toe - Avicularia versicolor
listed below are all slings.
Paraguay pink stripe - Vitalius roseus
Tapinauchenius purpureus
Aviculiria.sp margaritha pink toe
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Bugs In Cyberspace

Old Timer
Dec 10, 2006
Allow Myself to Introduce My..self!


Peter Clausen of

Reaching out for a fourth pair of legs! (more experience with the six-legged variety...and the 2-legged, I suppose...yeah baby! last Austin Power's reference, I promise).

So, I thought I'd join arachnoboards to learn more about arachnids and the people who fancy them.

Visit my site for an intense look at the other side of the hobby! I love taking pictures of bugs, raising various kinds of bugs in captivity and managing sales of bugs and the related-products through my website.

If anybody would like to email me a few pictures of their pet tarantulas, I'd love to put together a picture database on my website, as it is an area that is truly lacking.

Drop in to my site and tell me you came through Arachnoboards!

Thanks so much!


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
:D Hi,
I'm Jody I have 4 kids, 11 tarantulas, and a loving wife who deals with all. :>) Glad to be a part of the community!:clap:


Dec 12, 2006
Hi massive,

this is Sleepwalkah from Germany. I've been in "business" for 3 years now and I'm going on! :D

I'm 20 years old (will be 21 next month ;)) and I've got 3 hobbies:

1.Tarantulas (40)
3.Photography (just started ;))

I've already started a pics-thread and I hope you like my babies. :worship:



Nov 29, 2006
Hi All!

Hello all, I have been lurking here a while and thought I should introduce myself. I live here in sunny Florida and have been keeping and breeding reptiles for about 17 years now. I am mainly breeding boas these days but keep many other snakes and lizards. I have always been scared to death of spiders and just looking at pictures made my skin crawl. I decided the only way to get over it was to jump right in and get one. Actually, my wife decided she wanted one(as she has always saved me from spiders around the house), so we bought a nice rose hair and set it up on top of our bar. Well, let me tell you, I am fascinated by this creature and can't wait to get myself a few!!! I am now looking to add an A. Versicolor and a B. Smithi to the collection and who knows what else.

arachnid dude

Nov 10, 2006
Hello All...

Well here is my 1st post! I just want to say hello and I really like this website.
I've been out of the hobby for awhile and I am starting to get back into it. My main focus is going to be scorpions, since my wife is at least willing to put up with them :D

Currently only got 0.1 C. exilicauda adult. However I plan doing some Christmas shopping soon...:D



Dec 8, 2006
hey everyone! let me take a moment to introduce myself =)

im nigel and im a malaysian of chinese descent and i live in this capital of malaysia called kuala lumpur. =) well, heres some stuffs bout me :-

| nigel is my name | 15 is my age | 182cm tall | loves hanging out | loves biology | nature lover? | | lives to eat | music plays a big role in my life | enjoys a good meal at italiannes | the type whose friends are his second family =) | loves pop music | enjoys playing the piano | likes socializing | loves loves the interact club =) | JoJo rocks me out | going on vacations | chilling out at Mid Valley with my peepz (u noe who u r ,ppl) | dogs | cats | tarantulas! =) | hookbills | fishing | singin | acting | acting out in dramas | affiliated to bangsar actors studio | life chapel music and arts ministry | for more bout me, visit my friendster profile -


well, these are what i have for the moment as a newbie =)

1 inch nhandu chromatus-brazilian red & white knee ( a bit problematic )
3 inches aphnophelma seemanni-costa rican zebra ( love it )

so yea.. thats a simple intro of me...


Dec 14, 2006
hi all

my name is christopher annandale i live in the uk am 18
i was pointed here by someone from another forum i frequent after i inquired about getting an exotic pet
i will soon be buying my first tarantula


Dec 14, 2006
Hello all,

I am currently researching tarantula care in preparation for looking for a pet Avicularia purpurea, and am glad to have found your forum. I don't have any tarantulas currently. The house is mainly full of 100+ corn and rat snakes, Australian shepherds, cats, and crested geckos. I'd like to add a tarantula to my office as I find them beautiful and fascinating. I've already got a roach colony up and running for the geckos.

A friend of mine from the corn snake world brought me to this forum and has been patiently answering my questions so far. Anyway, I've just begun my research and have loads to learn before even thinking of bringing one home, so I'm off to read posts.

Glad to meet you all.



Nov 24, 2006
My name is annelies an i am from the Netherlands.
I have imperators, euscorpius, centuroides margaritatus, scorpio maurus and a Odonturus.
I also have 2 grammostola rosea and an Brachypelma auratum.


Dec 15, 2006
Big hello

Hi new member (Jon)just bought my first T last night normally a reptillian owner with 4 lizards also standard pet owner (dog kids etc ;P )

Right about my T She is a zebra Knee (aphnophelma seemanni-costa rican zebra ) about 5 years old and i cant think of a name yet but im sure it will come to me soon.

I live in the Uk in sunny blackpool (raining today) Married kids dog job and new hobby so thats about it will want to pick your brains about this and another T i want Acanthoscurria brocklehursti reason being it is my surname as well :worship: {D

So thats it any advice greatly welcome regards



Dec 15, 2006
new here

Hey this is My first post. I live in south carolina and am very interested in centipedes. I like the more giant species but they seem impossible to get unless you want to shell out 1000.00 for one. Anyways good to meet you all and this seems like a real informative place to learn about animals and bugs.


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2006
Hello, my name is Dave.

I love bugs especially arachnids however tiger beetles and other insects are high on my list of things to collect.

And love movies, abit of a film buff, my favorite film being Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In The West, so iconic the opening credits, the acting, the cinematography, the locale of John Ford's Monument Valley, Bronson's "Harmonica", Robard's "Cheyenne", and Henry Fonda playing against type takes a sinister turn as the sinister gun-for-hire "Frank", and Morricone's music has ooh so never been better.

Ennio Morricone created individual thematic score pronouncing each of the four lead characters appearances onscreen through the movie.

The final duel raises the hackles that contains an excellent flashback scene revealing Harmonica's motives and listen to Morricone's score during which the composer brilliantly remixes all four of his themes into one single score.

I love to read, my favorites are prescient science fiction dystopias, highly recommend Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange (disturbing when it dawns on you the reader what Alex the Large and his droogs are really discussing however Alex is one funny and clever sociapathic narrator), Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, and my personal fav George Orwell's 1984 (which is genuinely the most frightening piece of fiction I've ever read particularly in today's political climate).

Herptoculture, a hobby of my youth I am also going to pursue, hopefully result in my ultimate goal of providing husbandry for Crotalus cerastes under initial supervision and hands on provided by very experienced owners of hot snakes.

Jonathan Wilhelm

Dec 16, 2006
Hi, my name is Jonathan. I live in the Detroit area of MI. 31 years old. I just picked up my first Tarantula yesterday. It’s an Antilles pinktoe (Avicularia versicolor).

I just got married in May, but my wife would not let me bring my Husky to the condo so My parents are keeping her for me. I am not used to not having a pet so I needed something. I was watching Jay Leno the other night and there was a guy on with Tarantulas. He had an Ecuadorian Purple (Avicularia purpurea). I was very interested in getting one so I researched it for the past couple days. I came to the conclusion that I wanted a purpurea or versicolor. I went to a local exotic pet store yesterday and they had a baby versicolor, so I picked it up.

I have always been terrified of spiders but the older I get the more I find them interesting, but they still give me the creeps. I never had a problem with snakes. I grew up in the south east US (NC, VA, and FL), so as a kid I used to catch snakes for fun (Eastern Diamondbacks, Cotton Mouths, Black Racers and Coral snakes). But I always was afraid of spiders (Black Widows, Brown Recluses, Wolfs, and the Golden Orb Weaver), but yet I would sit and watch them for hours.

I am hoping that getting the Tarantula will get me completely over my fear of the creepy eight legers. I have held some rosea Ts before and did not get the creeps. Spiders are just way to cool and interesting to be afraid of.

I just have to worry about my wife now when she comes into my office and sees I have a Tarantula.
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Dec 17, 2006
Hey there!

Hey there! Just joined the forum so this is my first posting. My name is Meloni, I'm 27 and from Alabama. My husband and I just got married last October 15th. I just surprised my husband last night with his second tarantula, a Mexican redrump. The first one was an unknown species and died soon, but was given to us and was large. We have wanted another for a while, and I surprised him with one for Christmas. We live in Alabama with our 9 yr old boy and also a 3 foot iguana who likes her back rubbed!:)


Dec 12, 2006
New to Forum!

Hi! My name is Kenzie and I figured I should post here first. Just joined the forum a few days ago. Hope to learn lots of new things. Not new to the hobby but I've been out of it for a while. I hope to start things up again real soon. First I plan on posting some questions I have. I'm sure I will learn allot on here.



Nov 16, 2006
Hello, everyone! =)

My name is Arthur and I'm new here... Well, not really new as i've been searching through the forums for some time now, but since I never posted, here I am ;)

I'm fairly new to the Hobby, started with a Lasiodora sp., a Tityus serrulatus and very soon a A. gomesiana :p