Introduce Yourself


Apr 23, 2023
Hi all,

I'm Jenny from the UK. Been keeping tarantulas and other inverts for 10 years now and have lurked on the forum for a while - time now to make an account and start contributing.



Apr 24, 2023
Hi, I'm Kornelia and I'm from Poland. I'm an 18 year old girl who's been into tarantula keeping for only about 3 years but I'm really passionate about it. I love animals and want to study them. Apart for spiders, I really love amphibians and horses. :3


May 11, 2023
My name is Alex! I'm 24 and from PA. Huge gamer and veteran. I've been watching the forum for a while and figured I'd make an account and start becoming an active member!
I'm relatively new to taking care of T's(just under a year) but have been reading up on them for a while. I've had a love for tarantulas since I encountered them running across the desert in Arizona! I'm just excited to be a part of the community and increase my knowledge.
I have currently have a male(that's what we were told at the time), curly haired T and he seems to be doing great from what I can tell.

Veno Manus

May 16, 2023
Hello!!! My name is Kyle I'm an active scorpion keeper in the PNW. I keep all sorts of different localities from forrest and desert. Been keeping scorpions for I'd say about over 5yrs. Started with the Forrest Scorpion verity and recently jumped into the Desert species. Currently working on breeding Florida Bark Scorpions / Centruroides Gracilis with a fresh Brood and a recent link up. Been working everyday morning and night to provide the best lives for my little nightmares. I tend to stick to bio active and naturalistic setups providing replicated environments to my best knowledge not being from some of these places. I have a small YouTube called ( Veno-Manus ) where I upload random clip shorts of some of my scorpions and things I think are neat if I catch them. All I'm here to do is learn and see what others have experienced. 20230518_075220.jpg 20230429_103357.jpg


May 22, 2023
Hello i am Jeff, i got my first tarantula yesterday at a expo. It is a young female acanthoscurria geniculata. Excited to learn all i can from this board.



May 23, 2023
Hey everyone, beginner T keeper living in Cairns, Australia. Currently have 2 Coremiocnemis Tropix, Phlogius Pq113, Phlogius K2 Goliath and Phlogius Crassipes. They are all still in the sling stage except crassipes which is a juvie. I also have a sub-adult male Urodacus Elongatus and baby Urodacus manicatus. :) Look forward to joining a community of like minded people!


May 24, 2023
Hello there, I'm Juliet from Florida. I own a juvenile T. Albo that I fondly call Twinkle Toes and Coconut. I've owned her for roughly 2-3 months now and have been loving every moment spent with her. I also plan on getting a G. Pulchra once I have a bit more money saved up. Of course I am a beginner but I have learned a lot just in a few months of owning a T.


May 29, 2023
I'm new to tarantulas and heard this is the place to go. I have a pink toe right now and I want to learn more about tarantulas and get a nice collection going. I'm from Florida


Apr 27, 2023
Hi, yall! I'm JP (short for my username JusticePlague!) I'm 30 (31 next month), two kids, and lots of pets!
Newer to Ts (and inverts in general).
Me and my broinlaw got a T. Albo for my hubs for his birthday (he's been begging me for a T since we first got together 11 years ago), and at the beginning of April, I was terrified of spiders.
Now, I love them! A little wary, but honestly, that just kind of makes sense, lol.


Jun 9, 2023
Hello, new member here. I am Garong, live in Indonesia. i actually started keeping T 8-9 months ago, starting with 10cm Albopilosum
now my collection (all female, I hope) consists of
All 10cm+

also 3 juve (auratum, boehmei and Tripepii)

I will pick my ninth T (P metalica 14cm) in 2 days, now prepping the enclosure.

i wish to add more knowledge to keep my Ts happy!


Active Member
Jun 9, 2023
Hello people. I just came across this website or app or whatever this is, last night and i think this is pretty awesome and have already learned a lot here. You can just call me Nomad if you call me anything. I'm 41 from Idaho and i have a wild caught Phidippus Audax (the bold or daring jumping spider) named Jumpin Jack. I'm actually arachnophobic but have always been extremely fascinated by all spiders and love to watch and learn about them. I'm hoping my new friend Jack can help me get over my fear and one day i plan to try my luck at holding him. 😬 He seems to have a very calm and kind personality and i think he is as good of a choice as i will find to try and hold and get past my fears with. Some day i plan to be on here sharing pictures of my multiple tarantulas and other spiders i hope to one day have but for now i'll work on crawling before i walk. All pun intended. These pictures are of Jack. Can anyone spot him in his enclosure?



Jun 13, 2023
Hello All! I'm Eric. I found a lot of good information on here so thought I would join. I bought a juvenile Curly Hair that started an addiction/hobby I have added 7 slings since the Curly Hair.


Jun 15, 2023
Hi there! I'm Jess :) I'm 32 and live in Northern California (from Buffalo NY)
I'm new to the hobby, but not necessarily unfamiliar I'd say. My cousin has bred T's for years whereas my experience lies in Mantids 😅

I recently acquired 2 jumping spiders. A male bold and female regal. I've fallen in love and now am diving in head first to learn all that I can about the arachnid side of things.
Honestly I'm already looking to get another, of course it's the difficult to find Gandanameno echinata.. if anyone is able to eventually steer me in the right direction to get one I'd me most appreciative!

Outside of the hobby my favorite activities are gaming and outdoor exploration. I love herping especially since I'm new to the west coast and alot of the native wildlife is new to me!

I'm looking forward to getting involved in the community here and hope to get to know some new people soon! 😊



Jun 5, 2023
Hi there!
I’m Alessio, from Italy. 37 yo, ex arachnophobic guy. I took some slings for “study” and now I’m an happy “father” :rofl:.
I have a Monocentropus Balfouri and a Brachypelma Hamorii.
Nice to be here with you all.


Jun 21, 2023
I am here so that I can meet other bug-obsessed people :) I currently own an Avicularia avicularia tarantula and am trying/starting to keep grass spider(s). I USED to have a jumping spider (unknown type/species(?) ), but it escaped at some point. I hadn't seen it for about a week, even though I kept dropping in food, and I went through the whole cage, and then there was nothing.
Apart from arachnids, I also own 2 bubble eye goldfish, 2 female fancy mice (one's a show mouse), a cat (Tuxedo cat), and a Madagascar hissing cockroach.
I have no idea how this forum works, so you'll just have to bear with me.
Have a good day/evening/night! :)


Jun 24, 2023
Hi I'm Jess and I'm brand new here. I am actually an entomologist but spiders are new for me. Last year I kept a couple Steatoda in little terrariums with succulents and one hatched a brood that went in our shed!

This year our house is super full of spiders so I've put a couple in small enclosures instead of releasing them outside etc. I put an Amaurobius in one, and one that looks like a Tegenaria type thing in another. Both started webs immediately and have eaten flies I put in, so hoping that's a good start and I just need to get a sense for how often to feed them.

I have a one year old who is learning how to point at things and is very interested in the spiders too. I definitely have a slight phobia (especially the bigger ones) so trying to deal with that. And I'm hoping as long as they make good webs that it is a good sign they're happy enough. If things don't go well I can always release them again I guess!

I'm in Scotland.

Edit: I feel like she looks like an Eratigena? Haven't tried to find a proper key, just looking at pics online. Does anyone know offhand? Also edit again, could it be a male

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Jun 27, 2023
Hello everyone! My name is Ashley! I'm new here. I found this site recently while looking up different types of spider's. I am excited to learn more about them and
Jul 9, 2023
HI Folks,
I am returning to A Boards, after about a five year gap. My name is Dan, but I used to be known
as Pennywise. I am 83 years old and just have one spider left, a Caribbean Pink toe. I had a
few health problems including a disease called Myasthenia Gravis. It sounds scary but it's not
as bad as it sounds. I spent nearly a year in one hospital after another. I hated them all and
just wanted to see the light of day again. I did manage to raise a huge female Goliath and 3
Singapore Blues (My Favorite), when I got out finally they were all sold a couple of years ago.
Later I'll post a few Photos of them. I am looking forward to getting on the forum and discussing
8 legged creatures with knowledgeable folks as well as helping those starting out in the
hobby which can someday become a business. Cheers to all of you for caring about the safety
of these lovely creatures and your concerns the of future of the hobby as well.
Signed, Dan Jacobsen. May you all enjoy the world of Arachnids as much as I have.

Sir Aculeus

Old Timer
Apr 7, 2011
Hello everyone! My name is Ashley! I'm new here. I found this site recently while looking up different types of spider's. I am excited to learn more about them and
Welcome Ashley! Have fun learning about the hobby! I am returning here after a bit of a layoff. It's a great forum to learn and also get into keeping some awesome animals.

HI Folks,
I am returning to A Boards, after about a five year gap. My name is Dan, but I used to be known
as Pennywise. I am 83 years old and just have one spider left, a Caribbean Pink toe. I had a
few health problems including a disease called Myasthenia Gravis. It sounds scary but it's not
as bad as it sounds. I spent nearly a year in one hospital after another. I hated them all and
just wanted to see the light of day again. I did manage to raise a huge female Goliath and 3
Singapore Blues (My Favorite), when I got out finally they were all sold a couple of years ago.
Later I'll post a few Photos of them. I am looking forward to getting on the forum and discussing
8 legged creatures with knowledgeable folks as well as helping those starting out in the
hobby which can someday become a business. Cheers to all of you for caring about the safety
of these lovely creatures and your concerns the of future of the hobby as well.
Signed, Dan Jacobsen. May you all enjoy the world of Arachnids as much as I have.
I remember your user name. I hope you are doing well now and welcome back. I'm also returning to the forum after a hiatus. Can't wait to see some pics!

Hello!!! My name is Kyle I'm an active scorpion keeper in the PNW. I keep all sorts of different localities from forrest and desert. Been keeping scorpions for I'd say about over 5yrs. Started with the Forrest Scorpion verity and recently jumped into the Desert species. Currently working on breeding Florida Bark Scorpions / Centruroides Gracilis with a fresh Brood and a recent link up. Been working everyday morning and night to provide the best lives for my little nightmares. I tend to stick to bio active and naturalistic setups providing replicated environments to my best knowledge not being from some of these places. I have a small YouTube called ( Veno-Manus ) where I upload random clip shorts of some of my scorpions and things I think are neat if I catch them. All I'm here to do is learn and see what others have experienced. View attachment 445709 View attachment 445708
Nice shots and welcome to the forum!
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