Introduce Yourself


Mar 14, 2023
Hello, I'm Syl, just got my first T a few months ago. I've come to the site a few times before but never registered or interacted until now. I have a young Caribena Versicolor that I'm pretty sure is female, her name is Morrigan (yes that's a Dragon Age reference lol)

I've really loved having my T and look forward to learning from others here and seeing other's experiences and companions.

Thanks for reading.

-Syl & Morrigan



Dec 9, 2018
Hello, I'm Syl, just got my first T a few months ago. I've come to the site a few times before but never registered or interacted until now. I have a young Caribena Versicolor that I'm pretty sure is female, her name is Morrigan (yes that's a Dragon Age reference lol)

I've really loved having my T and look forward to learning from others here and seeing other's experiences and companions.

Thanks for reading.

-Syl & Morrigan
Welcome aboard!

Hello. My name is Kelli. I am 46 and live in MN. I am a single mom of a 15yr old daughter. I have been fascinated with Jumping Spiders since childhood when my mother introduced me to them, and I am passing that love on to my own daughter.
Last November, my daughter text me at work about a large black spider in her room. She she sent me the picture, it was a confirmed Bold Jumping Spider, and large in size (approx 3/4 inch in body length). She captured it and moved it to the living room with all of my plants. It stuck around in my living room for a few weeks, but then disappeared after a while. A week ago, I had a very young Bold Jumping Spider show up in a case of apples for my produce dept. Now, this little one is home in a spiffy new habitat/enclosure specially ordered for it. Before the enclosure came, it drown in 1/16 in water pooled in the corner of the container from misting. I didn't realize it could drown in that. Fortunately, I was home sick from work, pulled the lifeless body from the water, used the eraser end of the pencil to do delicate compressions on the abdomen... only enough to see leg movement. After a few minutes of trying and trying to find anything online about saving a drown Spider (nothing there that I could find), I gave one more push. The abdomen made a 90° thrust to the side, legs flailed a bit and reverse walking till all the senses came back. This lil spidey is one tough cookie!! I've been doing research over the last few months since "Normans" appearance in my daughter's room, but any tips or info is very welcome! View attachment 441072 View attachment 441073
We're glad to have you!


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Hello. My name is Kelli. I am 46 and live in MN. I am a single mom of a 15yr old daughter. I have been fascinated with Jumping Spiders since childhood when my mother introduced me to them, and I am passing that love on to my own daughter.
Last November, my daughter text me at work about a large black spider in her room. She she sent me the picture, it was a confirmed Bold Jumping Spider, and large in size (approx 3/4 inch in body length). She captured it and moved it to the living room with all of my plants. It stuck around in my living room for a few weeks, but then disappeared after a while. A week ago, I had a very young Bold Jumping Spider show up in a case of apples for my produce dept. Now, this little one is home in a spiffy new habitat/enclosure specially ordered for it. Before the enclosure came, it drown in 1/16 in water pooled in the corner of the container from misting. I didn't realize it could drown in that. Fortunately, I was home sick from work, pulled the lifeless body from the water, used the eraser end of the pencil to do delicate compressions on the abdomen... only enough to see leg movement. After a few minutes of trying and trying to find anything online about saving a drown Spider (nothing there that I could find), I gave one more push. The abdomen made a 90° thrust to the side, legs flailed a bit and reverse walking till all the senses came back. This lil spidey is one tough cookie!! I've been doing research over the last few months since "Normans" appearance in my daughter's room, but any tips or info is very welcome! View attachment 441072 View attachment 441073
Anyone that can successfully perform CPR on a young jumping spider definitely belongs here - welcome!


Mar 16, 2023
Howdy. I've been lurking for years and greatly appreciate the knowledge and expertise shared in these forums. Decided to create an account to possibly poke around more.



Mar 13, 2023
Hi, I’m new to this forum and to arthropods in general. I love terrariums, and some arthropods thrive in them, so I wanted to know more about them. I have a ton of Magic Potion Isopods, and I want to get a millipede.
Thanks for reading!


Mar 12, 2023
Hello! My name’s Heléna, hailing from New York! I fell in love with invertebrates during an unexpected year at home away from school due to illness & subsequent disability. Turns out inverts are a great little getaway.

I lurked here for quite some time without an account when I started babysitting my friend’s T, Nemesis (Grammastola quirogai). I love him and he scares the crap out of me. Just yesterday I welcomed home my very first Millipede, Saccharine the A. gigas. I am a chronic overhinker when it comes to pet care LOL, so I love forums.

Excited to be here and have this resource!
Thanks for what has been both a warm and informative welcome.

(I also pin insects in my spare time!)
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Mar 17, 2023
Hello fellow invertebrate enthusiasts. My name's Shea, I'm from Victoria in Australia.

I own 41 arachnids and a couple other inverts. My absolute favourites are the Selenotypus champagne robustus species. Their subtle beauty and sleek, compact form makes them so cute to me.

I look forward to getting to converse with you all, about your favourites.


Mar 18, 2023
Hello, everyone! Please call me AJHR. I've been lurking on this website for a while, but I decided to make an account for the sake of conversing with others in the hobby.

I currently own a T. Vagans, C. Versicolor, G. Pulchripes, and two cockroach colonies. (Despite these cockroaches initially being feeders for my tarantulas, I find a lot of enjoyment in caring for them and watching them, so I consider them my pets just the same.) I also have many dream inverts that I would love to get my hands on in the future.
I have loved learning about the world of invertebrae since I was incredibly young. At 18 years old, I am currently a student in biological sciences, but some of my other fields of interest include anthropology, sociology, primatology, and of course, zoology.

In regards to the hobby, I understand that there is a lot I do not know, especially considering how new I am. I am always happy to learn new things!
Thank you sincerely to all here who help provide useful information so we can help keep our animals happy, healthy, and cared for. You are seen and appreciated!
I hope to make good acquaintances with many of you here. ^^

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Welcome to AB. Best of luck with your academic studies. Bio sci is a great place to start. Doing pre-reqs you get an introduction to all sorts of fields which can give you a leg up and heads up of what to major in.


Mar 22, 2023

I'm from the UK. Inadvertently cured myself of arachnophobia about 2 years ago and now spider obsessed. I would like to share my story of arachnophobe to arachnid obsessed but not sure which forum to post it in.


Isaax Critterz

Active Member
May 4, 2022
Hi, My name is isaac. People always call me Issac or Isaaac or something like that. Ever since i was young i had a love for tarantula ever since i saw a B.hammori at my local zoo..


Mar 11, 2023
Anyone that can successfully perform CPR on a young jumping spider definitely belongs here - welcome!
Lol! Thank you so much! I was praying hard and quite desperate to make sure it wasn't all for nothing. She's still doing great!


Feb 28, 2023
Hello, I love any spider, tarantula. And I have one myself! I have a pink-toe and it's name is cobs. : ) I have always had a love for spiders since... I first saw one kinda. Any time there is a spider in our house I will just grab a cup and paper and put it outside. I feel like I do not have arocnophobia at all!

(If you are wondering about my pfp, it is from a video game I play.)​


Apr 20, 2023
Been looking at posts on here for a long time now. I figured I would join the fun! I currently own 42 tarantulas and quite a few other inverts/animals I have learned quite alot! I have a variety of species and only a few I have 2 of. Neoholothele Incei is one of them, I have come to love these dwarf species!!! My davus pentaloris is another and so is the H. Mac and Chilobrachys Dyscolus, scorpions I love them all but currently only have Tityus Stigmurus, Hottentotta Hottentotta, and Janalychas tricarinatus


Apr 23, 2023
Hello, all you fellow eight-legged fanatics!
I'm Josh, I'm 28 and I live in Vancouver, WA.
We have plenty of beautiful, wild arachnids in these parts (though 99% of them are wolf spiders 😂).
I'm excited to share all of my findings with you, and I can't wait to chat with you all.
Thanks a bunch, and have a great day!


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2008
Just wanted to say hello....I'm Paul Becker(formerly PetCenterUSA) . After a 7 year hiatus, I am back. I've been living in the country enjoying nature and fishing. I have missed the hobby very much. So, I created "" Please feel free to drop by and take a look. I will be posting on Arachnoboards from time to time.


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Fiery but Mostly Peaceful
Nov 7, 2019
Hello, all you fellow eight-legged fanatics!
I'm Josh, I'm 28 and I live in Vancouver, WA.
We have plenty of beautiful, wild arachnids in these parts (though 99% of them are wolf spiders 😂).
I'm excited to share all of my findings with you, and I can't wait to chat with you all.
Thanks a bunch, and have a great day!
View attachment 443783
Welcome neighbor! I love the wolf spiders here so much, mostly because they are the ones who brought me to tears and trapped me in bathrooms before I learned more about our native creatures.


Apr 23, 2023
Welcome neighbor! I love the wolf spiders here so much, mostly because they are the ones who brought me to tears and trapped me in bathrooms before I learned more about our native creatures.
I used to be afraid of them as well, but mostly because of the horrible myths surrounding them 😅 but I've always been fascinated by invertebrates, so at some point I figured that there really isn't a reason to be afraid of them at all! Plus, they're definitely WAY more afraid of us than we are of them, which just adds to the empathy I feel for them. 🥰
I found these big ol' guys in my bathtub just last week. Beautiful creatures!
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