Introduce Yourself


Jan 30, 2023
Hi, I'm from Ayrshire in Scotland.

I used to have a B.Smithi many years ago, but unfortunately lost her to a bad molt after 5 years.

Finally picked up a 3 YEAR OLD B.Hamorii 4 weeks ago that was needing rehomed, and today she (I hope) had her first successful molt In her new home.

Going to try and work out the sex tomorrow after I TRY to open up the molt a little better.

Hoping to ask for a little advice and info on sexing after I have some clear shots, and been advised to come over here for the knowledge everyone here has.

Thanks in advance !

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Feb 5, 2023
I'm SouthPaw and currently have 4 Ts. I'm from BC, Canada and work in health care. I'm looking to learn.


Feb 13, 2023
Good Morning from Texas,

My name is Ashley and I am a very new but proud owner of a Holothele sp. "Dominican Republic". (I believe that is the correct term ... the exotic pets place called it a Dominican Blue Dwarf Tarantula).

My fiance has owned a number of tarantulas but always large variety species so we want to educate ourselves (especially me) on the best way to take care of our newest addition.

If you have any advice I would be very grateful for any help given.

Thank you for your time!
Ashley, Braeden and Raven (it is so pretty!)



Jan 27, 2023
My name is Pontus and i come from north Stockholm, Sweden.
I really started getting into tarantulas about a year ago and watched all the videos i could find on youtube. (it's the easiest way for me to learn and also get many different opinions on how people keep their fantastic T's.
I bought my first in July last year. An unsexed T. albipolosus (hobby form) which turned out to be a female.
Someone in a swedish spidergroup on facebook suggested i should get her some more substrate to burrow in. She had about 7.5 cm = 3h inches and so I did. She immediatley burrowed down and has shown herself once since. :) So I basically have a 30X30X30 exoterra that feeders dissapear in. :)

Since then I started keeping slings, because I really enjoy watching their evolution.
My second T was a super tiny Pterinopelma sazimai, and she is the slowest growing species I know of. It's on the verge of ridiculousness, but she is eating and living so I guess I´m doing things right.
A week after I got her, my vendor/reptile/spider-shop guy got the one I really wanted, A Grammostola pulchra sling which I naturally named Lemmy.
He/She has grown like crazy from a tiny 1 cm sling to approximately 4 cm since I got him.
I did tell the vendor that I Was really interested in Avicularia avicularia but they where really hard to get hold of here in the northern parts of Europe.
Two weeks later there where a few sitting in his spidercabinet. So now I have one of those fantastic beauties,
Then a few weeks ago I went to my first ever Herp-expo... soooo. The newest addition is a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, and some Porcellio laevis.
I do have plans to pick up a few Neoholothei incei and a Psalmopeus irminia on saturday.

I realize this was more of a blog post than a short representation. I do like to find these forums where one can discuss and get an extreme ammount of information and tips.

So. That's me and my tarantulas. so far.

I wish you all success in your keeping. This hobby is amazing.


Jan 23, 2021
Ok, been on AB for a wee bit but haven't properly introduced myself yet so might as well now, cause why not? I'll try not to go on too much .

Hey folks, the name's Chris. I'm from the region of East Lothian, Scotland. I'm a lover of all things tarantula but big tropical new world species (stuff like Pamphobeteus, Phormictopus etc), are the T's I gravitate towards the most. I will not go into detail on my collection here (it's a fair amount at this point), but I will say the reason as to why I prefer T's to most other animals. Pretty simple really; I just find everything about them (mechanically and behaviorally), to be absolutely captivating and I can't say that about any other animals I've ever witnessed (dogs & cats do hold a special place in my heart of course, as they do with most folks who've kept them).

I think the fascination with T's began from a place called 'Butterfly World', an indoor tropical environment and tourist attraction. As youngsters we'd go most weekends to see the animals, and they had a lovely 'Rose Hair' (can't remember if it was porteri or rosea) that they'd get out to show off as it was super chill... even though I now look back on the action of getting her out to be passed around in a more critical fashion knowing what I do about tarantulas (say NO to handling ;)), I loved seeing her more than any other creature there, and those moments really influenced me its fair to say! The 'Butterfly World' announced that it was closing down in 2021, and is now gone after being open for nearly 40 years... was a sad day when I leaned that :(

Anyways, that's about it... see ya!
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Feb 17, 2023
Greetings and eight-legged standing ovations to all. I'm Terry and have been scouring the internet (mostly YouTube) for a few months now in preparation for getting my first sling. Closed the deal on a 1" Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens sling on Valentine's day and walked out with a Tliltocatl vagans sling as well.
Looking forward to learning and sharing.
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South East Figs

Feb 20, 2023
Howdy Y'all,
My name is Jamey, I am a member here, but my old phone got hacked so I am starting everything over new.
I got my first Tarantula in trade as partial payment for a tattoo about 9 or so years ago, I have bred and owned many tarantulas since then but only have 5 currently. 0.1.0 molt confirmed female Aphonopelma Madera 1.75" inches, she is a slow grower at over 2 years old. The others I plan to let go to help me start over. I had to have surgery 3 years back so I sold off most of everything I had. . But I am happy and healthy again , so am building things back up but even better this time.


Feb 21, 2023
Hey everyone!

My name is Jaden, I'm a genderfluid/exploring transfem arachnid and other exotic enthusiast who just recently bought her first tarantula! I've taken care of a praying mantis before for a brief time, but never a tarantula, so I'm super excited. Will probably be popping in here to ask lots of questions in the future, but for now my newfound friend seems healthy and has just begun getting settled into their new home.

For the tarantula itself: the gender is unknown, but meet Carlos/Carlita! Will be keeping an eye on molts and posting them as soon as one happens to get the gender identified to finalize the name, but they are a Mexican Redknee Tarantula. They were my first species in Planet Zoo (cheesy, I know) and the first spider I got was randomly named Carlos, and I fell in love with him there, so I'm hoping to love them in real life for a long time! Their diet will be dubia roaches for as long as is sustainable for me to purchase, so they've got plenty of food and water, and I bumped my house up a couple of degrees just for them. After the first day, they've retreated to the log in their enclosure for some alone time, as I'm sure the day I took them home was very stressful. I'm sure I'll see them out and about soon. That said, if anyone has any tips for beginners, especially for this species, I'd love to hear them!



Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Hey everyone!

My name is Jaden, I'm a genderfluid/exploring transfem arachnid and other exotic enthusiast who just recently bought her first tarantula! I've taken care of a praying mantis before for a brief time, but never a tarantula, so I'm super excited. Will probably be popping in here to ask lots of questions in the future, but for now my newfound friend seems healthy and has just begun getting settled into their new home.

For the tarantula itself: the gender is unknown, but meet Carlos/Carlita! Will be keeping an eye on molts and posting them as soon as one happens to get the gender identified to finalize the name, but they are a Mexican Redknee Tarantula. They were my first species in Planet Zoo (cheesy, I know) and the first spider I got was randomly named Carlos, and I fell in love with him there, so I'm hoping to love them in real life for a long time! Their diet will be dubia roaches for as long as is sustainable for me to purchase, so they've got plenty of food and water, and I bumped my house up a couple of degrees just for them. After the first day, they've retreated to the log in their enclosure for some alone time, as I'm sure the day I took them home was very stressful. I'm sure I'll see them out and about soon. That said, if anyone has any tips for beginners, especially for this species, I'd love to hear them!
This thread is full of valuable info for beginners (and experienced keepers, too):

Another useful tool is the search function in the top right corner of the page. Searching by the scientific name will yield better results, and yours is a Brachypelma hamorii.

Welcome to the boards!

Adam B Jones

Feb 3, 2014
Hello all,

Adam here from the Scottish highlands, I've been on this forum for longer than I care to think, but not sure I've ever posted as I tend to lurk around and search for things to save asking the same questions again! Have actually picked up some great tips and advice over the years on here through scouring various threads - there's some extremely knowledgeable people on here and some excellent info and discussions on here, which has all been much appreciated.

Anyhow, I've kept tarantulas since 2005, and haven't been without a tarantula since then, though my collection has grown and dwindled over the years due to various job/house move circumstances etc. I used to post a fair bit on a couple of UK forums about 10 years back, but then they died a death with everyone on FB which I always thought was a shame. But I see this forum is still nice and active which is great to see.

I'm also about to ask for some input on a long winded query if I can find the right section to post it in, which is also partly why I thought it would be courteous to at least say a quick hello here first!

Cheers all :)


Arachnosupporter +
Feb 23, 2023
Brand New

Hello Everyone, my name is Josh and brand new here. I have been in the hobby 2 years now and have 18 tarantulas in total up to this point. I would love to make some new friends in the hobby and would also love to make some breeding buddy's as well. If you would like to know more about my collection I am more then happy to answer. Also I love Ants and keep many colonies. Cheers
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Sep 8, 2022
I have been on arachnoboards for a while but haven't posted. You can call me Moonie.
I spent most of my life dreading encounters with anything creepy crawly. Then, COVID lockdown and TikTok joined forces with my ADHD and I have 3 wild caught spiders of different genus+species and we just bought our first Tarantula.
The boards have been super helpful in navigating the hobby and learning more about care and keeping.
In addition to my invert friends, I have 2 cats and 3 guinea pigs and I have such a soft spot for all of them.
Aside from my critters, I'm married with a 13 year old kiddo. I work in the financial industry and spend a ton of time, like a ton of other millennial moms, listening to true crime podcasts while I tinker with my other 20 million interests.

Nice to meet ya! 😊


Mar 2, 2023
I am a 25 year old biotechnology student working in a mushroom growing business and i always had an interest in arachnids and terrariums ever since my parents took me to an Arachnid expo when i was around 4, Up until now i have only ever kept a few species of ants, and recently i got myself my first tarantula, a 4 month old female Acanthoscurria geniculata. I came to these boards in order to seek advice and answers from veterans in the hobby, as i am rather rookie in terms of arachnids. Keeping a tarantula has proven to be quite a challenge for me as i live in a rather large farm with my family, 6 barn cats and a quite large dog, so securing my T was quite a struggle at first but i managed to get my hands on an unused room in a part of our house.

I hope to learn a lot from long-time hobbyists on these boards :)
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Dec 12, 2014
Returned to the hobby after a large break!

Glad to be back reading through the boards again, even if I did mostly lurk before it was very interesting reading through everything here. Just semi-recently picked up a new sling, a Brazilian black and white/Nhandu coloratovillosus. Made a few mistakes when I got it which I don't like to say but it's there, these have been fixed and it seems to be doing well, and looks like it may molt soon! Very glad to see that the forum is still active. Somewhat less glad to see the news on the recent Poecilotheria situation, I'm still very much an amateur at this hobby and had no plans to get any fast non terrestrials as a result, but I always had that "one day" thoughts with the Metallica's.
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Mar 8, 2023
Hello from Arkansas, recently a hobbyist turned serious ( in the research and organization approach ) still very new. started 2 weeks ago, substantiating pet shop rescues and validating this in my mind. im not sure how 16 got ordered 🤔 and here we are. they arrived today, didnt get pictures of everyone but heres few.



Jul 27, 2022
How to just say hello and express your gratitude for such a wonderful resource as this site? Is there a "Hi there! I'm a total newb and super excited, addicted, and just want to talk about spiders all gosh darn day!" Forum? lol I'm a new Phiddipus keeper as of October 2022 and I now have 4. : )


Apr 10, 2022
I’ve never properly introduced myself - I pretty much just showed up, asked a bunch of noob questions, had an unfortunate DOA case that kinda blew up in the forums, and now have been in the hobby for a year and a half. I started the hobby last December with an amblypigid, now I have 4 Ts. I just graduated trade school and have been working full time for the first time for over a month. My primary goal is to move out because I want a bunch more Ts but my dad won’t let me get anymore understandably. I would be lying if I said he knows I have four tarantulas and not one, lol.

Currently of my Ts, Nhandu Chromatus is my favorite (shoutout to Harold). My most wanted Ts are P Irminia, B Klassi, E murinus, GBB (duh), and the C Darlingi or Marshalli as my first old world.


Mar 11, 2023
Hello. My name is Kelli. I am 46 and live in MN. I am a single mom of a 15yr old daughter. I have been fascinated with Jumping Spiders since childhood when my mother introduced me to them, and I am passing that love on to my own daughter.
Last November, my daughter text me at work about a large black spider in her room. She she sent me the picture, it was a confirmed Bold Jumping Spider, and large in size (approx 3/4 inch in body length). She captured it and moved it to the living room with all of my plants. It stuck around in my living room for a few weeks, but then disappeared after a while. A week ago, I had a very young Bold Jumping Spider show up in a case of apples for my produce dept. Now, this little one is home in a spiffy new habitat/enclosure specially ordered for it. Before the enclosure came, it drown in 1/16 in water pooled in the corner of the container from misting. I didn't realize it could drown in that. Fortunately, I was home sick from work, pulled the lifeless body from the water, used the eraser end of the pencil to do delicate compressions on the abdomen... only enough to see leg movement. After a few minutes of trying and trying to find anything online about saving a drown Spider (nothing there that I could find), I gave one more push. The abdomen made a 90° thrust to the side, legs flailed a bit and reverse walking till all the senses came back. This lil spidey is one tough cookie!! I've been doing research over the last few months since "Normans" appearance in my daughter's room, but any tips or info is very welcome! Screenshot_20230305_223437_Gallery.jpg 20230304_170826.jpg