Introduce Yourself

Le Wasp

Old Timer
Oct 25, 2007
Howdy folks

My name is John and I work at the University of Riverside, California, in the entomology department. I've raised and handled our display Chilean rose tarantula as well as emperor scorpion, etc. for a few years now, and I've decided that I've waited long enough -- it was time to get my own tarantulas to look after! I guess I'll make a more detailed posting of my collection so far on the "my inverts" page. -but for starters, I have two fish tanks, a husky, and 7 invert. tanks.


Nov 5, 2007
Hi folks,

From Scotland, UK and an amateur spider observer.
I live in a house built in 1890 with lots of spaces for T. Duellica and his cousins. We're into late Autumn here so there's plenty of action on the carpet at night (I'm talking about spiders:) )

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Old Timer
Nov 5, 2007
Hello, my name is Dana. I’ve been raising tarantulas for about 9 or 10 years now. I’ve only owned rosehairs and pinktoes. I’ve yet to expand my repertoire into the more exotic, although I wouldn’t mind getting a hold of a Mexican redknee someday.


Nov 4, 2007

Hello all,Not much of a talker more of a reader.Have 2 Ts at moment Chille Rose(female) and Flame Leg(spiderling).Just got Flame Leg 2 days ago (thats how I found arachnoboards looking for info on this).Had Chille Rose 2 years now.


Old Timer
Nov 5, 2007

Well, I'm a longtime lover and first time owner of tarantulas. I recently got my first tarantula, a 2" Arizona blonde and love her so much that I got an Avicularia versicor and a Brazilian b&w. Both of the later are juveniles at this point. I'm also looking into getting a 2 1/2 " Chaco golden knee because I love my friend's so much. He's so docile he's like Eeyore on downers. Any tips on keeping my new babies happy and healthy are much appreciated.


Nov 7, 2007
New member

Hi, I am chance I live in NM. In Las Cruces and I am new to the tarantula hobby. Right now I own a A. Seemani and it is fustrating for me and this is what brought me here. First I learned alot by just visiting and reading the posts. I also own 5 dogs. I hope to learn alot here and maybe even help.



Old Timer
Dec 28, 2005
My name is Fred (52)and I found Ab awhile ago and am finally posting about myself. I wanted to get together with other invert hobbyist for a couple of years.I would go down to Fresno(Scott's Tarantula Ranch )or Tollhouse (Fig Garden Exotics)for Scott Bemis' tarantula events and would wonder why there wasn't a group for us type of people to go to. It took me about a year and one half to finally get it going,with the help of Matt(Bagheera) on AB.The group spawned from the 2 meetings that we had at Matt's warehouse and now the're are being hosted by Ken and Georgie(Kenthebugguy/Bugguyswife) in Concord. Keaton(Okitasoshi) and Kalena were at the first meeting and are still attending presently.We have approx. 20 - 25 people who usually attend.I can see it getting larger as the word gets out about the San Francisco Bay Area Tarantulas Society.We have our own website(WWW.SFBATS.ORG ),with the kind help of Rachel(Arachnocat) got it up and running.
Ive been in the hobby for 7 years now after somebody gave me a 7-8 year old B.smithi for my son. That was all it took to get me interested. I still have her and I'll keep her until her time comes. I now have around 165 tarantulas and I'm trying to refine my collection, but it keeps growing.
I am married to a wonderful Christian woman and have 3 boys 21,11,and 9.We are in process of completed the initial paperwork to go forward a find a girl to adopt.We attend a House Church called "The Gathering by the Bay " in Felton /Scotts Valley area.We have 4 dogs,3 cats and 1 new goldfish in our little "zoo"
I am an owner of a landscape maintenance company and have ran it for 14 years.My hobbies are tarantulas, fishing , geocaching and metal detecting.


Nov 9, 2007
Hi, I'm new

Hi everyone, I am new here. Just noticed that the previous poster is from Santa Cruz which is coincidence since I went to college up at UC Santa Cruz and miss the area very much. I'm located in Los Angeles at the moment. Anyway, I'm new to this hobby and I'm looking to get very useful information about purchasing my first Tarantula. The reasoning behind me taking up this new hobby will take me into an overly dramatic speech about how for a very long time I was ignorant of spiders and thought they were scary and inherently evil, but I realized as an adult, I need to understand them better and get to know them for who they are and what they are all about. I recently did some thorough research on the internet and checked out a book at the library about spiders. I am preparing myself for my first Tarantula and I'm hoping that I do everything correctly for it to live a happy life.:clap:


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2007
Im new here so i wanted to introduce myself my name is jacob (18) and keep mostly arboreal love pokies i have been keeping red knees and giant white knees but for last four years been keeping pokies currently trying my hand in breeding P.regalis ab offers lots of info thats why i joined.


Nov 9, 2007
Hi, my name is Andrew. I have one tarantula, named Izumi, and she is very interesting to watch, and fun to take care of. I signed up here finally after a friend of mine had shown me that it is worth doing. I'm hoping to meet some interesting people on here, and also be someone who can put my two cents in some posts and get some laughs along the way. And of course i'd like to learn some things about tarantulas, so when i go in the pet store or someone says the fabled question of "why do you have one of those things" I can educate them on it.


Nov 11, 2007
Howdy all, I'm a newbie:razz:

I started reading these boards about a week ago. I've always been kind of a herp guy, but recent situations are now drawing me into a different direction.
My main reason I'm posting is to say HI and thanks to all of you for providing me with info to solve a little predicament I found myself in. With that I will tell you the story of said predicament. I'm not offended if you don't want to read it, and if you don't - please accept my thanks for your knowledge...

As stated, I've always been a herp person (not praticing now) and working in the trades, it's always bugged me to unearth a creature at the onset of winter ( Santa Cruz winters are COLD and WET). I have unearthed several reptiles at this time over the years and felt the right thing to do was to keep them warm and fed thru the winter and set them free in the spring.
I also have a 3 1/2 year old daughter that is absolutly facsinated by all small critters (lizards, snakes,salamanders, insects, centipedes), but especially -- spiders. No joke. She will catch any spider in the house with the cup method, inspect it, and release it outside (household policy :).
SO...Last week I unearthed a MM Calisoga spider at a job, caught it, and brought it home with the intent of letting her check it out and then keep it warm and fed until spring. I put him into a 2 1/2 gallon tank that we use to inspect interesting critters before we let them go.
Thing is - that is one wicked spider. It's first choice at the instrusion of humans is to immediatly attack and bite - and it is FAST. Big spiders (3.5") that are fast AND mean have always freaked me out a bit. My biggest fear was that an airborne stuffed animal might knock the tank off the shelf where it would break - leading to one fast and mean motherscratcher loose in my house that I might not be able to find until it bit something (child, dog, wife, me).
My solution was to acquire a suitable replacement - something gentle and bigger - more impressive, to take the attention away from the Calisoga tank. Then I could move him off to some unseen corner and my daughter (Marley) would fixate on the new arrival.
So, after much research, thanks mostly to these boards, I settled on a female Grammostloa Rosa, learning that they are very docile (and gorgeous too!). My local pet store ensured me that the one I bought was extremely gentle and she sure does seem to be. My 3 1/2 year old wants to hold her SO bad, but as for now, I just let her pet her (Marley can become over exicted VERY quickly, which makes me nervous). But my plan has worked! Marley has named the Rose Haired "Knock-Knock", and she seems to be in love. The Caslisoga is now tucked safely out of sight, where he will remain until spring.
But now, to the horror of my wife, (who is a real trooper and agrees that Knock-Knock is very beautiful) I find myself eyeing all my empty tanks and wondering what it would be like to have 5 T's.
You've all provided me with all the info so far to help make this decision and I am grateful. I think I may just have a spider bug.
Any info on what may be a fufilling, yet very docile second T would be greatly appreiciated (Brachypelma Smithi?).
If you have read all my gibberish, I thank you all the more.

Peace and smiles,


Nov 10, 2007
Ok, so my name is Mat. My passion for arachnids started when I was around 12 or 13 with school project about black widows. Since then, I've become a minor league Latrodectus fanatic. In the course of my spider-fandom, I've owned three G. Spatulatas two A. avicularias and one fussy A. seemani (or is it back to R. seemani?) The seemani was actually gravid when I purchased her, much to my suprise, and began forming an eggsac within a few months. Then I was stuck with hundreds of babies that as a completely unexpecting 15 year old, I was unable to properly care for. Anyway.... I'm now 25, live in central West Virginia, and I am pursuing a degree in biology, hopefully toward a masters program in either Zoology or more specified Herpitology. I married a wonderful woman, who just happens to be an arachniphobe, so no more spiders are in my future, though I would love to be able to keep some Latrodectus.... I also have a small collection of mammals, and reptiles, but really, who doesn't?


Nov 11, 2007
hey all-
I've always had a pet tarantula around, but didn't get into keeping more interesting/exotic breeds until recently. In the past i've had a zebra pink toe, and wooly pink toe, and now I have a rose hair. I just got my 1st indian ornamental a couple months ago. I adore [him]. His name is Jambi. I signed up here so it could be sexed and now I'm tangenting. (if that's even a real word.) I want to expand my T collection as soon as I have a bit more space.

Nice to meet you all.


Nov 9, 2007
I'm officially back in the hobby!!

Hi everyone - My name is Krystan, I'm 36 and I live near Spokane, WA. Just started reading threads in the last couple weeks. I've had T's off and on since I was a teenager (mostly Brachypelma types), but have been out of the loop for a few years. Today, my order from Botar came by DHL, so I went from zero to nine. How exciting! I might have to post pics at some point.

I don't suppose I'll post much from here on out, because anytime I think I have a question, I'm able to find the answer in some previous thread. I do enjoy reading everyones comments and really dig all the pictures.

One question I do have is - Is there a way to find out which members might be in my neck of the woods?

Take care,

PS: FYI - "callmecrazy" has nothing to do with the cool hobby of keeping tarantulas. It is a nickname I got when I started working on a salmon/crabbing boat in Alaska, back in 2000. Heading back up for Crab/Cod season January 3rd!!
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Nov 10, 2007

My name is Chris from NYC 48 years old

My T's are as follows :
2 A.Chalcodes
1 B.Abilosium
1 G.Rosea
1 Chaco
1 Flame Knee
1 A. Hentzi

all females

So hello every one


Oct 17, 2007
Hello everyone ..I'm JC of california..just started the tarantula hobbly recently and i'm really enjoying it..


Old Timer
Oct 25, 2007
hello everyone

hello everyone my name is DErek and i live in the Bay Area i just got into this hobby for about at least 4-5 months now
and i dont know how i found this board haha

but my animals are

2 Emperor scorpions still juvies
1 curly hair juvie not sure if male or female yet
1 trapdoor spider
1 Giant white knee SLing =]

this board really has nice people and good information for learing alot of new stuff

THanks Everyone!


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2007
hi every1...

hi alll member i've just join the club and i wanted to say hi to all the member .i knida new to the tarantula pets thing.. but i've already own like 25 tarantula....