Introduce Yourself


Jul 3, 2007
Introducing Myself

Hiya everyone,

My name's Tony and I'm in Staffordshire, UK

I keep and breed snakes as my main hobby but over the last few years I've been keeping inverts too and find them fascinating !!!

I've joined this forum to learn lots more about inverts and some of the pictures of enclosures on here are truely inspiring !!! :worship:

Well, that's me so hope to speak to you all soon

Shadow Tongue

Jul 4, 2007
Hello. Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am a 19-year-old male who is currently attending college in Georgia, US. About two weeks ago, I became interested in keeping tarantulas after I had a discussion on another message board dedicated to fashion. I was arguing that the piercing commonly referred to as "spiderbites" (multiple piercings in specific places on the lips) had a silly name as spiders typically left only one noticeable mark on a person's skin. Thinking about the topic soon reminded me about how my grandmother used to have a tarantula for a pet years ago and reinvigorated my interests in the animal. I have also been wanting a pet for my small, private dorm room for when I attend college this autumn and a tarantula seems to fit the bill quite nicely: low-maintenance, quiet, and sanitary.

So, I spent the last half month voraciously researching all kinds of information on this board and other internet sources and, after much internal conflict, decided to order a Cyriopagopus sp sling that will be delivered next Tuesday, weather permitting. Although the breed (and its age) has not been recommended for a beginner's tarantula, I think knowledge, caution, and my quick hands will go far in ensuring that my sling will live a long and luxurious life. :)

Apologies for the long introduction and I hope that I can become an active, informed member of this forum and the tarantula-loving community!


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
Hi everyone

My name is Troy, I'm 36 years old. Right now I'm living in "Sin City" (Las Vegas) but will soon be moving to Texas. I've been in the hobby now for about 3 weeks. Actually, it just sort of happened. My wife (Shey) and I were on vacation in Texas and one night her brother yelled about this big spider that was climbing up the side of the house. Shey and I walked outside and found a beautiful young t just hanging out. Shey just reached up, took it off the wall and placed it in a jar. The second one we found the next day sitting outside the first ones jar. So now we have two new additions to the family and I'm reading as much as I can so we can add a few more.


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Hello new myself...

I always have been fascinated by insects and some of the beetles blow me away with the colors, sizes , etc...I think my favorite insect is the giant millipede..I love those guys. I dont currently own any at the moment but will be starting my hobby up again once I move down to Arkansas in the next month or so. I also will be looking to build a huge orb weaver cage and keep a banana spider if I can find one..those guys are incredible!!!! Will definantly be doing my homework on that one. This is a great site and very informative and I am quite pleased to be a member of the community. :clap:


Jul 6, 2007
Mama-T from Sweden

:worship: Hi there.

I'm a swedish T-lover who stumbled in through reading som interesting posts that made me certain of the seriousity of this community.. I just needed to be a member.

They call me Spindelmamma in Sweden, wich means spidermother. Thats probably because of the way I treat my T's- They're like babies to me.

I' ve also got 2 human children, one man in the house and some other hobbies, but I'm mainly occupied with my T's.

See you all :)


Jul 6, 2007

I'm a 40 and a wee bit biology teacher with a house full of critters and more at work/school.

inverts make perfect 'pets' for keeping there, cause they are so easy to keep; I keep the tough and harmless ones there, the more tricky and not so harmless ones at home.

my #1 hobby is tropical fish (primary Tanganyikan fishes), but my inverts-critters include
Archimandrita tesselata colony (Peppered Roach)
Blaptica dubia colony (for fun and as spider-food)
Neohirasea maerens/PSG173, lots
Eurycantha calcerata/PSG23, a few adults
Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail)
Archispirostreptus gigas breeding group (Giant Millipede)
Spirostreptidae spp, bredding group
Spirostreptidae spp#2 breeding group
Scolopendra morsitans (Tanzanian Blue Centipede), 3 adults in 1 cage
Pandinus imperator, adult pair
Hottentotta hottentotta, scorpling
Rhopalurus junceus, scorpling
Brachypelma smithi, adult female
Brachypelma boehmei, subadult
Grammostola rosea, adult female
Grammostola pulchra, adult female
Heteropoda venatoria, adult pair (Huntsman Spider), just mated

Thamnophis radix (Prairie Garthersnake), 2 adult pairs, recently sold my first homebred offsprings

Ambystoma mexicanum, 3 subadults, 1 adult female

3 fishtanks full of Tanganyikans, including fishes like Synodontis granulosus, Phyllonemus typus, Greenwoodochromis, Haplotaxodon, Caecomastacembelus and Bathybates fasciatus
1 smaller Malawi tank, 1 smaller Central American tank with Convicts, a few breeders.

that's about it; been keeping pets since before 1974 now :D
other hobbies include travelling, SCUBA diving and going to rockshows

cu on the forum

tnt tomas

Jul 6, 2007

Hi all,

How's it going? Let me introduce myself, My name is Tomas, I'm originally from Birmingham in England, I live now in Helsinki, Finland.
I'm soon to become an owner of one: A Geniculata, it is 4-5cm (approx 2inches), buying from a known breeder who has a very healthy collection.
I'm wondering what size of enclosure is going to be best suited? Can a tank be too big? like a 12 by 12 by 12 inch?
Also when keeping juvenile's of this size, what is the best method in maintaining the appropriate temperature? As most heat mats aren't available smaller than 12+10cm
any help or advise would be very gratefully received.


Jul 6, 2007
immature assassin bugs

hey , im Mel.

just moved to NC and got biten by an assassin bug , trying to identify it so i can find out if have to be concerned. read about chagas disease . noone seems to know anything about it here. if anyone can be of help id appreciate it, im stressed out wondering if i now have some parasite that is reeking havoc in my body and will show its face in about 10 -20yrs....i sure hope its a harmless bug but for the nasty sting it gave me and bloody blister thats left on my arm.


Jun 27, 2007
Hi everyone.

Just wanted to drop a line. Im fairly new to T's, I got my first one about 1 year ago a 1" B.smithi sling. Wasnt sure if i wanted to get more, because i was kind of affraid of spiders. But know I love the little buggers. In the last 2 Months Ive gotten 4 more. Here is a list of Ts i have and the ones i want to get.
Ones i own
Brachypelma vagan - mexican red rump x 2 - Own
Brachypelma smithi - mexican red knee - own
Brachypelma albopilosum - honduan curly hair - own
Aphonopelma seemanni - Costa rican zebra - Own
Ones i want to get...
Grammostola aureostriata - chaco golden knee
Acanthoscurria geniculata - brazillian White knee
Grammostola pulchra - Brazilian black
Green bottle blue - Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose Tarantula
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican Bloodleg
Lasiodora parahybana - Salmon Pink Birdeater


Jul 4, 2007
Heya all! I'm Kas from NB, new here, but not new to tarantulas! I have at home, a G. rosea, B. smithi, L. parahybana, and E. campestratus... and on their way are a B. emilia, B. boehmei, P. murinus, and A. bicoloratum! :3 *wavewave* Glad to meet everyone!


Jul 6, 2007
Self Introduction

Hello there! I have just been introduced to this arachnid thing just a few days ago. Now I am really crazy about spiders ( especially tarantulas ) and scorpions.
I am now taking up this hobby of keeping arachnids in a big way and I would really appreciate all the help that I can get from all of you experienced people out there.

Together with this message I'm attaching a photo of my first spider which is the Malaysian Trapdoor Spider which I caught and photographed while on a hike up Penang Hill recently. I happened to be a photographer also and very soon I'll be posting a lot of my photos of spiders to share with all of you.



Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
Hello there! I have just been introduced to this arachnid thing just a few days ago. Now I am really crazy about spiders ( especially tarantulas ) and scorpions.
I am now taking up this hobby of keeping arachnids in a big way and I would really appreciate all the help that I can get from all of you experienced people out there.

Together with this message I'm attaching a photo of my first spider which is the Malaysian Trapdoor Spider which I caught and photographed while on a hike up Penang Hill recently. I happened to be a photographer also and very soon I'll be posting a lot of my photos of spiders to share with all of you.

welcome to the addiction

Taki F&T

Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007

Hi, my name is Taki and I'm from Johannesburg SA. I have about 70 tarantulas and have been in the hobby for about 4 years. I have loved and kept spiders from a small child though, so it's a lifelong hobby. :)


Jul 8, 2007

Hi, I am from Sacramento, California, and have been facinated with inverts my entire life. I have kept many spiders and a few scorpions that I caught as pets, but am quite new to the hobby. I am obsessed with solifugids and hope to one day breed them.


Jul 7, 2007
Hello, I'm Paul. Just got my first invert a month ago and figured I'd see what the community was like and to get some hints and tips for keeping her healthy and happy. So yeah, here I am, and it's nice to meet you all.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Greetings. My name is Ren, and I am from New York State. I have always been enthusiastic about invertebrates, and finally have the opprotunity to begin collecting. I presently share my home with one beautiful seven year old chilean rosehair tarantula, a very moody asian forest scorpion, a skittish emperor scorpion, a food-crazy red claw emperor, a colony of 30 madagascar hissing cockroaches, two death's head cockroaches, a trio of giant african millipedes, a beautiful vietnamese rainbow millipede, and a variety of aquatic snails. I look foward to learning more about these species and others of interest to me for future keeping. I would also be a very good customer to anyone nearby looking to sell millipedes or roaches ;)


Jul 2, 2007
Hey everyone,
Name's Conrad, originally from South Africa, then lived for a period in Singapore, now living in England. Intend to move to Canada in the nearish future though.
I'm somewhat arachnophobic so tarantulas have never really been an option for me, but scorpions thankfully do nothing to bring out the fear. I've been wanting one for ages but struggled to find any locally until recently. Now I have my first Pandinus imperator, who I'm very happy with. Got him on Sunday, after half an hour of being in his new home I put in a cricket which he grabbed within the first couple of minutes. Left him a few hours then dropped another in which he promptly stuffed down.
What interests me about this is that the pet shop guy said to only feed them one cricket a MONTH?! And that they could over eat, killing them. Both of which I found to be wrong, searching around on the net.
I'll give Skeletor another cricket tonight and see how he fares.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Nice welcome to the hobby I'm more of a scorp guy too but recently aquired a few t's and centi's