Introduce Yourself


Jul 18, 2012
I'm the new one :-D
My name is Daniel, I'm from Bremen/Germany some of you might know Bremen as the city which produces Beck's.
I'm keeping mostly scorpions but also some tarantulas.
If you interested in what I'm keeping here's my list of animals:
Tarantulas: 1.1.0 A.versicolor
0.0.3 A.purpurea
0.1.0 P.murinus rcf 0.1.0
1.0.0 B.klaasi
2.2.0 P.smithi

Sscorpions 3.13.0 Smeringurus mesaensis
2.1.0 Parabuthus villosus "oranje"
0.1.0 Hottentotta caboverdensis
0.0.5 Hottentotta saulcyi
0.0.1 Hottentotta judaicus
1.1.0 Hottentotta jayakari
2.2.0 Orthochirus afghanus
0.0.5 Androctonus crassicauda (jordanien)
0.1 Androctonus australis hector morph
0.1.2 Androctonus australis australis morph
0.1.8 Androctonus australis
0.0.3 Uroplectes olivaceus
0.0.3 Uroplectes fischeri light morph
0.0.4 Uroplectes planimanus
0.0.1 Mesobuthus caucasicus
0.0.7 Lychas mucronatus
0.0.1 Leirus quinqestriatus
0.1 Bothririus coriaceus

I will add some scorpion and tarantula clips of my YouTube channel later in the correct threads ;-)


Jul 18, 2012
Hey everyone, so glad to have found this place. I'm a total noob in this but have always been fascinated by pretty much all creatures. The thing that made me join this forum is my new obsession with house centipedes. Caught a few this season but let them go soon afterwards cause I didn't want to kill'em by not knowing how to care for them properly. So now I'm hoping to learn as much as I can before trying to hang out with these magnificent creatures. Btw it's really reassuring to see sensible people that don't go nuts and all panicky around crawlies, gathered in one place. Any questions, feel free to ask.


Jul 19, 2012
Hey all,

I'm CJ from the UK, I've kept reptiles for around ten years now, worked with birds of prey, reptiles, and inverts in an educational setting and finally persuaded the better half to let me add some T's to our collection....thankfully she's now hooked!

Signed up here as it has been a wealth of information and too many times have I tried to join in the discussions and never got round to joining.

I have to edit films and record conferences to pay for my animal addiction nowadays but in my spare time I play in a death/doom band playing guitar and singing:evil:!


Jul 25, 2012
Hi, my name is Matthias.

I'm from Belgium. I recently bought my first Tarantula, a Brachypelma Boehmei named Humus (2 years old, about 3 inches large). I mostly used this forum to get to know all about tarantula's. I would like to thank al people on this board for providing usefull information and answering questions I had spinning in my head for quite a while.

I build those backplates for aquaria (rocks / wood, ...) and I really wanted to do the same for a terrarium. So I became really interested in spiders, I started building a terrarium and the result was beautiful. I kept it all pretty dark so the orange colors of my Boehmei would stand out. She is still young so her colors should become more intense in the future. She also has some sort of Lion King rock above her burrow (cave) where she likes to eat her freshly cought preys. I have her for about 3 weeks now and she is becomming more and more active, almost showing herself all the time. I have not handled her yet, but I do want to hold er on my hands for at least one time. I hope she won't bite or shed some hairs..


Jul 25, 2012
Hello Everyone!

My name is Amber & after reading on these forums for what seems like forever I decided to join.
I've only been keeping tarantulas for about 5 months but i've loved every second of it.
My MM G. rosea recently passed away but I hope to bring another one into my life very soon.
The only T I have at the moment is an A. avic named Isaac Clarke.
He's super sweet.
I hope to get more T's soon since it is very true that you can't just have one!


Jul 12, 2012
Wup yall

New member from Kansas. Always been interested in scorpions and after I caught a hefty wolf spider my interest in inverts seems to have exploded. Sadly the spider passed when I was out of town (i think it was jumped by crix as I put way too many in there), but after that I decided to dive in and get an Emperor Scorpion. Ive sexed her as a her and shes fairly young from what I can tell because the telson is still a whitish yellow color. At some point I will upload pics.


Jul 26, 2012
I started collecting scorpions around September last year, I got myself my first spiders in January, I know have a nice collection of spiders, most are quite common but I have a few difficult to obtain species. We don't have much choice here in Australia, Theraphosids are protected in my state and are illegal to keep or collect in others. I'm based in Brisbane and I've started catching some of my own spiders with the help of a mate. There seems to be a lot more information on here than my local forum, there seems to be a larger diversity of how people keep things which I'll be interested to learn about.


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2012
Hello from So Cal.
I got my first B Smithi when I was around 10. Took a break and then had a mini zoo in my office in my first job with a few b smithis and a cobalt blue or two, then retired the collection to a friend when changing jobs and having no where to rehouse the zoo. Many years later now getting back into it after purchasing a p metallica sling. Wish me luck!


Jul 21, 2012
Hello my names Angelina,

I live in newyork and was petrified of tarrantulas for the longest. Then i went to a reptile show in white plains and saw some guy holding a cute little blue thing (A. Versi) i was amazed i stayed at his stand throughout the whole show and eventually baught one it was my favorite. Currently i own 2 versi slings & a b. Smithi juvi , gonna get more t's next show cant wait!


Jul 29, 2012
Well hey there!

New to the forum, uh let's see here... I'm 18 years old, just got my first T yesterday(Rose Hair). I live in Louisville Ky and I'm going to be attending UofL in the fall for a degree in business. I like video games, comicbooks, reptiles, amphibians, and now Ts. Thanks for having me!:biggrin:


Jul 28, 2012
Hi I'm Emily and I got my first tarantula (Grammostola rosea) from my sister who bought it on a whim and then got bored with it a month or so later. Short story long, until a year or two ago I was completely terrified of spiders big or small, my fear was so bad that I couldn't sleep if I knew one escaped into my house! I never killed them, I'd have my husband catch and release them lol. Anyway, I started watching wolf spiders in my yard and was intrigued by them and then I started looking at all of the other spiders I'd come across instead of running and screaming. Needless to say now I love them and am no longer afraid of them. I love my rosie and want to add more spiders eventually, I want to take my time though as I'm still learning what to do. It made me sad that my sister would so casually get rid of an animal just because she wasn't interesting and she couldn't hold her. I don't need to pick her up to enjoy her, just watching is enough!

Sorry the post is so long! Oh yeah I also have two pugs and a cat. I came to this site because I want to learn more about tarantulas from people that actually have experience with them, and so I can learn to take the best care of my tarantula!


Jul 30, 2012
Greetings. I'm clearly new here, and thanks to my lovely wife I now am the proud owner of a Grammastola pulchripes. It is about 1.5" in size. I look forwarded to learning and sharing here.

Until such time.


Jul 30, 2012
Hey folks, obviously I'm a newbie here, and relatively new to keeping arachnids too! I am an Australian based educator, running a business called Snakehandler (hence the user name) where we teach kids about the wonderful world of reptiles....I have no started the interesting journey into invertebrates too, mainly to teach basic classification to young kids and to help inspire the next generation of keepers and researchers! I look forward to learning as much as I can from this forum! At this stage the only spider that I have is Phlogius crassipes, the whistling or barking tarantula (we can only keep natives here btw).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Aug 1, 2012
Hey, I'm Leslie, and I am addicted to tarantulas.

Okay, now that that's out, whew lol, I love tarantulas and wanted to join a forum where if I have questions or need someone more experienced to help me out with any of my T's, so here I am.

Look forward to chatting with other "spider" people!


Aug 1, 2012
My name is Helga and I come from Iceland but live in Norway. Insects have always facinated me since i can remember but now is the first time i can have them as a hobby, both becouse they are hard to come by in Iceland and my mom hates them. My favorites are spiders (T's & Trues), centepedes and beatles (big and colorful always gets my attension)
Came here to know more people in the hobby and learn more about the creatures that have fasinated me for so long. ;)
I mostly have spiders but adding a scolopendra hardwikie to my collection.. I know maybe not a good first pede but I just love them so much!! Gonna give it my best :) promise!( I try to study up befor getting an animal, though finding anything about them is kind of hard sometimes) Coming tomorrow so might post some pics of it then ^^ cant wait!
See ya around!


Nov 2, 2011
follow me in youtube and see all my Tarantula
my screen name is
subscribe if u like

---------- Post added 08-01-2012 at 08:18 PM ----------

follow me in youtube and see all my Tarantula
my screen name is
subscribe if u like


Jul 30, 2012
New T owner!

Hello and good afternoon everyone.

My name's Mike, i'm 22 and i'm from England, i live in a small town called Wigan.

I have a Doberman Pinscher and a ginger Tom Cat

I am new to this site and also new to the wonderful world of Tarantulas.
I bought my very first Tarantula on the 28/07/2012 she's a beautiful Chilean Rose hair with a pink/peach colour to her, i'm not so sure how old she is, but she isn't very big

I'm mainly on this site (and a few others) as she is my first ever Tarantula (and no doubt won't be the last) and I would like to do right by her.

So I guess i'm after tips and advice and anything people would like to suggest from beginners to professionals. PM's welcome.

Thanks for reading guys. Take care.


Aug 2, 2012
Just wanted to pop in and say hello. My name is Adam and I'm from Texas. Long story short I was up in the attic at my parent's house when I spotted my old 2.5 gallon tank I housed my Grammostola rosea in when I was a kid. I still had an old coconut shell hide I made as well as a shallow water dish so I decided to get back into the hobby. I went to my T hunting spot and within 10 minutes I caught a juvenile Aphonopelma anax (I think). That was about a month ago and as of today I have 8 Ts which are mostly slings.
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Aug 2, 2012

My name is Afton Kern and I am highly interested in arachnids, particularly Solfugids. I currently have an Eremobatid female who is gravid and I am doing everything I can to make sure she is comfortable. Would like to own a tarantula someday (not an old world tarantula though!)