Introduce Yourself


Aug 13, 2012
Hi everyone,

All the way from Holland, 31 years old, and owning t' s since early 2012. So, all new and lots to learn :) In Holland the group of people that own spiders and exchange information and such on a forum, is small. So here I am!

Don't let the nick misguide you, I won't be serving drinks.


Aug 12, 2012

Hi, I am living in North Bay, Ontario, Canada and am 19 years old, turning 20 soon. I recently bought an emperor scorpion, unfortunately due to my inexperience she died, but I will soon have another.

I grew up with arachnophobia, and am just now getting over it. My landlady technically doesn't allow pets, but after talking to her, I found out that it is due to allergy concerns. So I decided that an invertibrate would make a good pet, and that it would not cause allergy problems.

I am a full-time Univserity student at a University here in town, and I currently volunteer at a recently opened exotic pet store that cannot afford to pay employees, but the job reference is good enough as the only other job I have worked was in my family's landscaping company, and most places here won't accept family as references on resumes.


Jul 15, 2012
Hi, I am living in North Bay, Ontario, Canada and am 19 years old, turning 20 soon. I recently bought an emperor scorpion, unfortunately due to my inexperience she died, but I will soon have another.

I grew up with arachnophobia, and am just now getting over it. My landlady technically doesn't allow pets, but after talking to her, I found out that it is due to allergy concerns. So I decided that an invertibrate would make a good pet, and that it would not cause allergy problems.

I am a full-time Univserity student at a University here in town, and I currently volunteer at a recently opened exotic pet store that cannot afford to pay employees, but the job reference is good enough as the only other job I have worked was in my family's landscaping company, and most places here won't accept family as references on resumes.

I don't know how schools operate in canada, but have you tried getting credits from working as an 'intern' for the store? Depending on your major, there's multiple ways to swing that.


Aug 17, 2012
Hello! Just joined. I thought it might be fun to join the forums since I just recently got my first tarantula and am very new to caring for it.
I currently have a Pink-Toe, but eventually want another Pink-Toe, Rose Hair and maybe an Emperor Scorpion.
I work at a pet store, which is where I got my new friend.


Aug 6, 2012
"Hi, my name is Chris, and I'm an arachnoholic..."

Another long-time arachnophobe 41 I'm finally getting over that. It started out with browsing the Spiders subreddit one day while bored, just to freak myself out, and the horrified fascination slowly gave way to just-plain-fascination. I just this week acquired a B. albopilosum and a B. vagans, both slings about 1-1/4", from Grin here on Arachnoboards (she was REALLY nice to deal with, btw...very friendly and helpful, and seems like she really knows her Ts). I just may be hooked. The phobia still rears its head sometimes but it's less and less of a problem the more exposure I get and (especially) the more I learn. I can think of about 5-6 more species I'd like to have, just off the top of my head, and the list keeps growing. My wife doesn't share my newfound enthusiasm, but I'm fortunate that she's very tolerant of my little quirks and the creatures that come with them :D


Aug 17, 2012
Hello from Maryland :)

I belong to another pet forum, and there have been a number of threads on pet tarantulas. Growing up, I believed it was wrong to harm a spider and was always fond of them, but was more into pocket pets. That and when I thought T, I thought of the sad looking Rosie's you see in pet stores. After seeing a picture of a baby A. Versicolor, I fell in love. I started doing some research, bought my T Keepers Guide, and started collecting gear for my T kit. I was about a month into it, and found out that the county I live in doesn't allow T's (stupid Fairfax County!). Sadly, I put everything away, and pushed aside my desperate craving for a tiny blue baby.

I think it has been about a year and a half now, and I'm in the process of moving in with my SO who lives in Maryland. I AM allowed to have a T here :biggrin: (or three). I know I want my A. Versicolor sling, but after visiting my SO's parent's in Tucson I really want an Aphonopelma too... and maybe a C. Perezmilesi... :) I am going to continue with my plan of building my kit and doing lots of research. Once the kit is complete and I have the spider houses set up, then I will look for my slings. I was told that this is the best T forum, so I plan to be here a lot ;) I am rather shy, and tend to lurk rather than activly participate, but will ask questions as I have them and hope I put them in the right place :)


Aug 20, 2012
Hello All,
I am 23 as of this coming Saturday and from the US. I work, play, and residing in Virginia but often in NJ and NY for music. I recently acquired a pair of Phrynus marginemaculatus (tailless whip scorpions) which have rekindled my first love - entomology and arachnology... though not to the point of overpowering my love for herpetology.

I have read lots of good information here and look forward to being an active member in the community.
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Aug 4, 2012

First of all, I'm happy that I am able to post (haha finally). I'm Jake and I started breeding Dubias for my brother because he lives at the highlands of the Philippines and this forum has helped me so much in making my colony a success. Well... We can never start a Dubia colony and just have roaches forever, which is why I was so set in being able to post as I put my faith in this community with helping me get started with my T's!

Thank you so much


Blue Ice

May 25, 2009
He there! I'm also from Manila, Philippines. I'm not really sure if I have intro-ed myself in this forum but replying here is better than nothing. Been keeping Ts for quite more than 2 years now and was almost in the brink of quitting this hobby. I usually browse this forums to dampen the urge to get new specimens until I can no longer control it and got myself some good slings. Like they said, once you pop, you can't stop. :D


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2012

I'm from Florida and have been in the saltwater fish hobby for many years and recently decided to branch out...I first went to dart frogs and my wife got into herps a bit and now I'm beginning to find tarantulas. I started a few days ago with an a. versicolor.

I thought that tarantulas would be a great way to get over my arachnophobia and so far it's working out pretty well. I made an attempt to hold the versicolor the first day I got it....besides my heart racing and body shaking, I was able to handle it without any real issue and I feel comfortable doing so again. I plan on expanding in this hobby when I begin to learn more about it.


Aug 25, 2012
Hi all :)

I'm new here, obviously, and also quite new to the world of tarantulas. I used to be phobic to the point of fainting if I saw one. Now I have a beautiful juvenile, and two new slings coming tomorrow :)
I'm 28 years old and have always loved animals, and my dream is to have a small farm with a lot of land so I can keep the animals I want without any neighbours to worry about. Not that I'm a hoarder or anything, but my choice of dog breeds as well as other animals aren't everyones cup of tea. Besides, I like my privacy :)
I probably won't be the most active poster, but I will read and learn as much as possible.


Jun 27, 2012

Hi my name is Kyle, I'm 26 and from California but stationed in NC!! I'm new to his hobby and am about as addicted to this as I am getting tattooed. I have 3 slings right now and in 3 days will be ordering 5 more. I love my little slings!!!
T's I have now: A. Avicularia, G. Rosea, and L. Parahybana


Aug 29, 2012
Hi, my name is Ian, I live in Illinois, and I just got into the hobby as well. I bought a juvenile Emperor Scorpion a while ago and recently died. :( I then bought another which was surprisingly HUUUUUUUUUUUGE. Check it out on my youtube. He seems like a Giant Indian Forest Scorpion but is labeled as an Emperor. He's 8 1/2 inches (23cm). Very large, and is surprisingly a male. ---->


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
Hi Everyone!

I am an avid arachno enthusiast and I got my first emperor scorpion last month. I am looking forward to meeting new people. I'm no stranger to arachnids as I used to keep spiders (as well as other creatures) as a kid and to this day I still do. But I am just starting to get into exotic species that are not found in my backyard.


Jan 20, 2012
Introducing the desert guy, Lobo

Hi All

I'm Lobo and I live in the Mojave desert where there are lots of interesting arachnids, one of my favorites is the Desert Hairy Scorpion.

I occasionally capture some of these critters for observation and I am trying to learn as much as I can about them.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2007
cracks the door ,peeks in and shouts i'm back

not one for introductions so ill keep it short and sweet . im back i will be rebuilding my collection over the next year or so, i plan to start breeding and possibly trading and or sellin about this time next year. i perferr to stay local as much as possible and keep it simple for now, so anyone in wa thats got a surplus of slings msg me.
i only notice a few names from when i was here befor its a shame so many ppl got out of if you remeber me hit me up and let me know who to stay away from and whos good to deal with .

hello to all the new ppl


Mar 8, 2012
Hello guys. My name is Carl.

I'm from the Philippines and I love Tarantulas.

The reason I joined Arachnoboards to learn and get some advice from the pro's.
It's been a year since I fell in love with these big hairy spiders.
I had my first tarantula last year of July. It's a G. rosea.
As of the moment, I have 14 tarantulas of 9 different species.

G. rosea
G. pulchripes
B. albo
B. Boehmei
C. darlingi
L. parabybana
C. fasciatum
P. irminia
O. cebuensis

I attached some photos of my babies. Check it out.

487330_3362905718757_832763848_n.jpg 417616_3426917199004_71010278_n.jpg 208976_3364211751407_1977225302_n.jpg 603533_3362461347648_736331367_n.jpg 523722_3362293343448_946905268_n.jpg

Aside from tarantulas, I'm also into music.
I play guitar in a band, I sing in bars sometimes.
I'm also into ballet and theater.
Just feel like sayin' it. hehe
Braggin' a little.

I hope I'll learn a lot here, coz' I'm planning to expand my collection.

Peace out everyone...!


Aug 9, 2012
Hi am Mark.
I have 5 Ts, LP, G,rosea, B,smithi sling, A,minatrix,OBT. I will get more.
I came across this site when looking at pics of Ts and had a link, it had good info so thought I will join.


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2012
Hello all, my name is Víctor from Oregon. I currently have a young G. Rosea female, and will be getting a sub-adult male P. Imperator, a sub-adult male H. Arizonensis , and a sub-adult male S. Mesaensis soon.


Sep 3, 2012
Hey Everyone!

Hey! Name's Vicky, 18 from South Florida. Just got my first 2 T's last week, juvi male b. smithi and a female l. parahybana. Been into exotics since forever, and i couldn't resist the offer of getting these 2 little guys (little for now anyways!) but if you ever have questions about anything scaly or furry I'm your go to gal! I will be posting pictures up soon! :biggrin: