Introduce Yourself


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
Well, hi there! (waves)

So, here I am..the proud new owner of the most adorable tarantula. (OK, actually, it is my son's..she was a birthday gift for my son..but we both claim her as our own lol)

This is our first tarantula pet..and we are learning so much from her. we have both looked over the net for info on rose hairs..(her name is "Rosie..Posie"). I wanted to join here after seeking info and have found so much already by reading the forum.I will try to put a picture of Rosie up soon.

We are eagerly waiting for her first molting..but so far nothing..*patience we tell ourselves..patience*

anyways..that is us for now..

we look forward to learning more from here and sharing our Rosie with you.
lol my Rosie is in pre-molt and went into hiding almost immediately and walled herself off... I'm eagerly awaiting her emergence to show off her new coat! (thankfully she got her glamour shots when she arrived... or perhaps that's why she's hiding:confused: :D hehe)

Asian Flash

Dec 29, 2008

Howdy. I'm Matthew mostly known as Asian Flash towards all my friends and I am Korean:cool: . I live in OC in Cali. I'm currently on my 2nd year of varsity swim as a sophmore and I enjoy to surf and play almost everything. I am currently 15, turning 16 in Feb. 3 and I joined this web because I recieved a Rose Hair not to long ago with permission and enjoy it with a passion. My next tarantula will either be a Chaco Gold, Mex Red Knee, or Pink toe (all female). I have a Rose Hair Male, not even ready for mating and I enjoy keeping koi fish. :)


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2008
What's happenin ArachnoBoards Fans? My name is Marcus. I hale from Central Ohio. I'm currently a full time student at The Ohio State University for Environmental Science. I recently became a collector of ts and have definitely been bitten by the addiction. My friends all think i'm nuts for the new hobby. I currently have 5 beginner ts and have 10 slings on the way this coming Friday. I'm sticking with all NW ts and don't think i'm ready for an OW just yet. I like the simplicity of the NWs, not to mention the somewhat docile nature and low bite aftermath. I'm also a huge outdoor adventurer and am always hiking and kayaking. If you ever need someone to show you the local trails or waterways of Ohio let me know!


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2008
Finally a member of Arachnoboards.

My name is Wayne. I was born and raised in Texas. I have been searching this site for quite some time and just became a member today. I am very excited that I now am a member and can share my picture threads. I will be posting my pics soon so look out for them.


Jan 1, 2009
Hello Arachnoboards

hey. i'm obviously new here so i'll be quick. i received my first T from a friend about a week and a half ago. it's a female Pterinochilus Murinas, not a good starter from what i hear. i've had no trouble with it yet and plan to keep it that way. i bought a Grammostosa Rosea last Friday and have a feeling i might have got the 1 in a 1000 that isn't so friendly. i also have a female juvenile bearded dragon, but i'll talk about her elsewhere. i look forward to posting some pics and posing questions here. till then...
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Dec 19, 2008
Hello all,My name is adele
I am pretty new to keeping T` so far i have
Gramastola rosea(female)
Avicularia avicularia(not sure of sex)
bracyphelma smithi(sling)
nahandu chromatus(female)

SF Phon fan

Jul 13, 2006
Hello Arachnoboards

I am a big fan of Arachnoboards and spiders in general, with my area of emphasis being venemous spiders. I have done a lot or research, and am very interested in accumulating a large selection of venemous spiders(Loxocoles,Latrodectus,Sicarius(Hahni or Terrsous), and especially Phoneutria.I am a responsible and mature owner, and both respect the danger and power of these creatures. In the American invert scene, getting your hands on Phoneutria are very hard. I have had 3 juveniles, and all have expired. I am interested in acquiring both Phoneutria Nigriventers or feras,either sub-adults or adults, and both sexes, of these two species. I will be renewing my import license here shortly, and any help from my fellow arachnid enthusiasts is appreciated. I look forward to corresponding with and viewing both threads and personal e-mails and messages. Thank you.


Dec 30, 2008
whats up everyone?

my names earl, im 18, and i just got a t. blondi (goliath birdeater). i have always wanted one and finally came across one.

so ill be on the forum from now on! woo!

Scoota Dad

Jan 3, 2009
Hi from a Vespa Riding Emperor Scorpion Owner.

Hi, My name's Geoff, I received A baby Emperor scorpion for my 40th in November which I named Nero . I'm from the UK, I'm hoping to get a female next week to keep him company(the shop I got him from got some in yesterday but they were all too big and I didn't want him to be on the menu).hopefully I'll and post some pictures of him/them when they are bigger as everytime I try to take a photo all I get is a blurred image of him.


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2009
Hi everyone!

My name is Josée. I'm a french canadian with the animal fever. All kinds of animals. I have alot here. But I will start by saying I have 3 beautiful children and an amazing hubby that I call: "Mon Gros Nounours", translation: My Big Teddy Bear. Because he is one.

I also have a mini-farm that includes: 3 llamas, 4 goats, hens, ducks, rabbits. I also have 2 dogs outside. A male mix golden and a male mix malamute. In the house, I have 5 dogs, 1 cat, 1 hedgehog, 4 corn snakes, 2 ball pythons, 1 leucistic texas rat snake, 1 desert rosy boa, some worms, crickets, rats, hoppers, hamsters, degus (octodons), 1 chinchilla, 1 cockatiel, 1 budgie and some turtledoves (about 15). I knew I forgot something... Doh! I have some tarantulas too! Of course!

Big family and I love them all very much except for the bugs. LOL!

I could say alot more but that's enough for now.

Jojos ;)

Lars F.

Jul 13, 2008

my name is Lars, i´am from Germany and i would like to say hello to everyone here. I keep a lot of tarantulas and other Spiders.
I look forward to get into a conversation with you!;)

Best regards,


Old Timer
Jan 3, 2009
New dude...

I just got my first tarantula that i ordered today. its a pinktoe spiderling. 3/4"
he's a cute little guy. got him in a good size tube that he came in. just added a little substrate, and a stick it can crawl on. and, he's pretty happy so far. he's been all over the place in it. hope i dont kill him.
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Jan 3, 2009
hi everyone

Good day to all, glad to have found this site as i wanted to start keeping tarantulas, this site is just what i need to get more informations... I'm from the Philippines by the way and currently have one B. smithi...


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2009

Hi all,
I'm Ken from UK, just got into T hobby with a 5" G. Rosea. Used to keep reptiles and this is my first foray into T's, of which it won't be the last!
I'm 41, a tattoo artist, have a girlfriend and drive a mondeo.
noticed loads of conflicting info with regards to care of this species, so am trying lots! pet shop sold me the wrong substrate for it for a start, (fine small wood chippings), although she doesnt seem to mind it at all, it's a pig for creating humidity in the tank!
keep smiling


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2009

Hey, My name is Neo. I live in Quebec, Canada and so far I have 3 beginner tarantulas. A Rosie, a Brazilian StripeKnee and a Mexican RedKnee. Im hoping that by registering to this forum I'll be able to get a little more information on my spiders and how to care for them. When I first got these I wasnt informed properly and so Im a little panicky now on their wellbeing. Hopefully you guys can help :3


Mar 4, 2008
Hello this is the infamous SPDRgod. I've been around for almost a year but I had a rocky start and lets just say have made friends really slow hear since.
Sorry one more time Mr Nefcy your regalis' are getting huge and hate me too!
nonetheless I've gotten some awesome spdrs n bugs from this place. I have a small exotic animal business and I've been using this site as a great way to stock my inventory with quality and variety. I feel guilty I've profited off the adds and haven't gave ya a cent so if someone here shows me an address I have a modest contribution I'd like to donate...Not half the jerk I may be seen as but my tempers a tiger by the tail at best.



Old Timer
Jan 7, 2009
Fairly recent arachnid fan

Hi all. Just joined. I've been breeding boas and pythons for around 8 or 9 years and within the last few years have been swept away by little bugs called tarantulas. The fascination seems to grow all the time! I'm sure most of you know what I mean. Currently I maintain and study:

0.2 Avicularia metallica
0.1 Aphonopelma anax
0.1 Aphonopelma chalcodes
0.1 Aphonopelma moderatum (I think!)
0.1 Aphonopelma seemani
0.1 Brachypelma albopilosum
1.2 Brachypelma smithi
0.2 Brachypelma vagans
0.1 Grammastola aureostiata (huge!)
0.3 Grammastola rosea (1flame)
0.1 Heteroscodra maculata
0.1 Nhandu cromatus
0.1 Poecilotheria regalis
0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia (female?
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus

And some young ones I'm not quite sure what they are! (The best kinds)
And a fair amount of scorpions of different species.
Not a huge collection, but still growing all the time. I really enjoy watching their natural behavior.

Quick question if someone can answer it - how do you tell Avicularia avicularia from A. braunshauseni?:wall:

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Oct 17, 2008
Hey all, my name is Jessie, I'm 16 and I live in Liverpool, Northwest England.
I've been keeping reptiles since I was 10/11, and have narrowed it down to a small collection now, consisting of:

Royal Pythons
Boa Constrictors
Corn Snakes

I'm also an avid Fishkeeper, until recently I kept Red Bellied Pirahnas and Freshwater Stingrays along with Arrowana, cummunity setups, various crustaceans, catfish, live bearers, egg layers and also spent some time breeding Angelfish. Unfortantely due to financial conditions I only keep Goldfish at the moment.

I started keeping Tarantulas at 11 years old. I had quite severe arachnophobia and decided I would once and for all get over my fear of spiders. I went to the pet shop with my dad, bought a large exo terra, heatmat, hides, substrate and a large Avic Avic. The day I got it home it ate and drank (think it might have been a little dehyrated) and did well for quite a while. People say Avics are skittish and fast but that was the most darling spider you could own. She never ever flicked hairs, she never reared up, and she never really got spooked, even with my pathetic attempts to handle her back then. Thats probably why I feel even worse that after a year she just seemed to go downhill and died (poor thing). I put it down to incorrect humidity levels for prolonged period of time. Mistake of course. I was quite disheartened when she died, so didn't keep any other spiders until I was 15 (a year ago) in which I got a Cobalt Blue. She did very well, and was more nervous than aggressive. After about a year she somehow escaped (I still do not know to this day how but she definately was not in that cage), needless to say I was gutted. So last year I got myself a Chilean Rose (who is the evilist little bugger, bless her) and she is still going strong today.

After that, in order, I got:

Salmon Pink Tarantula
Chilean Rose no2
Skeleton Tarantulas x2
Brachypelma Boehmi
Brachypelma albiceps x2
Haplopelma Minax x2 (M+F Pair)
Blue Fang Tarantula
Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

and Grammostola sp. 'North'
These T's seem to be doing great now (thank god) and I am constantly upgrading my collection. I also have a small number of scorps (Emperor + Desert Hairy).

So, bar my obsessive addiction to animals, I love horse riding, I have been riding for five years. I also love photography, I have just started out with my own camera. I love any kind of Art or Poetry and have a little secret addiction to piercings (6 so far..and thats just in my face LOL). I do like tattoo's, but I prefer to admire others work. I have one tattoo I got when I was 15, it was very nicely done, but I won't be choosing any more for quite a few years I don't think.

I'm looking to upgade my collection again within the next week or two, I won't tell you what I have in mind until I get them ;) . But I'm very excited!
Overall, I'm very new to Tarantulas, and I don't have the natural knack some people seem to have, that makes keeping Tarantulas thriving 'so easy'. But I'm going to work as hard as I can to make sure all my spiders are thriving, and to learn as much as I can that makes many of you so successfull with these creatures.

Ooof, what an essay! But I guess its a change of pace from the usual introductions! ;P

I will leave you with a pic of my little fiesty Chilean Rose, Alice.

:) J x



Jan 9, 2009
umm hi my name is anthony davis iam form sc i really am 14 hey how do i post new threads on the forums o yea and i have 2 roseies and a king baboon and a brazilian black