rosehaired1979 - I know what you are talking about, after a molt they are stunning spiders, in my opinion one of the prettiest ones. The bad thing with them is that it takes forever for them to molt. Mine molted for the fist time at my house last week and I have had her for almost two years.
Wow. I have been very intersted in this species. I think it is going to be my next purchase. It looks so velvety( <---- prolly not a real word or is it?), actually it looks soft and furry like my black cat....
Well last night it took 3-3.5 hrs for my G.pulchra to moult yesterday and it was to dark to take any pics of it so I took some pics this morning. Also pics of my B.emilia that moulted 2 weeks ago.
Here is oscar in his "Exoterra" Oscar is getting a little older now and starting to look at females a little different lately! if you know what I mean. I have promised him "someday you will meet a girl! :}
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