Too many questions about uninteresting tarantulas and lack of common sense

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Old Timer
Aug 18, 2003
What's goin on lately, I'm seeing to may post about G. rosea. Also a lot of questions being posted about basic things you can read in the TKG. I feel there are a lot more interesting Ts to talk about, plus I feel some the questions being asked on the boards could be answered by doing research plus some due diligence.
I just browsed all 57 threads you started and you are correct, all are quite lame. Please start an exiting thread now.



Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
... I can understand Pavlor not seeing the TKG he is in Finland! ...
BINGO! :biggrin:

---------- Post added 01-25-2012 at 08:53 AM ----------

i've just rejoined, ...
Welcome back!

---------- Post added 01-25-2012 at 09:05 AM ----------

I'm a huge fan of people bumping old threads with new and relevant questions or information. ...
I have to agree with you. Old threads often need updating as new data or techniques are developed, and if older relevant postings are occasionally bumped the novice has an opportunity to learn what we grizzled old f**ts have known for decades. There's nothing wrong with a little redundancy, per se. It's only the bad things that we're institutionalizing through it that make it wrong.


Sep 26, 2010
I just browsed all 57 threads you started and you are correct, all are quite lame. Please start an exiting thread now.


They may be lame, but they are not repetitive. Anyways, The topic of this thread was a response to a volume of questions that to me and some others thought could be answered by doin some research. I did 2 months of research before getting my first Ts so I could give them the best possible living conditions, food, water, etc. Some people buy a T first and ask questions later, which I don't understand. I just think if your gonna buy and care for an animal shouldn't you find out as much as you can about it first?

---------- Post added 01-25-2012 at 10:43 AM ----------

I just browsed all 57 threads you started and you are correct, all are quite lame. Please start an exiting thread now.


This thread is the most exciting thread the past few days (fistpump)
Last edited:


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I knew this would go viral. :ninja:

I think the issue is that when someone new joins they don't ever bother to read the threads about what to do before you post. May I suggest revamping the part of the boards discussing what do do before you post?


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2005
If people would stop asking the stupid (or repeat, take your pick) questions, then the discussion forum's front page would be full of threads that are actually semi important or require more brainpower and discussion than 'why won't my rosie eat?' or 'does this look like premolt?' or any other similar threads.
xhexdx, what may be an unimportant question to you may be a very important one for someone that's new to the hobby. The question "Why won't my rosie eat?" may be one of the dumbest questions to you, but to a noob the fact that their tarantula is not eating may be stressful simply because they may not know tarantula's can go for long periods without eating. In that case it's a very important question. I will agree the search function is great, but I was new to this forum once too and had no idea what I was doing.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
xhexdx, what may be an unimportant question to you may be a very important one for someone that's new to the hobby. The question "Why won't my rosie eat?" may be one of the dumbest questions to you, but to a noob the fact that their tarantula is not eating may be stressful simply because they may not know tarantula's can go for long periods without eating. In that case it's a very important question. I will agree the search function is great, but I was new to this forum once too and had no idea what I was doing.
Would you agree that people should research animals they plan to keep before acquiring them?

No, I don't expect they should know every little quirk about tarantulas prior to getting one, but I'd think it would be common sense to look up the basics before buying an animal.

That being said, the example you provided of "Why won't my rosie eat?" isn't a dumb question, but it's certainly a repeat question and is answered in at least one, if not more, stickies on this site.

That's all I'm trying to say.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
The only excuse for not using the search function is being new to the Internet,or never being on a website before and not even knowing what a search engine is.. Common sense tells most people "Holy crap,there is a search engine BUILT RIGHT INTO THE SITE,I will use that before I ask anything,because I might find the answer ON MY OWN!!!"
Now there is a novel idea.....


Jun 15, 2010
---------- Post added 01-25-2012 at 10:43 AM ----------


This thread is the most exciting thread the past few days (fistpump)
Pretty much!

Ok. I don't post very often, I actually don't see the point in saying what has already been said.
...But I have to agree, its getting out of control. Its laziness, not necessarily stupidity. And not being familiar with forums is no excuse- you found the site, I'm pretty sure you can figure out how to look around it.
I'm not sure why people think they're above searching & sifting through old threads when they want info. I have to sift through this mess when I want to read something interesting on AB. When experienced members advise using the search engine its not about being mean, condescending or belittling to the new guy. They're offering help. That advice will turn up more than the few replies that will arise from starting the same thread that the other guy did last week. Bump his thread if you don't find the answer to your question. Bump the thread from 7 years ago if its relevant (you'll find it when you search).
Or find another hobby. Because if you're not willing to educate yourself, no one is going to take you seriously, you're probably not going to get invested in this hobby, and you'll likely be part of the turnover ^ those guys are talking about.
No? Don't want another hobby? Take this one seriously, buck up & do what everyone else had to do- their homework.

Quite frustrating.


Staff member
Apr 11, 2010
"Give a man a fish(answer), he eats for a day, teach a man to fish(learn to use the search function) and he eats for a lifetime." ;)


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2005
Would you agree that people should research animals they plan to keep before acquiring them?
I would agree with you. The problem is that not everyone does this for some reason or another. My first tarantula was given to me by a friend that caught one in Texas. I knew nothing of keeping it so I came here and got TKG. I'm sure I had dumb posts if I went back and looked, I have no doubts about it. It was an exciting time to post a question and have others help me out. Yes, the search function is excellent and can help out with most questions, I would agree. I just remember those first few days/weeks with my first tarantula. It was kind of scary especially since I was an arachnophobe. :)

This is not directed at xhexdx only, but the questions of "What should I get next?" can be be helpful to some that are just getting started in the hobby. Not everyone is at the same experience level when it comes to owning tarantulas. If someone gets to the point where they think they can handle another tarantula maybe someone could help them out in what to purchase before they go out and buy something they're not ready for (ie- a pokie). Just saying. Again, EVERYONE should research whatever animal they would like to get before buying, but that doesn't always happen.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
I also agree that people should research before bringing a new animal home. I doubt anyone who frequents this forum would argue against that statement. The problem is that most of the people out there don't think that way. Inverts (and reptiles) are small, easy to house, and a large percentage of them are bought on impulse from people who are clueless about proper husbandry. The new G. rosea owner then gets home, sets up their pet according to the pet store employee's instructions, jumps on Google, and discovers this site. We all know what comes next most of the time... Yes, the person should use the search function to try to find his/her answers. Yes, that person should have also researched before ever even bringing the pet home. They didn't, and there's nothing any of us can do about it. The only thing that we can control is how we respond to these people when they get here. That response can in some cases make a difference in whether we add a new member to our hobby, or send someone for the door. These new hobbiests should absolutely be educated about the search function and the stickies. I just don't see why it should be that hard to provide that education in a more friendly tone or, even better, through the use of PMs. Just treat people the way you would like to be treated, and remember that the new keeper's G. rosea is just as important to him/her as your P. metallica or M. Balfouri is to you. This isn't directed at anyone in particular by the way, just a general rant.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2011
I think if some people were to put forth as much effort, as they do trying to get others to use the search function, into something like politics we may actually get a few things done once and a while. haha

ps; and I love to clutter the forums with nonsense :D


Jun 13, 2011
I think if some people were to put forth as much effort, as they do trying to get others to use the search function, into something like politics we may actually get a few things done once and a while. haha
Except most people told to search don't even bother with it.


Jan 27, 2012
I got to this thread while researching G. rosea. I'm sorting through the various opinions on whether or not this is a good starteer species. Know what I've learned? No one knows. Some say yes, they are easy and voracious eaters, some say they are not good for beginners because they can be unpredictable and go off of feed for no appearant reason. Now, I was thinking of asking for a single thread where those who've been around a while can give an opinion in one thread so we could work it out, weighing the pros and cons in one thread. Now, after reading this, I'm hesitant to start any thread at all about this species for fear of being shunned for starting another "stupid" thread. I'd like to thank all of you for really making a new guy feel welcome and like he could ask anything. I've read the stickies and the care sheet here (as well as other sources) but really thought a single thread would help me sort through it easier. Guess I was wrong, here anyways.


Aug 12, 2011
I got to this thread while researching G. rosea. I'm sorting through the various opinions on whether or not this is a good starteer species. Know what I've learned? No one knows. Some say yes, they are easy and voracious eaters, some say they are not good for beginners because they can be unpredictable and go off of feed for no appearant reason. Now, I was thinking of asking for a single thread where those who've been around a while can give an opinion in one thread so we could work it out, weighing the pros and cons in one thread. Now, after reading this, I'm hesitant to start any thread at all about this species for fear of being shunned for starting another "stupid" thread. I'd like to thank all of you for really making a new guy feel welcome and like he could ask anything. I've read the stickies and the care sheet here (as well as other sources) but really thought a single thread would help me sort through it easier. Guess I was wrong, here anyways.
What's the difference whether it is in one thread or multiple threads? T's have their own personalities. Some species are more likely to be docile but you will always find people who have the exceptions.

My pros and cons imo and experience with a G. rosea(5-6 months, I know I'm not an expert):
Cons: They can be unpredictable. Mine strikes my tongs but allows me to "pet" it or pick it up. Hates the tongs I guess. She wont eat dubai roaches but pounces on crickets. She used to kick hairs but she hasn't in awhile. Not very exciting. Doesn't eat a lot (it's a pro too)

Pros: Hard to kill. Only needs her water filled once a week. Doesn't eat a lot so I don't have to make too many cricket runs. Likes it very dry so no worry about mold or mites. Allows me to handle her occasionally. Is always on display. Cowers instead of attacking if I open the container.

I've encountered all types of people in the real world and on the internet. Start whatever thread you like. If someone says something hurtful or rude, just ignore them. Someone else will say something nice. I think people get upset because newbies often just throw out a question without looking it up first. I have done this myself. If you start a new thread let people know what your concerns are and that you tried to find the information first. There are so many different people here with different levels of experience. The very experienced don't want to keep reading the same questions that come up everyday.

I think it would be good to have different forums for different levels of keepers. A newbie section, a mid section and an expert section would be awesome! Allowing everyone to join in whichever topic they like. But, if you feel you want to ask whether or not a G. rosea is a good starter, you can place it in the Newbie area. If you want to ask a breeding question you can place it in the middle area or expert (depending on the question of course). That way if someone gives you crap for asking a Newbie question in the expert area, the OP will deserve it.


Jan 27, 2012
What's the difference whether it is in one thread or multiple threads? T's have their own personalities. Some species are more likely to be docile but you will always find people who have the exceptions.

My pros and cons imo and experience with a G. rosea(5-6 months, I know I'm not an expert):
Cons: They can be unpredictable. Mine strikes my tongs but allows me to "pet" it or pick it up. Hates the tongs I guess. She wont eat dubai roaches but pounces on crickets. She used to kick hairs but she hasn't in awhile. Not very exciting. Doesn't eat a lot (it's a pro too)

Pros: Hard to kill. Only needs her water filled once a week. Doesn't eat a lot so I don't have to make too many cricket runs. Likes it very dry so no worry about mold or mites. Allows me to handle her occasionally. Is always on display. Cowers instead of attacking if I open the container.

I've encountered all types of people in the real world and on the internet. Start whatever thread you like. If someone says something hurtful or rude, just ignore them. Someone else will say something nice. I think people get upset because newbies often just throw out a question without looking it up first. I have done this myself. If you start a new thread let people know what your concerns are and that you tried to find the information first. There are so many different people here with different levels of experience. The very experienced don't want to keep reading the same questions that come up everyday.

I think it would be good to have different forums for different levels of keepers. A newbie section, a mid section and an expert section would be awesome! Allowing everyone to join in whichever topic they like. But, if you feel you want to ask whether or not a G. rosea is a good starter, you can place it in the Newbie area. If you want to ask a breeding question you can place it in the middle area or expert (depending on the question of course). That way if someone gives you crap for asking a Newbie question in the expert area, the OP will deserve it.
Thanks, appreciate the answer ( I may get a rosie anyways, for several reasons). The reason I was thinking one thread is I just did a search and it took me 2 hours to read/sift through everyone's opinions and if the search had lead to one thread where people praised/lambasted the G. Rosea as a first spider, it would be much easier for a lot of people to read through and make their own decision.


Aug 12, 2011
Thanks, appreciate the answer ( I may get a rosie anyways, for several reasons). The reason I was thinking one thread is I just did a search and it took me 2 hours to read/sift through everyone's opinions and if the search had lead to one thread where people praised/lambasted the G. Rosea as a first spider, it would be much easier for a lot of people to read through and make their own decision.
A single thread would be ideal. Here's a very interesting link about G. roseas although you probably already saw it somewhere if you were looking through other threads.

---------- Post added 01-28-2012 at 01:12 PM ----------

PS: This comes to you from the writers of the TKG.


Sep 24, 2010
Yay for the T.K.G and the correct spelling....:tongue::geek::roflmao:


Feb 3, 2011
Wow, my eyes hurt after reading through this whole thing lol. Anyways, for the most part, I like the way Shell answers questions. I've read most of the posts lately, and she usually answers the question and points out the search function. Also, I'd like to say IMO, some people may start these repetative threads to up their post count. So if anybody is doing that, I would suggest searching the topic and bumping an old thread with your question or comment about it. I may be wrong, but just a thought.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Also, I'd like to say IMO, some people may start these repetative threads to up their post count. So if anybody is doing that, I would suggest searching the topic and bumping an old thread with your question or comment about it. I may be wrong, but just a thought.
If the thread is started in Tarantula Chat, it won't increase your post count. Tarantula Questions and Discussions will.
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