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  1. Thoth

    tarantulas drumming

    My A.genic would do it when she was coming up on a molt.
  2. Thoth

    Megaphobema Mesomelas Theories

    The region they are from in Costa Rica ranges in temperature from 80°F (occasionally higher) to about 65° which means basically unless you keep your home at ridiculous extremes of temperature whatever your room temp should be fine. The bigger issue is rh for that region rarely drops below 75%...
  3. Thoth

    Dead sling after molting?

    Sadly occasionally slings just die for no clear discernible reason thats unrelated to their care or husbandry. Sometimes the stress of molting is too much for a sling. Had the same happen with several slings, through out the years. Though very stupid question are you sure its dead? just...
  4. Thoth

    Tips for rehousing small, quick tarantulas?

    Bag Method
  5. Thoth

    Building a T enclosure on a budget (w/ pics)

    Nothing wrong with soil fortified with fertilizers, these fertilizers are nothing more than mineral salts. I used straight peat for all my ts that needed dry conditions and 50/50 peat/vermiculite for those who need more humid conditions. Ultimately the substrate does not matter that much for...
  6. Thoth

    Need to sanitize rotting wood

    From a microbiology stand point to completely destroy any microorganisms, spores (bacterial or fungal), endotoxins/pyrogens, etc bake at 250°F for 3 hours, you could get away with a lower temperature but for a longer time. I would not bake at any higher temp. Though these conditions are if you...
  7. Thoth

    Advice on Creating a carnivorous garden...

    You can get a round the the dormancy issue with using CP's of a tropical origin they do not require a dormancy period but are hard to find and I think you are limited to nepenthes and certain species of drosera and ultricularia. The problem is they quickly out grow your container and like bigboy...
  8. Thoth

    YES getting a snake

    Then why not just get a corn snake?
  9. Thoth

    Baby possum wont go away..

    Plus grinners make decent eating and you can get beer money with their pelts.
  10. Thoth

    YES getting a snake

    For a male kenyan sand boa a 10 gal is sufficient. As for size of prey for a snake, rule of thumb is the diameter of the prey item shouldn't be thicker than the widest part of your snake.
  11. Thoth

    Something unusual ?

    Has she molted at all between mating and egg laying? If so it could be a false egg sac which happens on occasion. I had a H.lividum that would do that on occasion.
  12. Thoth

    A.avic Enclosure (pcs)

    Looks better suited for a humidity loving terrestrial, like AbraCadavar stated a taller narrow enclosure is better for avics. Mine rarely ever went down unto the substrate. Beautiful setup nonetheless.
  13. Thoth

    Deformed Legs Molting Issue

    A couple of years ago I got a G.rosea as rescue. Apparently the previous owner did not have clue of what he was doing and somehow legs III and IV on both sides end up badly deformed. Traditional wisdom would say a few molts and the legs should be as good as new. That is not the case. While it...
  14. Thoth mother caught me a mantis last night!

    Used to see them and their ootheca all time as a kid not so much anymore (then again I live in the city)
  15. Thoth

    Questions about E.murinus..

    You could always "shark cage"* the male in the "female"'s enclosure. If he is ready to mate he will start drumming, if the female is receptive she will come out of her burrow. Nowhere near guarenteed to work but its a start. * Shark cage is to the male in a small container in the larger...
  16. Thoth

    Beginner Questions

    Depending on what year but according to the gov't inflation calculator roughly $90-$110.
  17. Thoth

    Pure black pall python?

    N.E.R.D. used to have on their website a primer on genetics, with emphasis on snake alleles.
  18. Thoth

    Tokay question male?

    Wait till it starts calling. It'll drive you nuts.
  19. Thoth

    Real Pet Rock

    Only time my brachys hole up like that was premolt.