Dead sling after molting?


Jun 17, 2019
36D590E2-8788-474C-A462-F118D508A334.jpeg I got a a. avic on 8/19 was goin great spinning its web eatin good, it molted for the first time on 10/23 with no complications, came home and poof healthy molted baby. I havent’t fed him yet (though i did feed some small flightless flies a few days before molting, but they were gone by the end of the day) bc ive heard its best to wait a bit before feeding after a molt and i normally will feed him at the end of the week. The lil dudes been doin great, then this morning i find him at the bottom of the cage in a death curl. He was a little over a 1/2 inch after the molt, a little under a 1/2 inch before it, plenty of ventilation in the cage but had a lil water bowl i kept filled and i had him in a sauce cup inside a tank for when he got bigger with air plants i spayed once a week, so plenty of ventilation and not to much but enough moisture. (i think) I’ll attach photos of him in his enclosure alive and happy before the molt, and his body now. I hope someone can tell me what couldve happened or what i couldve done to avoid it. I’m so sad, I really thought he has been doing good since he molted so well. :(

this is the enclosure btw, he was in the little cup


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Old Timer
Jun 9, 2005
Sadly occasionally slings just die for no clear discernible reason thats unrelated to their care or husbandry. Sometimes the stress of molting is too much for a sling. Had the same happen with several slings, through out the years.

Though very stupid question are you sure its dead? just because thats not really a classic death curl (maybe because its up against the side of the container)


Jun 17, 2019
Sadly occasionally slings just die for no clear discernible reason thats unrelated to their care or husbandry. Sometimes the stress of molting is too much for a sling. Had the same happen with several slings, through out the years.

Though very stupid question are you sure its dead? just because thats not really a classic death curl (maybe because its up against the side of the container)
Im nor entirely positive its dead, but ive never seen it on the bottom of the cage ever and its unresponsive. I figure it may just be a random death, but wanted to check and see if anyone noticed mistakes I couldve made.
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Oct 13, 2017
To be honest, I'm not comfortable with the whole setup. Yes, there's ventilation, but a container within another container that is misted regularly could mean stuffy conditions inside the little cup nonetheless. And that could be detrimental for an Avic sling.
Also, the deli cup isn't set up for an Avic. They need height and some structure to web on.

I'd get it out of there ASAP and see if it still lives, and then put it in a well ventilated and taller container outside the other enclosure.

Hannahs Herps

Jan 31, 2018
To be honest, I'm not comfortable with the whole setup. Yes, there's ventilation, but a container within another container that is misted regularly could mean stuffy conditions inside the little cup nonetheless. And that could be detrimental for an Avic sling.
Also, the deli cup isn't set up for an Avic. They need height and some structure to web on.

I'd get it out of there ASAP and see if it still lives, and then put it in a well ventilated and taller container outside the other enclosure.
Yeah the idea of an enclosure inside of an enclosure doesn't sound great, could definitely make for a stuffy inside enclosure


Old Timer
May 28, 2006
Does the enclosure always sit near the window? It's also possible there's some excess heat in there during the day from greenhouse effect. Lost a boa that way once, when a veterinary technician left her enclosure in direct sunlight for a few hours. Not sure if that's an issue, but it's good to eliminate possibilities too.


Jun 17, 2019
Does the enclosure always sit near the window? It's also possible there's some excess heat in there during the day from greenhouse effect. Lost a boa that way once, when a veterinary technician left her enclosure in direct sunlight for a few hours. Not sure if that's an issue, but it's good to eliminate possibilities too.
Its normally in a bookshelf far away from direct light, I moved it there just for the photo, but very good to keep in mind!

Yeah the idea of an enclosure inside of an enclosure doesn't sound great, could definitely make for a stuffy inside enclosure
I'll definitely try moving it out of the other container, and keep it out of there in the future. I kept it in the container I bought it in, despite my doubts about the height because that's what the lady at the vivarium recommended, but honestly I've read enough I should've know pet store people often don't know enough about Ts
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Aug 30, 2019
I am so sorry if your sling is passed I have one the same size, molted once and it would devastate me if she passed away, how long did you have her?


Dec 26, 2018
Are you sure it’s dead? That position looks more like a stressed T or one that just molted; I wouldn’t remove it until it starts to smell; have you tried checking to see if it’s dead?