Who's Behind the Computer - Part 3

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Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
And people wonder why some women like posting pictures: because it's fun {D (not to worry, I was not posting a photo in an effort to antagonize anyone, namely anyone male)


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
low quality webcam pic (Ruger P94 .40 that I posted about in TWH earlier this week *Christmas came early*):
Why is your finger in the trigger guard if you're not about to shoot that thing? Bad form. :embarrassed:


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Sep 23, 2002
Wait, where am I? :confused:

Oh yeah, in the PICTURE THREAD ... with all this yapping going on, I almost forgot. :rolleyes:

Let's get with the ON TOPIC (posting of pictures of yourselves) please.

Thanks. :)



Old Timer
Mar 16, 2006
Okay, a few more. I'll play by the "no yapping" rules. {D

Okay, that's enough sappiness and lovie-dovie stuff... thanks for indulging me everyone! :worship:


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
I like when the no Yapping laws are enforced! I can post without feeling like something bad will happen :)

Me trying to take my own pic using the mirror... there must be a secret to this method that I just don't know {D


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
I think it's these responses that inhibit people from posting pictures. I know I always feel incredibly stupid after posting a picture of myself.
We post pictures only to show a little bit of us, some of us post crazy pictures and some others serious pictures, why?, well like Cheshire said, self esteem plays an important rol here some of us are extroverted and others are introverted... but don't feel bad or stupid after posting a picture, it's only to show a part of your life, to have fun :} ;P

Oh, get over yourself.

When I compliment someone, it's because I truly feel I should or because I want to. If there were a comperable situation in real life (such as Arachnocon), I would most likely say the same exact thing. A lot of people won't post pictures because of self esteem issues and as long as it isn't *too* creepy, compliments do help to re-enforce the community type feel Scott and Debby are trying to go for.

Besides, you don't honestly think I'm trying to hook up with someone I'm probably not ever going to meet (or spend more than three days with), do you?
Yeah man.. you're right :D


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
for example.. here's me looking like a stupid and little funny.. but oohhh well.. any ways.. ;P


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
lunix...I used to love drinking heineken and eating oreos, odd combination but it's pretty good. If you can find them over there give em a shot :)

Why is your finger in the trigger guard if you're not about to shoot that thing? Bad form. :embarrassed:
I'm well aware of that rule. A) It wouldn't look "real" if my finger was not on the trigger, B) I have not even bought bullets for it yet, so it was completely unloaded, C) the safety was on which disengages the firing pin (rotates it out of firing position, like my Beretta), D) there was nothing to hurt or kill if a bullet had magically appeared from thin air and went off without me pulling the trigger. It would have gone through my web cam, through my monitor base, through some old text books, through my window, through some bushes and in to the dirt outside...if it had ricocheted up a little it would hit a wooden fence and there is nothing behind that for another 500+ feet.

So...don't need to shame me (although, I guess you could say I'm setting a bad example...not that I care ;) Just doing my bit to help ol' Darwin out), I'm quite experienced with firearms and am very safe with them. If there had been bullets even in the clip I would not have taken that picture without first completely unloading it. To tell you the truth, I didn't even notice for the first four or five that I took I didn't even have my finger on the trigger...it was resting against the side of the frame as is proper form when you are not ready to shoot. So...I was doing the "right" thing subconsciously and had to consciously "correct" myself. :eek:

Then there's movie actors who regularily point and shoot weapons at each other loaded with blanks. But, if memory serves, there have been a few accidental injuries even with blanks. I'm not saying they should or should not use them that way, but worse things happen even with blanks.

Again...totally unloaded weapon, no bullets for it anywhere in my humble abode, I had stripped it down twice prior to that picture so I knew there weren't any bullets hiding anywhere.

I do appreciate your concern though Bill :) I practice safe gun handling and am well aware of my surroundings. I should have written this along with the original picture so nobody got the wrong impression.

That pose immediately made my mind go to Seung-Hui Cho. :(

Who? Was that the guy who shot all those people recently on VA Tech's campus? After the first day or two I stopped paying attention, no reason to give him any more attention than he already received. Troubled soul or not, I'm not going to help sensationalize him. I never saw the video he sent out and I only saw a handful of pics, but none really stick in memory. Maybe Kamil was right, that avatar does redefine "scary avatars" {D
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AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
So anyone doesn't get the wrong idea...(had to black out the S/N :razz: )

Left picture is the PROPER way to hold a loaded (AND unloaded for that fact) firearm if you are NOT ready to shoot it (finger off the trigger, safety engaged, and not pointed at anything you are not prepared to destroy), right picture is how you do NOT hold a firearm if you are NOT ready to shoot it (slide, barrel, and clip removed to make Bill and possibly others happier :))


phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
i have not got a gun :eek: :eek: but i got a bed so thats where i am off to now good night every one phil


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
Who? Was that the guy who shot all those people recently on VA Tech's campus? After the first day or two I stopped paying attention, no reason to give him any more attention than he already received. Troubled soul or not, I'm not going to help sensationalize him. I never saw the video he sent out and I only saw a handful of pics, but none really stick in memory. Maybe Kamil was right, that avatar does redefine "scary avatars" {D
I don't live very far away from Blacksburg, about an hour or so. I still can't believe what happened. Even when I hear about it now, it seems kind of like a bad dream you want to wake up from (sorry about the non-yapping rule, here's another picture to make it all better) oh yeah, sorry about the colourful mess in the background, that is called my room (and the fact that I'm in my lounging gear, I'm not ashamed of it either)

Keith Richard

Old Timer
Jan 27, 2004
I don't live very far away from Blacksburg, about an hour or so. I still can't believe what happened. Even when I hear about it now, it seems kind of like a bad dream you want to wake up from (sorry about the non-yapping rule, here's another picture to make it all better) oh yeah, sorry about the colourful mess in the background, that is called my room (and the fact that I'm in my lounging gear, I'm not ashamed of it either)
Wow...Sarah, you have a Union Flag hanging up and also the same poster of the 2003(?) Speedtriple. I ride the 2001 Speedtriple (black)....I'm also very much British.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I don't live very far away from Blacksburg, about an hour or so. I still can't believe what happened. Even when I hear about it now, it seems kind of like a bad dream you want to wake up from (sorry about the non-yapping rule, here's another picture to make it all better) oh yeah, sorry about the colourful mess in the background, that is called my room (and the fact that I'm in my lounging gear, I'm not ashamed of it either)
:drool: :drool: WOW!!!! you are gorgeous. Justa compliment.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
I try to post glamorous pics since I'm a vain girl, but here's one of my absolute favorite pictures ever, my daughter and I waking up together when she was a few months old. I was still in the "mom getting no sleep" phase and look it, but I get all melty everytime I see this picture.
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Old Timer
Aug 26, 2005
I don't live very far away from Blacksburg, about an hour or so. I still can't believe what happened. Even when I hear about it now, it seems kind of like a bad dream you want to wake up from (sorry about the non-yapping rule, here's another picture to make it all better) oh yeah, sorry about the colourful mess in the background, that is called my room (and the fact that I'm in my lounging gear, I'm not ashamed of it either)
:eek: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
Me trying to take my own pic using the mirror... there must be a secret to this method that I just don't know {D
Nice picture:) , but my eyes, it is so bright:D

In a way you could say your smile lights up the room;)
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