where to draw the line?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
I contributed a relevant response a few pages back, maybe read an entire thread before jumping to conclusions? :rolleyes:
Maybe that's where you should have left it?

Does one relevant post in a thread justify the garbage post that follows?

Maybe think before you post? :rolleyes:


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
Why how kind of you to point that out, Killy! Thank you ... (smart ass ...) :D
You know me, always willing to help out. ;)

As to the subject of what species adolescents should be allowed to own - gee, I don't know - I agree with Arakatac on the Grammostolas, but actually, I think that at that age, a kid's parent(s) should own the tarantula, and teach the kid about the care and handling so that by the age of, yeah, 14 or so, he should know enough to take care of his own.

Warren Bautista

Old Timer
Jul 5, 2008

Okay, this thread is going downhill fast, so let me throw in my opinion in an attempt to get it back on track.

To answer Mr. briarpatch10:

I believe, that if a child is willing to do the research, to be prepared for what might happen, and to consult with his parents. He should be able to keep *possibly* dangerous spiders.

I, as a 14 year old, have done research on every spider in my collection, which includes African and Asian species. I know their care requirements, proper handling procedures, etc. And to the person that said something about "special care" species such as those in the Theraphosa genus, I too, am keeping these species, within what I believe are optimal conditions. I have not lost interest in these spiders, and I do not plan on losing interest in the future (Which, I suppose, is common sense). I devote much of my spare time to keeping, breeding ( I have had fertile sacs from P. regalis, P. murinus and Aphonopelma hentzi) and and studying tarantulas. When I eventually go to college, my younger brother will hopefully retain the knowledge that I am teaching him and will take care of my spiders when I am away.

You shall never pry me away from my beloved spiders. (Said with uncertainty.)
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Aug 22, 2010

Okay, this thread is going downhill fast, so let me throw in my opinion in an attempt to get it back on track.

To answer Mr. briarpatch10:

I believe, that if a child is willing to do the research, to be prepared for what might happen, and ti consult with his parents. He should be able to keep *possibly* dangerous spiders.

I, as a 14 year old, have done research on every spider in my collection, which includes African and Asian species. I know their care requirements, proper handling procedures, etc. And to the person that said something about "special care" species such as those in the Theraphosa genus, I too, am keeping these species, within what I believe are optimal conditions. I have not lost interest in
these spiders, and I do not plan on losing interest in the future. I devote much of my
spare time to keeping, breeding and studying tarantulas. When I eventually go to college,
my younger brother will hopefully retain the
knowledge that I am teaching him and will
take care of my spiders whenI am away.

You shall never pry me away from my beloved spiders.
Salvation!!! Warren, you have proof here that it can be done. 14 year olds and below can handle dangerous t's. As I was saying about 2 pages ago, it depends on the individual.



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Salvation!!! Warren, you have proof here that it can be done. 14 year olds and below can handle dangerous t's. As I was saying about 2 pages ago, it depends on the individual.

1) Nobody said it couldn't be done.

2) It absolutely depends on the individual, so to say

14 year olds and below can handle dangerous t's.
as a blanket statement is pretty irresponsible.

I do not plan on losing interest in the future.
I don't think people generally engage in hobbies they plan on losing interest in.

Warren Bautista said:
You shall never pry me away from my beloved spiders.
Do you know this with absolute certainty?

Also, I'm curious:

Warren Bautista said:
I devote much of my spare time to keeping, breeding and studying tarantulas.
What species have you successfully bred, Warren?


Xhedx: I'm just wondering, what are my two posting styles? Serious and humorous?
First of all, my username is spelled 'xhexdx'. Please either spell it correctly, or call me Joe.

Here are your two posting styles. One has proper capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. The other does not. Can you figure out which is which? ;)

id beg to differ. most of the people i know, who are under and 14, have long attention spans and will spend hours doing something they enjoy. i spend most of my time watching my t's and pedes. it is kind of unfair that teens are viewed as lazy and irresponsible. yes, it does depend on the person. a person of any age who isnt interested in spiders is probably not a good person to be selling a t to. this is not just my 2 cents, this is the hidden truth, and a truth i am willing to defend. we (14 and below) have interests, and we should be allowed to explore those interests within reasonable limits. it is not fair that we should be denied a *safe* experience because kids are viewed as irresponsible "in general."

of course im not advocating an eight year old have a pokie in their room, but im just saying that sometimes individuals need to be looked at as such. i take offense to being part of a false generalization pertaining to the attention span of my age group.

thanks for reading my essay{D,

p.s. JimM, please don't take this personally :eek:
I'm not bashing your looks, I just don't quite agree with the way you are expressing them. If you don't want threads to go off topic and attack one person, then don't do it. I will support you if you are willing to express yourself maturly and actually discuss the topic at hand.

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Jun 18, 2010
My kids love this hobby and would love to have a tarantula all to themselves but as a parent,knowing what kind of teenager I was until they are eighteen they will only ever keep manageable new world species.Had I the opportunity as a teen to keep old world T's it probably would have gone something like this.
"Hey guys look a feather leg on my face."I don't really care how responsible the kid they are all susceptible to momentary lapse of judgment,and as a parent it is my responsibility to do the best I can to care for them until they are of age and out my house! After that good luck kid!


Aug 22, 2010
Your right xhedx, my blanketing statement was pretty irresponsible, which was the reason for my next sentence. If you look at my post as a whole, these mix-ups won't happen. Furthermore, you even aknoledged my sentence about it being an individual affair. And yes xhedx, no one said that 14 year olds couldn't handle dangerous t's, but it was doubted.



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
danyboipee'd -

I read your post as a whole, and there was no mix-up.

Notice I only quoted the part I was addressing.

Your right xhedx
And what about my right xhedx? What's wrong with my left xhedx?


Aug 22, 2010
My kids love this hobby and would love to have a tarantula all to themselves but as a parent,knowing what kind of teenager I was until they are eighteen they will only ever keep manageable new world species.Had I the opportunity as a teen to keep old world T's it probably would have gone something like this.
"Hey guys look a feather leg on my face."I don't really care how responsible the kid they are all susceptible to momentary lapse of judgment,and as a parent it is my responsibility to do the best I can to care for them until they are of age and out my house! After that good luck kid!
I see what you are saying, but an adult could also have a lapse in judgement. I understand the necessity to protect your children, but, using Warren as an example, his parents trust him and know him well enough.as far as I know, Warren has yet to have a featherleg on his face.



Aug 22, 2010
danyboipee'd -

I read your post as a whole, and there was no mix-up.

Notice I only quoted the part I was addressing.

And what about my right xhedx? What's wrong with my left xhedx?
There is nothing wrong with your left xhedx. Both of them are just fine. It appears that I have made a grammatical error. Thank you for pointing it out. I also apologize that not all of my sentences stand alone. They complement eachother. My irresponsible blanketing statement was cleared up in the next sentence. However, I don't really think this thread is about grammar or whether or not my sentences can stand alone and still support my opinion.



Jun 18, 2010
I see what you are saying, but an adult could also have a lapse in judgement. I understand the necessity to protect your children, but, using Warren as an example, his parents trust him and know him well enough.as far as I know, Warren has yet to have a featherleg on his face.

Accidents occur and I'm not sure I could live with myself if something happened to my child because of a tarantula they thought they were ready for. If I get bit fine I'm an adult but buying a old world T for a child is not a risk I'm willing to take.If his parents think this is a good idea more power to them,but I parent my children.


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
I dont really get what some people are being concerned that tarantulas live 30+ years... really?(few pages back) They dont get attached to you like dogs or cats...

They don't care as long as they are in the proper conditions... so
saying that a child isn't ready to keep a tarantula, because their future might change... is kind of out of place.

These t's are regulary traded by a lot of members who enjoy keeping them... for their beauty along with their intoxicating addiction to having them... and to get their 'fix' by trading a less desirable species for one they are more interested in...(not everyones like this, just posting one example that comes to mind)...

Considering I was quite young when I joined these boards, and even younger when I was just browsing these boards... I was 14 then :)


Feb 19, 2010
I came into the hobby when I was 14 after owning a g rosea since I was 7 or 8. The first Ts got were a Mf obt, a avic, and a 4 inch p cambridgei. When I received them I had just turned 14. I did my research and followed all of the correct handling/transfer procedures. I am now 16 but looking back nothing could have prepared me for the speed and defensiveness of the obt as it flew out of the tank while i was transferring it in the bathroom. I got pokies and other crazy spiders before I reached 15.
What one really needs it the respect that these animals deserve. You can know all about where an obt comes from and whats its care requirements are but only the proper respect is what will protect you in the long run, and make the hobby a positive thing to spend your time doing. Some 14 year olds wont have this, heck some adults in the hobby dont even have it. It really does vary from person to person. With respect will also comes commitment. This is also somthing that depends on the person and is vital to having a positive time in the hobby. Most 14 year olds have the maturity of a 14 year old... They arnt very mature. Some adults have the maturity of a 10 year old. My point is that it varys from individual. However, yes, most 14 are not able to handle defensive animals because most of them lack the maturity to do so safely but there are plenty of exceptions . This is a very difficult topic do discuss because i dont really have a strait opinion on it myself, just some unorganized ideas I thought I could contribute..
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Aug 22, 2010
This is going to be my last post on this thread. I have defended not only my opinion, but also my grammar. (Joe, the reason for my two different posting styles is because my iPod has autocorrect, and puts apostraphes in my contractions, and my computer doesn't. However, I don't see how this is relevant to tarantulas.) I apologize if I have offended anyone in the course of this past evening. This thread has turned rotten, therefore I elect to exit it, before my self respect goes bad with it. I want to wish everyone happy t keeping. At the end of the day, I will do what I will do, and you all will do what you will do. There is no point in me continuing to contribute to this epic saga, as I have made my opinion as clear as I can make it.
Now, if we could all please come away from this with no hard feelings, and with great respect for eachother as people, it would be greatly appreciated by me, the mods, and everyone else that enjoys coming to arachnoboards to learn and to teach.
Thank you to all, and to all a good night,


Oct 12, 2010
Maybe that's where you should have left it?

Does one relevant post in a thread justify the garbage post that follows?

Maybe think before you post? :rolleyes:
1) Nobody said it couldn't be done.

2) It absolutely depends on the individual, so to say

as a blanket statement is pretty irresponsible.


I don't think people generally engage in hobbies they plan on losing interest in.


Do you know this with absolute certainty?

Also, I'm curious:

What species have you successfully bred, Warren?


First of all, my username is spelled 'xhexdx'. Please either spell it correctly, or call me Joe.

Here are your two posting styles. One has proper capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. The other does not. Can you figure out which is which? ;)
danyboipee'd -

I read your post as a whole, and there was no mix-up.

Notice I only quoted the part I was addressing.

And what about my right xhedx? What's wrong with my left xhedx?
Listen to joe, he is awesome and an idol to many, how can anyone not love this guy, He talks alot of sence, and should be taken seriously

now for my opinion...

for the many years iv bred, and sold T's in the UK, i have not would not, sell an oldworld to anyone under the age of 18, i see alot of poecilotheria species being brought up only, i wouldnt even sell an new world defencive T to an under 18 (at my knowledge) but this is just me, i dont do it for any other reason than, For his/her own safety, and the spider's safety. Does this not come as a valid reason not to sell a hot species or defencive species to under 18's, maybe to most.. No its not a valid reason, but this here is how i feel about it, and should be taken into consideration, that im doing this because of your safety not my own, its not to make a pritty penny, infact somtimes a lose more, but it is to help the hobby, and to help others understand this miss-understood animal we all love {D

(sorry for typo errors, some of the letters on my keyboard are playing up, need a new one :wall:)