where to draw the line?


Jun 21, 2010
some great points are being made here. I am for both sides. On the one hand if a kid cant care for a pzb than deffinatly that person shouldnt get an old world t. On the other hand if the kid is responsible enough for it then maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea. Maybe you could test the kid. Have them care for an aggresive tarantula with mild venom for a while like a goliath. If they are bit dont let them have the old world t. If they arn't then let them have it.
WHAT?????? I have held my G. rosea a couple of times without being bitten. This by no means GUARANTEES that I wouldnt get bit. You can hold a T.blondi 1000000000 times without being bitten turn around the next day and hold a pokie and get nailed.
The point is the venom not the bite and the prevention of a child paying a vist to the emergency room because of the venom.


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
WHAT?????? I have held my G. rosea a couple of times without being bitten. This by no means GUARANTEES that I wouldnt get bit. You can hold a T.blondi 1000000000 times without being bitten turn around the next day and hold a pokie and get nailed.
The point is the venom not the bite and the prevention of a child paying a vist to the emergency room because of the venom.
from what ive heard of pokie bites it doesnt take a child to get sent to the er, adults are no exception, and as far as saying that a kid may not be able to take car of a t that could last 30 plus years...... all im saying is how can anyone say they will be able to take care of something for 30 plus years? im sure the people from gm thought that they had careers for life ;)


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2010
I had herd about that test before just with venomous snakes not tarantulas. I am in no saying that you should hold a goliath or a p ornata. I am saying If you get bit by a goliath you would be fine. In this senario you would be able to judge if you are ready for a hot tarantula yet. This would be a whole lot better than starting off with a p ornata.


Jun 21, 2010
Guys I have no doubt that Dan and Jacob and other "jr's" and "misses" on AB are smart and capable young men and young ladies, all I want to is make a point about keeping kids safe and avoiding unnecessary trips to the E.R. because of letting them have pets that are "hot". I do not think its a good idea to introduce a tarantula with potent venom to someone that cannot make this kind of decision for themselves and must rely on a parent to make it for them. All the kudos in the world to the few exceptions to the rule when it comes to kids that shouldnt have tarantulas at all . I think its great that they have the drive and intelligence to participate in this great hobby but it doesnt change the fact thay IMO they should not be allowed to have hot T's because they are not ultimately responsible for the end result...Bitten=Hospital


Jun 21, 2010
from what ive heard of pokie bites it doesnt take a child to get sent to the er, adults are no exception, and as far as saying that a kid may not be able to take car of a t that could last 30 plus years...... all im saying is how can anyone say they will be able to take care of something for 30 plus years? im sure the people from gm thought that they had careers for life ;)
As an adult we can make an informed decision on having any pet we want.
The real point is {again} the venom and hospital. Plenty of adults take a bite from pokies ,obts ect..... but they are adults and put themselves in that position
The age of t's was more of a side discussion and it was more talking about a teenager having one for a couple of months and getting bored.
The first post of the thread was the intent of the thread...sorry we got a little side tracked!! :8o


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
back to the topic at hand i really dont like the idea of dangerous pets period. granted there are steps to be more safe around them but just with the exception to the immature kids rule there are vast exceptions to the mature adults rule as seen all over youtube ;)


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2010
I respect briarpatch10's opinion on this subject. You have your own unchangeable idea and so do I. There is no right answer. Only different ones. We both have our facts and our reasons. I think that tarantulas arnt dangerouse enough to do any long lasting harm but care should still be taken. Your opinion is just as right our wrong as mine.


Jun 21, 2010
back to the topic at hand ,but just with the exception to the immature kids rule there are vast exceptions to the mature adults rule as seen all over youtube ;)
Oh I agree with that 100000% There are tons of stupid adults out there that should never be allowed a dead goldfish let alone a live tarantula, but they are adults and can make decisions all by themselves without asking a parent if its ok.

Clam1991 I just do not think a child should make this kind of call,
we are all here to voice our opinons and this is mine. As a parent I wouldnt want my child to experience a pokie bite { personally I love pokies, I think they are beautiful } or any bite that would put them in the E.R. and thankfully its my decision when its my kid


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
um im on the same side as you;)

just playing devils advocate as this is a free nation you just cant dictate how a parent raises their children (kind of)


Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
There are tons of stupid adults out there that should never be allowed a dead goldfish let alone a live tarantula, but they are adults and can make decisions all by themselves without asking a parent if its ok.
Have to agree fully with this.


Nov 12, 2010
First off I would like to begin by saying that I can agree with and respect both sides. But the point that I most agree with is that it depends on the child as an individual in regards to keeping any pet. And for those of you who think that aggressive dogs bred for high protection or with a flaw in their temperament can be 'trained' not to ever bite? You are very, very mistaken. I volunteer at a humane society and there are dogs that are not allowed to be adopted out to families with children. There are reports coming in of dogs who were known to have high protective qualities or known for more aggressive behavior being great for a year. Two years. Maybe more. Then one day the dog might be having a 'bad day' as it were--something sets it off. I have heard of this happening many times where it was recommended that the dog not be gotten for families with children. Karelian Bear Dog is just one example. Shepherds are great dogs but the training required to make them suitable for children and not over protective is a lot to deal with. True Ts can't be trained. But as with any exotic, the person owning it CAN.

I don't agree with parents endorsing their child having a T like pokies or the ones that are known for sending anyone, child or adult, to the hospital. It isn't that I don't respect the kid's ability to care for said T. But fact is that if I were a parent, I'd be okay introducing them to my T, and not allowing them to handle it or change its water, or feed it. Never mind letting them have their own.

There comes a time when a parent has to think what is best for their child. It's true that a child can be bitten by a dog or cat but we know that given the dog or cat's breed or personality, it's not going to happen if we get a Golden Retriever or Lab. If we get a Shepherd, Rotti, Dobe, the parent knows to train it and if they don't? That's their fault their kid is at risk. And just as much so that a parent, knowing what a Pokie or OBT is capable of, is at fault if their child gets bitten. And I agree with the others who have said that it CAN happen. I've kept reptiles since I was 12 years old. My parents did not let me own an Iguana until I was 17. They let me start out with an Anole and work my way up. They would have felt responsible if I got tagged by a large python or lost a finger to an Iguana. So this point is not a matter of 'can the kid care for it'. It's a matter of if the parents care enough about their child to not put a known risk in their hands. Yes, accidents can happen anywhere. But does that mean we let kids handle venomous snakes as a 'learning experience'? Or handle a Nile Monitor because they can care for its needs? I would say no. I won't even let my DOG in the area when I'm handling any of my Ts...and all I have is a G. rosea, B. auratum, and LP. If I care so much about the fact my dog might get bitten, how much more should a parent care if their child gets bitten. Oh, I could let my dog come up and sniff it because I want it to 'learn' about the T. But knowing it could get bitten? I wouldn't.

I'm a very new T owner. I won't be getting a pokie any time soon. I started with a rosea, then got a B. auratum and LP. I won't go for spiders known for aggressiveness or higher levels of venom because I know I'm not ready. I'm 26.

Now, in the defense of the children/kids/tweens? Just because you are afraid of your child getting bitten does not mean excluding them from owning Ts that they can handle. I don't appreciate hearing how kids will become bored, let their Ts die in the care of their parents, or that they live 30 or more years so due to commitment they shouldn't own one. To me, and pardon my French, this is BS.

My friend's cats lived to be 18 and 20 years old. Dogs can live 15 or so. Reptiles, even a ball python, 20 years or so. Lifespan has nothing to do with it. I've seen adults who 'grow bored' of an animal after a year or so. My mom and sister are perfect examples. My sister at 19 shouldn't even own a cat. My mom gets rid of pets more often than she switches out shoes. My older sister has a dog and takes amazing care of him. And I have had reptiles since I was 12 and guess what? Not one of them died due to neglect. Not one of them was improperly cared for. I didn't get 'bored' and was very responsible. Today I own a 3' Savannah Monitor and a Ball Python. 26 years old. Did I 'get bored' and 'neglect my animals'? Generalizations on people are just wrong. Everyone is an individual and no one here has the right to judge these kids based on their ages. What they should be thinking of is their child's safety. Not going on about all these other things which are completely irrelevant.

The OP's original query did not call for these responses. He did not ask if children should be allowed to have T's. He asked what T's should they NOT, in your opinions, have. My answer to this question, to the OP, is that I would not let a kid under 16 years of age have a Pokie or O.W. tarantula. I wouldn't let myself as a beginner have one due to the dangers. Why would I want to risk it? Ts can't be trained, as it was said. Getting bitten could happen to anyone, child or adult. So I don't agree with letting a child have an O.W or any other more venomous T. Not because I don't think they are perfectly capable of being responsible and taking care of it. But because I would care enough to not want to risk them until I was sure they were ready for it.

Again: depends on individual. Parents need to know their children's individual personalities. Just like I and my two sisters are completely different in levels of responsibility (my older sister had her only snake die on her due to messing up on care and should not own exotics that require special keeping, but is an AMAZING cat and dog owner! My younger should not own even a cat...) so will children/tweens have different levels too. It is really up to the parent to decide in the end. But I am all for kids having Grammastolas and Brachypelmas or any other non aggressive, or less venomous T. You're not depriving them. You're not saying they can NEVER own an O.W. T or Pokie etc. You're just making sure they are ready for it. Just like you would with any other serious responsibility. :)

Anyhow, last comment in this far too long tirade: I really don't like how certain members pick on others for grammatical and spelling errors. I have read your posts, you know who you are that's doing it, and I don't see anyone picking on your typos and grammar errors. It is rude, it is arrogant and frankly if someone started doing it to me, who majored in English but still makes typos and some spelling mistakes (especially when tired!) I would take offense. Just because they are kids (and even more so because!) you shouldn't be correcting them on theirs every single time. I find it rather low that anyone would even do that with a kid, who might be far less advanced in spelling, literature and grammar; never mind doing it to a fellow adult. Just makes you come across as arrogant and hypocritical. I see your spelling and grammar errors. It happens to everyone and everyone is at a different level. So please keep this in mind and stop correcting them at every chance you get just so you can make some little unnecessary jibe at them. Answer the posts. They didn't ask you to be their spell checker.


Nov 12, 2010
Sometimes I think certain members are on this site just to bully others because they have nothing better to do with their time. I don't care if I have a typo, really I don't. At 3:32am in the morning, I'm surprised there were't a ton.

Again, it is VERY easy to pick out the members here who are condescending, rude and seem to always pick on the newer members or people they single out. You guys talk about immaturity but you have nothing more productive to do with yourselves than correct other people's spelling and grammar errors? It's fine, briar, I get yours was a joke. The guy after you needs to grow up.

What do spelling and grammatical errors have to do with the debate, with the question or anything else involved? I am perfectly fine, actually, with people correcting me on things like the fact I misspelled a Ts name. That's cool...but if you know I can spell it already and I typo that's just redundant. In either case, anyone have anything to say regarding the actual issue at hand?


Jun 21, 2010
Sometimes I think certain members are on this site just to bully others because they have nothing better to do with their time. I don't care if I have a typo, really I don't. At 3:32am in the morning, I'm surprised there were't a ton.

Again, it is VERY easy to pick out the members here who are condescending, rude and seem to always pick on the newer members or people they single out. You guys talk about immaturity but you have nothing more productive to do with yourselves than correct other people's spelling and grammar errors? It's fine, briar, I get yours was a joke. The guy after you needs to grow up.

What do spelling and grammatical errors have to do with the debate, with the question or anything else involved? I am perfectly fine, actually, with people correcting me on things like the fact I misspelled a Ts name. That's cool...but if you know I can spell it already and I typo that's just redundant. In either case, anyone have anything to say regarding the actual issue at hand?
as someone told me when I first started on this board...if you cant learn to take a joke then you will not do well here! Quit being so "OMG stop attacking me" and lighten up! We are here to learn and have fun so just take it easy ok


Nov 12, 2010
Briar I said I understood yours was a joke. If the person after you was joking it was very hard to tell. You can't convey that sort of thing easily unless you make it really clear you are just kidding, as you did.

But I can easily take anything I know is just kidding around. After reading a few threads though I think it really gets out of hand. Like the one where someone spelled 'tammed' and everyone just kept going on and on about it. Or when you correct someone every single time they make a spelling error. It doesn't look like anyone is joking then. It looks like you're picking on them. I won't mention names, as I said, but there are a few that take this way too far, and really could stand to just leave it alone.

People with low confidence in their spelling or writing ability would take offence to it. I would stop posting on this forum if I were the user being corrected every time for that. It's just not necessary. Besides Xhexdx correcting people for misspelling his name. That has GOT to get annoying. :wall:


Jun 21, 2010
its all in good fun...just take it at that. There have been alot of trolls on the board lately and yes they make us mad with stupidity, but regular users know we are not here to do anything other than help ...and have fun while doing it.


Nov 12, 2010
Trolls? Pardon my ignorance but what are those?

And all right, I will take it as such. But just please try to remember that some people will not understand it is joking and think you are picking on them for real. :)

I admit that Coaster, whose thread I read, seemed off his rocker. Maybe that's the reason why everyone pitched in about the title of the thread? Aliens and tammed Ts certainly would cause some of that. :rolleyes: