First things first, Read this, and remember it !!
Over priced T's and such, but PB's are at a low price ?? illegal imprtation = able to. Over priced specamins as put so nicely, done by the book so cant go as cheap.
Has anyone ever thought "hmm, the country is struggling, and prices are rising in all industrys", meaning everything gets higher in price, and if they didnt, what do you think would happen ?,... DONT blame the dealers, blame your government !! If they didnt pay up to the governments, then you will get DONE BIG TIME for it, avoiding taxes and VAT charges and so on, would be a grave error, so STOP WITH THE HATING OF THE PRICES FROM OTHER DEALERS WHEN IT IS CLEARLY NOT THERE FAULT !!
as for sven's thread, did he lie NO, he took it, did you not read what PB said, he blamed everyone but him self, then you come along and say, why wernt the sven thread this bad.... Well lets see,
A) he got his fair share of stick for it.
B) PB would have been the same if he just held his hands up to it, but no he insisted that it is the dealers faults and our fault as a general community of hobbyists, then goes onto trying to justify him self with the whole "i am a stressed man, Forgive me" urm no, stress doesnt cut. Is he making profit from it, i bet you he is, he under cuts because there illegal, he sells for cheap prices, enough to pay of his taxes and so on, with a nice tidy profit on the side, like he said, he doesnt have staff but only one part timer.
So if thats the case, why the cruddy packageing jobs then ?, if he did have staff, still why a cruddy packing job ?, my 8 year old sister can pack a tarantula, you only have to show them its easy to do !!, no excuses so stop making them.
Over priced T's and such, but PB's are at a low price ?? illegal imprtation = able to. Over priced specamins as put so nicely, done by the book so cant go as cheap.
Has anyone ever thought "hmm, the country is struggling, and prices are rising in all industrys", meaning everything gets higher in price, and if they didnt, what do you think would happen ?,... DONT blame the dealers, blame your government !! If they didnt pay up to the governments, then you will get DONE BIG TIME for it, avoiding taxes and VAT charges and so on, would be a grave error, so STOP WITH THE HATING OF THE PRICES FROM OTHER DEALERS WHEN IT IS CLEARLY NOT THERE FAULT !!
as for sven's thread, did he lie NO, he took it, did you not read what PB said, he blamed everyone but him self, then you come along and say, why wernt the sven thread this bad.... Well lets see,
A) he got his fair share of stick for it.
B) PB would have been the same if he just held his hands up to it, but no he insisted that it is the dealers faults and our fault as a general community of hobbyists, then goes onto trying to justify him self with the whole "i am a stressed man, Forgive me" urm no, stress doesnt cut. Is he making profit from it, i bet you he is, he under cuts because there illegal, he sells for cheap prices, enough to pay of his taxes and so on, with a nice tidy profit on the side, like he said, he doesnt have staff but only one part timer.
So if thats the case, why the cruddy packageing jobs then ?, if he did have staff, still why a cruddy packing job ?, my 8 year old sister can pack a tarantula, you only have to show them its easy to do !!, no excuses so stop making them.