US Dealer Involved in Smuggling revealed in court documents

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Tim St.

Old Timer
Apr 22, 2007
The veiw from here is,

PB and Sven were trying to avoid custom fees. This is not the first time PB has done this, by avoiding the fees he undercuts his competitors by selling his animals cheeper and in larger quantities. Doing this messes with supplie and demand and hurts other 'legitimate' importers wallets by stealing there business, however it would not benefit PB in the long run as he would have to sell more animals, do more work and put in more time JUST to make the same profit as if he imported them properly and sold them at market value. In reality he made more work for himself.

So what was the point PB?? you obviously fail at Smugglers Blackmarket economics, "Buy from cheap source + Cut corners + Sell at or just below market value = Maximum profit" :embarrassed:
you failed miserably at maximizing you're profit margin.

So seems to me PB was trying to become a big shot name in the hobby by supplying large quantities of "cheap" Ts, it sure was not for profit. PB put forth a great effort to build a positive reputation, spending hours on the phone, quick reply times with detailed information to everyone to build a good reputation.

So again PB, what was the point?? you buildt a name for you're self as a "reputable" dealer even with you're shady past, only to mess it up by being caught again.....:embarrassed: Not only did you do damage to you're own name AGAIN, but the entire American HOBBY, Aswell as the European hobby. Did it make you feel like a bad ass being a Smuggler?? you shouldt since you fliped on Sven so quick and sold him out to save you're own butt.

<edit - MrD>

IMO you sould take these steps:

Donate the rest of your animals to the Zoo
Sell out cheap, since you're so good at it.

You should also be banned from the classified section for selling known smuggled animals on these boards :embarrassed:

Everyone breaks the law at one time or another, accepting and owning up to the consequences is the right thing to do, PB a repeat offender and a sell out.

But what i would really like to know is this going to be on Wild Justice? :}
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Sep 1, 2010
Lets see...

He didn't declare the spiders, got no CITES documents, deliberately had the boxes mis-labled and then had them delivered to friends and family to avoid detection.

...and that's not even close to wildlife smuggling??

Geez! what would they have had to do to smuggle under your definition?

I don't think it's absurd at all that they enforced import laws. I would, however, find it absurd if they based law enforcement decisions on the costs involved.

These guys knew the laws, they thought they could get around them, so they rolled the dice. They lost.

If brown-boxing is a rampant as some people believe, then it might have better for the goverment to make examples out of these two. Personally, I think they're lucky they didn't get stiffer sentences and fines.

As it is, I'm wondering if the other, un-named individuals, are at this moment turning their friends in for other infractions...

What's the world coming to, when you have to wonder who you can trust to break the law for you anymore?!
So that explains the low prices for sure I always thought those prices where to good to be true. To me it seem's there is no honour among people like that backstabbing is pretty common as its everyone for themselves.

Tim St.

Old Timer
Apr 22, 2007
I mostly just read these fourms, not ever posting, however this topic really has got me ticked off. The guy used the best of his abilitys to scam the system, he got caught then implicates innocent partys and denies his own involvement, Thats cowardly, and a rat is the first to bail off a sinking ship, thats exactly what PB did, has nothing to do with "Gangsters" buddy. I find it very endearing of you to place any bravery on his part for posting on these fourms still.

PB is caught, he has no other choice but to face the hobby hes hurt. iv read eveything, the guys a repeat Smuggler, he lied to everyone, and pointed the finger at everyone but himself untill he was forced to man up. He should and will face the hobbys scrutiny for his actions. Im not name calling, im labeling based off facts. PB has zero integrity, he sold out our hobby and then sold out Sven.


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Administrator Note

Hey All,

It's been a semi-enjoyable 24 pages, but I think this thread has just about run its course and can only devolve from here. The proof is out there for those that want to read it.

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