US Dealer Involved in Smuggling revealed in court documents

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Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
"He had fair prices because......" - they were illegal

It is detailed in the court docs Ken posted. He didn't pay import overhead, that is how the cheap prices were made available - period.
This doesnt explain it all. His prices on well established domestic CB slings were lower than everyone else. Other dealers ARE NOT paying import fees for well established domestic captive bred units.

<edit - MrD>. He just wasnt as greedy with his profit percentile.

Any dealer who tells you his ridiculous prices are based on having to pay import fees on domestic captive bred units is lying to you.
Regarding explanation, baboonfan, let's go to the court records, shall we? I quote from document 38-1, page 3 in "Exhibit F, Report of Investigation" by FWS agents (emphasis added).

[Paul Becker] admitted that he should have filed import declaration paperwork and notified USFWS. He admitted that he bought the tarantulas [from Thailand] to resell through his business. He admitted that he received approximately fifteen international packages containing live tarantulas in 2009.... When asked why he did not declare the spiders, [Paul Becker] said that it would have cost him all of the profit.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
<edit - MrD>

What Im saying here is that once we have showed, discussed and talked about what Paul has done, some dealers are taking the oportunity that they have been seeking for for a long time.

Im just pointing out that I dont believe one bit they have never engaged into Ilegal activities, and I believe this is a great oportunity for SOME to point the finger to ONLY ONE PERSON, as well as make believe to the general public that they are all legit and Paul was the black sheep.
And it is this last statement, as a refrain to your earlier posts, that is gratuitous to the subject of this thread. Provide evidence for your claims regarding other dealers, and then start a new thread on that topic.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
And it is this last statement, as a refrain to your earlier posts, that is gratuitous to the subject of this thread. Provide evidence for your claims regarding other dealers, and then start a new thread on that topic.
But I dont have to Kirk. Im stating my opinion on why I have decided not to buy from dealers. I dont have to prove my claims because Im not acussing anybody. Just pointing out the hypocresy that most of us realise that exists.

And as I said, when is due time and if they get caught, Ill be personally in chargue of airing it out.


Jun 22, 2007
For those of you who don't know, One more time I am Ken the Bug Guys Wife.

When we talk about brown-boxing we are referring to international shipments that are brought into the country without going through customs.

Some say to stop ruining Pauls Business or Name? That is what he has been doing to me for years, hurting my business and name. Every time he brown-boxed animal in it hurt me and my business. This is my livelihood, i survive off selling Bugs. To get you hobbyist the newest coolest critters we import, and yes it cost quite a bit of money to do so. But when it comes down to money there are no other choices. Follow the law or go to Jail! I have a family and they come first, before any profit I could make! It is not worth losing even a moment with my Daughter! By brown boxing and undercutting my prices he directly hurts my family.

Not to mention this has put our business under unnecessary scrutiny.
A week after Sven was arrested we had a German import scheduled to come in. USFWS held it over night without cause. The shipment was released and less then a half an hr after returning to the shop CA Fish and Game was there asking questions and taking pictures of the box. WHY?

2 days later CA Agricultural, Contra Costa Agricultural, and USDA all show up together. We have never had any issues with any of the agencies besides them not calling us back when we call.
The only issues any of these agencies brought to us were:
It is illegal to own, sell, or ship across state lines the following without permit -
Exotic (non native) mantis...and as you can see we no longer keep them.
AFG millipedes...we have completed apps for all states and have received most already, this is a fairly new law as millipedes have only been regulated for 3 yrs
glow spot roaches...we had 6 they have been dried and mounted.
So yes I have done something wrong and taken the steps to fix these issues. I DID NOT BLAME OTHERS. The fact that before this happened I had talked to Conrta Costa Ag. more than once trying to figure out these issues showed them that I had taken the initiative to adhere to the law, which made these non issues in their eyes.

Of course we will gain some of PB's customers and of course this is good for us, but I would have rather seen this not happen at all then to gain customers this way and have to deal with the consequences of PB's actions.
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Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
But I dont have to Kirk. Im stating my opinion on why I have decided not to buy from dealers. I dont have to prove my claims because Im not acussing anybody. Just pointing out the hypocresy that most of us realise that exists.

And as I said, when is due time and out there, Ill be personally in chargue of airing it out.
True, you have gone out of your way to present us with an unfounded opinion directed at unnamed dealers, not the documents and Becker statements that were the object of the OP. The essence of derailing.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
True, you have gone out of your way to present us with an unfounded opinion directed at unnamed dealers, not the documents and Becker statements that were the object of the OP. The essence of derailing.
Whatever you say Kirk.Unfounded maybe by you. Im not sure what conversations you have had during the years with dealers and hobbysts, but I have had many . Many complaints, many "this guy is doing this, and this other guy is doing that".
I have the right to state my opinion on the matter, and my opinion is perfectly related to the topic.

Derailing you say? Then what do you suggest, we keep repiting how bad Paul Becker is? Im sure we can learn a lot by stating the same over and over.

Cuddly Cobalt

Apr 18, 2011
For those of you who don't know, One more time I am Ken the Bug Guys Wife.

When we talk about brown-boxing we are referring to international shipments that are brought into the country without going through customs.

Some say to stop ruining Pauls Business or Name? That is what he has been doing to me for years, hurting my business and name. Every time he brown-boxed animal in it hurt me and my business. This is my livelihood, i survive off selling Bugs. To get you hobbyist the newest coolest critters we import, and yes it cost quite a bit of money to do so. But when it comes down to money there are no other choices. Follow the law or go to Jail! I have a family and they come first, before any profit I could make! It is not worth losing even a moment with my Daughter! By brown boxing and undercutting my prices he directly hurts my family.

Not to mention this has put our business under unnecessary scrutiny.
A week after Sven was arrested we had a German import scheduled to come in. USFWS held it over night without cause. The shipment was released and less then a half an hr after returning to the shop CA Fish and Game was there asking questions and taking pictures of the box. WHY?

2 days later CA Agricultural, Contra Costa Agricultural, and USDA all show up together. We have never had any issues with any of the agencies besides them not calling us back when we call.
The only issues any of these agencies brought to us were:
It is illegal to own, sell, or ship across state lines the following without permit -
Exotic (non native) mantis...and as you can see we no longer keep them.
AFG millipedes...we have completed apps for all states and have received most already, this is a fairly new law as millipedes have only been regulated for 3 yrs
glow spot roaches...we had 6 they have been dried and mounted.
So yes I have done something wrong and taken the steps to fix these issues. I DID NOT BLAME OTHERS. The fact that before this happened I had talked to Conrta Costa Ag. more than once trying to figure out these issues showed them that I had taken the initiative to adhere to the law, which made these non issues in their eyes.

Of course we will gain some of PB's customers and of course this is good for us, but I would have rather seen this not happen at all then to gain customers this way and have to deal with the congruences of PB's actions.


I hope this explains to the people supporting Paul


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
For those of you who don't know, One more time I am Ken the Bug Guys Wife.
And? You say it as if we owe you something. Just saying. Not trying to be rude, I just don't get it. :?

Did you happen to read this?

When we talk about brown-boxing we are referring to international shipments that are brought into the country without going through customs.

Some say to stop ruining Pauls Business or Name? That is what he has been doing to me for years, hurting my business and name. Every time he brown-boxed animal in it hurt me and my business. This is my livelihood, i survive off selling Bugs. To get you hobbyist the newest coolest critters we import, and yes it cost quite a bit of money to do so. But when it comes down to money there are no other choices. Follow the law or go to Jail! I have a family and they come first, before any profit I could make! It is not worth losing even a moment with my Daughter! By brown boxing and undercutting my prices he directly hurts my family.

Not to mention this has put our business under unnecessary scrutiny.
A week after Sven was arrested we had a German import scheduled to come in. USFWS held it over night without cause. The shipment was released and less then a half an hr after returning to the shop CA Fish and Game was there asking questions and taking pictures of the box. WHY?

2 days later CA Agricultural, Contra Costa Agricultural, and USDA all show up together. We have never had any issues with any of the agencies besides them not calling us back when we call.
The only issues any of these agencies brought to us were:
It is illegal to own, sell, or ship across state lines the following without permit -
Exotic (non native) mantis...and as you can see we no longer keep them.
AFG millipedes...we have completed apps for all states and have received most already, this is a fairly new law as millipedes have only been regulated for 3 yrs
glow spot roaches...we had 6 they have been dried and mounted.
So yes I have done something wrong and taken the steps to fix these issues. I DID NOT BLAME OTHERS. The fact that before this happened I had talked to Conrta Costa Ag. more than once trying to figure out these issues showed them that I had taken the initiative to adhere to the law, which made these non issues in their eyes.

Of course we will gain some of PB's customers and of course this is good for us, but I would have rather seen this not happen at all then to gain customers this way and have to deal with the consequences of PB's actions.

I hope this explains to the people supporting Paul
Actually, all it explains is why they're butthurt about what Paul did.

It doesn't show how it affects the hobby at all...
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Jun 22, 2007
And? You say it as if we owe you something. Just saying. Not trying to be rude, I just don't get it. :?

Nope just wanted all the folks who don't know where I am coming from to understand WHERE I am coming from, I read lots but I don't post often:)

Actually, all it explains is why they're butthurt about what Paul did.

It doesn't show how it affects the hobby at all...
Many have asked how this affects a dealer, that was the issue I was addressing.

Krissy K

Nov 7, 2010
are you serious? which prize did he pay?
he said in his post several pages ago that he was waiting to hear his sentence (unless i misread it). so he is still being punished. I think i'd rather see him pay a fine than do jail time, because (obviously) a fine entails money, which is what so many of you are saying he was trying to save.

This is irrelevant to the issue brought to AB by the original posting of this thread.

And how does this relate to the court documents presented and Paul's earlier post in the Sven Koppler thread? [Rhetorical question.]

Naivety is the making of a defense attorney's dream of the perfect juror.
rhetorical or not, I have to say i'm sorry; I tend to go off in a tangent, I have ADD. No excuse, but i do tend to get off topic. and i'm sorry. I hope it didn't anger you. :)

Your forgiveness is commendable, but this is not the first time he's been caught.
seriously? (no sarcasm intended) i didn't know that. can you give me details please and thank you. (honestly) :)

I mean not to get into arguments here.
I notice that people are getting defensive. tensions are starting to rise. so i think that before you reply to a post (especially if it's angered or upset you) you should take a step back and take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. (i do not mean to seem like a know-it-all; sorry if i do. just some friendly advice :) )
this IS an important discussion. The information the documents contain IS important and we do need to know about it. However, i do believe the motive for posting this was not to inform but to gain more profit by destroying "competition's" reputation.
Whether Paul changes his way or not remains to be seen.
we can speculate this all we want, but NO ONE knows for sure what he will do because you aren't him nor are you psychic.
No one needs sob stories as to why someone does something (or why they didn't do something, in this case)
Paul was irresponsible in the actions he chose to make. He should have gotten proper licenses and documents. he should not have tried to avoid customs with his packages. if he didn't have money for it to be inspected, he should not have ordered.
however, none of us have a right to judge him by these actions. we are all entitled to our opinions, but we have no right to judge. that right is left to the judge and jury that sees his case. we have no say in the verdict or sentence he receives. we can give input and opinions on what we think or want him to receive (as i have done). but again, the right to sentence is left to the judge and jury assigned to his case.
we can give opinions on his actions. but they're just that: opinions
they are not facts. and this discussion was not created to start arguments or personal attacks. this thread was started for "the people" so-to-speak.
it is a topic meant for opinions, so please, let's keep it that way :)
(P.S. I think i started to go off on a tangent again here. sorry! :8o)

---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------

I wouldnt compare Paul to Alex080 or B becker in any way shape or form. Paul broke a few laws but he didnt rip his customers off. 6 Ts for 130.00 including the shipping is a steal, Ill spend as much as I can with such a dealer. He gets bonus points for having S cals too.

The biggest problem here is the fake shock and awe found in these posts regarding illegal imports. Much of what we have in the market today as captive bred specimens probably wouldnt exist for us if it hadnt been for illegal importers. The practice is far from uncommon. I just cant see him as anything but a guy who got caught.
i wish there was a "like" button on this forum... lol.
and he far from ripped his customers off. he was ripped off, in a way. but he also did rip off the other sellers who get their stock legally...
but I am sure he's not the only one doing it (no i don't have concrete proof, other than the fact that it is human nature to try to save as much money as we can in this economy) he was just the unfortunate one who got caught.

Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
There has been some discussion here regarding the mark-up that dealers place on their stock. It's maybe drifting a little from the original point of this thread, but it is related, so I'd like to toss in a thought or two about this.

I'm a hobbyist, not a dealer, but I sometimes have successful breeding among my animals and dispose of the babies. If I sell them, it's for prices way below what dealers typically advertise. Actually, I've given away or traded more than I've sold. But... I'm not trying to make a living through tarantulas. Not trying to support a family or maintain a storefront and all the infrastructure that a real business requires. If a dealer is going to devote themselves to buying and selling tarantulas full time, they need to clear enough profit to cover ALL expenses and paychecks. They'd never be able to do this at the prices I sell things for.

There's justification to dealers asking higher prices than hobbyists do, and there's a payback as well. Want to buy some slings of one of the species I breed? Great. I'll put you on the list, and if I get babies in the next year or two I'll let you know. Want them sooner than that? Then you'd better go to a dealer. Want a different species than the one I breed? Well, you might get lucky and find a hobbyist who had luck with that species this year - or you might have better luck going to a dealer. Looking for something new on the market? You might get lucky and find a hobbyist who brought home something new and exciting - but there's a better chance a dealer will come up with new imports. Dealers will have a wider variety of species for sale, probably a wider variety of sizes. If they don't have it in stock they probably know someone who does. The extra profit margin they charge is partly so they will serve as a "central bank" with predictable supplies.

I'm not into selling one or two babies at a time from the species that I keep - when there's an egg sac, I'll try to move all the babies with the least hassle. That means I contact a dealer. So do many other hobbyists, which is where a lot of the stock that dealers offer comes from. Which means they have to absorb larger quantities of animals that might not sell right away. Which in turn means a monetary investment on their part for both purchase, housing and maintenance of the extras. And that has to be figured into their operating expenses - and hence their profit margins.

I don't hold a grudge against dealers for asking the prices they do. I'm not rich enough to always pay those prices, and I'll buy more cheaply from someone I trust if the option presents itself, but more often than not I end up buying from a dealer.

Krissy K

Nov 7, 2010
I'm a hobbyist, not a dealer, but I sometimes have successful breeding among my animals and dispose of the babies. If I sell them, it's for prices way below what dealers typically advertise.
honest question and curiosity...: what exactly do you mean by "dispose of" the babies?

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------
if you were referring to the time when he got caught by USPS... i read that. was there any other times?
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Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
honest question and curiosity...: what exactly do you mean by "dispose of" the babies?
Move them out of my collection. To quote from the dictionary "To transfer or part with, as by giving or selling". In my case in the past year I traded a bunch to Ken the Bug Guy, traded some to Justin at, and donated a bunch to the raffle at the last ATS conference. I also gave away small numbers of specimens to friends.


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
those that openly admit they support these brown-boxing sellers - beware!

Openly admitting that you have supported a brown-boxing seller isn't very smart. Your hobby has legal importers and dealers that do things the right way. Support them. The reason why all the brown-boxing is going on is buyers are supporting these guys. More busts are on the way....Buy legal stock from legal importers. The brown-boxing hey day is over. If you buy from those types, you are just as guilty as them.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Openly admitting that you have supported a brown-boxing seller isn't very smart. Your hobby has legal importers and dealers that do things the right way. Support them. The reason why all the brown-boxing is going on is buyers are supporting these guys. More busts are on the way....Buy legal stock from legal importers. The brown-boxing hey day is over. If you buy from those types, you are just as guilty as them.
I have supported Paul Becker... However, at the time, I didnt know he was brown-boxing... How does buying from a brown-boxing seller make you as guilty as them, if you dont know?


Feb 3, 2011
he said in his post several pages ago that he was waiting to hear his sentence (unless i misread it). so he is still being punished. I think i'd rather see him pay a fine than do jail time, because (obviously) a fine entails money, which is what so many of you are saying he was trying to save.
To date, none of the other international suppliers of tarantulas (in Brazil, Indonesia and Thailand) have been prosecuted. In addition, PB was never prosecuted and has resumed his business as a pet store owner, selling spiders. (Exhibit “G,” Website for Pet Center)

seriously? (no sarcasm intended) i didn't know that. can you give me details please and thank you. (honestly) :)
seriously you should read the documents...They are telling us about two seized Thailand parcels in 2009. For one he got a ticket, for the other one he used his sister's address (Esposito). He forged her signature on the FWS abandonment form but nothing ever happened even as CITES was involved.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2007
i wish there was a "like" button on this forum... lol.
and he far from ripped his customers off. he was ripped off, in a way. but he also did rip off the other sellers who get their stock legally...
but I am sure he's not the only one doing it (no i don't have concrete proof, other than the fact that it is human nature to try to save as much money as we can in this economy) he was just the unfortunate one who got caught.
What about Sven? Paul ripped him off too. This poor guy wasn't even involved in the trade that got Paul busted by the feds yet as soon as the feds had his butt against the wall he cowardly snitchs WAIT! WAIT! please don't prosecute me and send me to jail!! Bargain a deal with me because I have some old information that might interest you. I once did a trade with this important dealer from germany Sven Koppler and got him to break the law...I could get him to do it again if you promise me a lighter punishment bla bla bla....

Look, I in no way support Sven's bad judgement in breaking the law nor his foolish naiviety in believing all those emails posing as Paul inviting him to the US (which btw I found all of that butt kissing and awesomeness sentences by the special agent to be extremely fake and over the top. The "cutting the ribbon" sentence was especially hilarious. Very unrealistic and would have started raising red flags for me. How many common stores you see cutting ribbons and such?:rolleyes: Only in movies and government inaugurations) and for stupidly trusting someone he barely knew.

I do not condone smuggling in any way and feel Paul is as guilty as Sven for engaging in illegal activity knowingly, but it seriously disgusts me the way Sven was lured and cheaply baited to come out of his country all the way to the US when he wasn't even in the picture to begin with and all because of Paul's feeble attempts to save his own arse (yet for a second time because he obviously didn't learn anything from the first time he was busted years ago and relapsed :wall:). If he doesn't get the same jail time and fines Sven got, I doubt he will stop doing it. He'll probably just open another arachnid business using a fake name and continue in the hobby as if nothing. I for one will not be buying anything from him.
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Old Timer
Feb 9, 2010
I have supported Paul Becker... However, at the time, I didnt know he was brown-boxing... How does buying from a brown-boxing seller make you as guilty as them, if you dont know?
Unfortunately, Redneck, ignorance does not hold up in court. As the buyer we are obligated to check the credentials of our sellers/suppliers.
I am however with you on this one. The average hobbyist buying a couple specimen for himself is not going to be looking for proper export/import documentation. They are simply looking to get a beautiful specimen for their personal, private enjoyment.


Old Timer
Nov 16, 2009
I have supported Paul Becker... However, at the time, I didnt know he was brown-boxing... How does buying from a brown-boxing seller make you as guilty as them, if you dont know?
ignorance of the law does not negate guilt. i didnt know it was illegal to talk on a cell phone and drive in a particular city, i was pulled over and ticketed. just because i didnt know it was illegal doesnt mean im not guilty.
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