Spermathecae Resource Thread


Spider Wrangler
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Lol I think I might have helped create a monster here lol. Next thing you know @NMTs Is trying to get time on the electron microscope in Albuquerque, talking about I need to sex this molt from a Cyriocosmus sellatus that went from EWL to 1i :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .
😆 I'm sure they've got some pretty sweet equipment at Sandia National Labs, and that's just down the street... 🤔

I've always enjoyed the challenge of sexing T's, especially the small ones, so I've been thinking I should get a proper microscope for a while. You definitely got me to start looking seriously, though, because it's hard to even know where to start when you've not used a real microscope since biology lab in college (which was an undisclosed number of years ago 😅). Your list of suggested equipment was extremely helpful, so yeah - the bombardment of spermathecae pics is absolutely @l4nsky fault everyone! Ha!


Spider Wrangler
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Here are my latest contributions, 😆.

This ^^ one is from this little beauty: