Monthly Southern California Hike and Hunt


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
cacoseraph	yes
Wburke17	maybe
twirl and kill	yes
nbond1986	yes
abyss_x3	yes
Earl		yes
ronin		no
Griff		yes
lizmotobike	yes
compnerd7	negative
Ryan L.		
(updated 6/21/2007 2:30pm pacific time)
hey fellows... check out this thread
on CA mygalomorphae. we WILL find some... soon, too, i hope!


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
I'll be there... and Andrew i'll bring along the corn that we talked about...
And also i have a small A.chalcodes and A.hentzi for trade (pref. for other T's)
let me know and I'll bring them


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I got a H.pauciden, H. tyrologyte, and A.avi. I'll take to trade.


Jun 1, 2007
Im interested in the a. avic, how much would you sell it for?
I dont have much to offer as a trade. A P. murinus sling and a adult(unsexed but guessing male) G.rosea.


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004
i think i'll bring my C. bech. i bought her with a wierd thing on her but. she molted ok but she still has the scar like thing there. she tries to web when she eats but cant. i felt sorry for her as the guy that has the store thought threat poses were cool and i think cracked her but. i felt sorry for her and got him to mark her down as i did not know if she would be okay. oh wait i am leaving early for the races so that might not work. maybe i can just leave her in the shade outside.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i think i'll bring my C. bech. i bought her with a wierd thing on her but. she molted ok but she still has the scar like thing there. she tries to web when she eats but cant. i felt sorry for her as the guy that has the store thought threat poses were cool and i think cracked her but. i felt sorry for her and got him to mark her down as i did not know if she would be okay. oh wait i am leaving early for the races so that might not work. maybe i can just leave her in the shade outside.
hey liz... at least one of my room mates is going to be home the whole day. probably more than one, in fact. i will just introduce you or leave a note or something so you can still leave your spid at my house if you want. in fact, depending on if it is the large rear horn or not i might be interested :)

i am thinking... would anyone be interested in going out to the Wastelands SATURDAY evening and doing a little blacklighting while we lay out ~10 pit traps to check on sunday for the hike? i've always wanted to pit the wastelands but i was too scared since i would be like, honorably obligated to go back the next day during the morning so that there is as little waste(lol) death as possible... but if we make the wastelands our first stop on sunday it kind of takes care of itself :)

also, if we go to wastelands first and then hit up a valley afterwards we might actually be able to hunt in the freakin shade for part of the day. that is going to be increasingly important as summer heats up. also, we might have to switch from hunts to hang outs for the hottest part of the summer. i dunno how worth it is to hunt in 100*f weather.
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hey is the hike sat or sunday? i thought it was sat.
oh poop.

i goofed. i've been saying the 24th, which is wht i meant. which is a sunday. but i just saw that about half the freaking time i was saying saturday the 24th.

ah damn.

damn damn damn. let me think. i really suck, i'm sorry.


it is ~8:45a now. i will try to have a new plan by 10a. my operational assumptions are since this is my bad i will try to work something out to make everyone happy. plus.... it's not like i would exactly mind hunting two days in a row =P

right now what i am thinking is along the lines of meeting up on SATURDAY, June 23rd, at 9am at my house and heading out to the wastelands. we can put the pit traps out and hunt there. since Liz needs to get back early and i am too out of shape to do two 8h days of hunting in a row we can head back to my house sometime between 1 and 2pm. then sunday, if other people are planning on coming we can meet at my house at 9am and go check the pit traps.

so now you know another one of my secret weaknesses (the first being an untter lack of civilized navigational ability)... i just sort of float in time, so making schedules and stuff is a bit of an effort for me =P i swear i looked at my "Vanishing Acts" animal camoflouge calender like a million times and still pooched it. dang.

now that there is a good number of us maybe we should, er, elect/volunteer some officers to sort of make sure i don't screw things up like this again.
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Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Saturday is a no-no for me. Sunday is a yes-yes for me, if you want i can keep the scheduling thing going for now on? let me know.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i would prefer that nobody has to pay for *my* mistakes but me.

i say let's do one on sat and one on sun. i have been cooped up at work all this week so i need some extra nature time, anyways. my younger brother might come on one of the days, too. he doesn't have pet bugs but he knows a bit about mine

Saturday is a no-no for me. Sunday is a yes-yes for me, if you want i can keep the scheduling thing going for now on? let me know.
i think if we both work together there is considerably less chance of screwing up, thanks dude :)

also, i really need to get cracking on makign a forum. compnerd offered to help with that. who knew he would be good on computers? heh.

once we have the forum up with a calender section then things will cruise considerably more smoothly. i think.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Ok... i messed up. I meant for the next hike to be
SUNDAY, June 24th... but i have been saying SATURDAY,
June 24th... which doesn't exist this year. it seems
like half the people looked at the day name (saturday)
and half looked at the day number (24th). what a silly
fellow i am!

i feel real bad about it and i am quite loathe to have
anyone suffer on my account, through my mistakes. so
what i think we need to do is have TWO (or maybe even
three, why the heck not?) bug hunts this weekend.

hunt one: Saturday Day. June 23 meet at my
house at 9am. email or PM me for my actual house
address... but mapquest to

12101 Blue Spruce Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739

we will go to the wastelands. i expect we will leave
the wastelands by 2pm at the latest (4hours is a
pretty long time to be in the sun amidst all the toxic
waste out there). we can do trading and stuff
afterwards, too.... but i might start feeding my bugs
as i am (perpetually) falling behind in my optimal

hunt two: Saturday NIGHT. June 23 meet at my
house at around 7pm
we would head over to the wastelands to black light
and possibly lay more pit traps. we could not stay
that long if we park at the park, as it closes at
10pm. if we park in a different location we can stay a
little later, but i need to be back to my house and
heading to the land of nod by midnight at the latest.
if nobody wants to go Saturday night and we already
laid pit traps earlier in the day i might wimp out on
this one... plus the wastelands are a tiny bit, er,
scary, at night by yourself.
this could be a chance for some of you weekend
workers to do a bughunt-ish thing

also... if anyone wanted to go and we were all ready
to leave at like 6pm we could, so that way it like, is
more of a hunt than just a couple few hours.

hunt three: Sunday DAY. June 24 meet at my
house at 9am.

we need to head back to the wastelands to collect pit
traps. it is a sin to leave them unattended as they
would kill virtually everything that got trapped in
them. i can't risk losing the favor of the bugods...
so is obligatory to go get them =P

we can stay at the wastelands for a bit and then hit
one of the other areas that is close to my house. if
we have enough off road seats we can go up into the
canyon above my house. (Day Canyon.. Day Creek
Canyon... something like that)

if anyone wants to hang out at my house between the
saturday day and saturday night hunts they are more
than welcome. we might even go to the 99c store for
more pit trap supplies. heh. but i most likely would
be feeding my hordes while we waited for the nite

also, if someone can help lay pit traps, but not be
there to collect them i think that they should like,
get a share or option on whatever is collected the
next day. we will take pictures and hopefully be able
to sort everything out to omnimutual satisfactions :)

Sorry for the confusion everyone. It is pretty chaotic
in my head, but i try to keep it as well contained as
possible... sometimes it sneaks out, though. heh.
Warren has volunteered to help with scheduling, so
hopefully between he and myself this type of snafu
won't happen again.

if you could respond back about which hunt(s) you would like to attend that would be cool. that way we can wait for you or whatever


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005

hook333 and i are having an idea....

what about a summer 2008 meeting in central Cali of ALL the CA bug groups?

i think their might actually be a fairly well established one already.. but if we went to that one we would have to follow all *their* rules or be extremely rude. i will try to remember where i saw that midCA thing at and post about it if i do


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004
hey don't stress it. this is supposed to be fun. i am okay for sunday. i just had to check. hell, he might even come with now.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hey don't stress it. this is supposed to be fun. i am okay for sunday. i just had to check. hell, he might even come with now.
2 days straight of bug hunting *is* fun!

if nobody shows up saturday that is cool and i will still try to get out to plant pit traps for sunday... but if people do show up i am always down for hunting.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
theres a chance that i can go BOTH days along with EARL.

depends on if i can crash at someone's house nearby.....cuz i dont want to drive out two days in a row....(well...actually I DO want to.....but i cant afford it)

Also Andrew,
I have a very strong emotional tie to SCABIES, in being one of the first few of us to start forming this group and recruiting members. It almost makes me cry to think about it......ive been in this since the beautiful. :liar:

anyway, id be glad to be an "officer".....seeing as how i can make almost all the hikes (ive only missed 2)

id gladly help keep the schedules running. and yes, a forum would be optimal.

see you possibly both days! LOL


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
theres a chance that i can go BOTH days along with EARL.

depends on if i can crash at someone's house nearby.....cuz i dont want to drive out two days in a row....(well...actually I DO want to.....but i cant afford it)

Also Andrew,
I have a very strong emotional tie to SCABIES, in being one of the first few of us to start forming this group and recruiting members. It almost makes me cry to think about it......ive been in this since the beautiful. :liar:

anyway, id be glad to be an "officer".....seeing as how i can make almost all the hikes (ive only missed 2)

id gladly help keep the schedules running. and yes, a forum would be optimal.

see you possibly both days! LOL

hmm... you can sleep at my house... i'm just not sure where. there is carpet and couches, if all else fails =P

i was kind of hoping you would volunteer :D

ill bring my shovel! (im assuming it's needed for pit traps)
please do. basically pit traps are a pit (heh) dug that has a tight fitting jar or something in it... you put them places bugs are likely to go... non-glasswalkers fall in and can't get out. i jokingly call them apex predator pit traps as it is likely only the bigger badder predator would be left it there are two bugs in the same pit. i am going to go to the 99c and dollar store today to try and find sweet pit lining containers. a post hole digger would be awesome, as you really want to get the pit sides as flush and tight with the container as possible... though finding one in teh container and one *under* it would be pretty sweet, come to think of it. heh.

i think you should be the SCABIES Social Leftenant, Neshan.

Warren can be the Minister of Schedules.

i will most humbly be Scabies General Operations Director


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
oh yeah... i should warn you... my house is like, kind of crazy sometimes. my room mate has a recording studio and he very well could be recording someone or mixing... which means it will possibly be insanely loud until 4-5am

and my room is currently being taken over by ants. i hate those so-and-so's... so if we try to retreat into there the six legged jerks will have their way with us. i am trying to work a poison solution that is not too dangerous for my other bugs and most especially my cat, though

oh, and like, micro parties just randomly sprout up downstairs sometimes. i think my room mates should hopefully still be partied out from last night.... but they are a doughty lot so i never know. heh.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hmm, if you guys spend the night we might want to consider cruising up to Day Canyon at night and blacklighting the cliff walls... :D