Monthly Southern California Hike and Hunt


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
by the way Warren.....NICE PICTURES!!!!

Damn, our camera's are great!!! eh????? :D :D :D


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
I unfortunately have been called for jury duty on the week of June 25th....

So, I don't know yet if I can make it.

I was originally called for the week of July 26th......but that would put the possibility of Arachnocon in the no-zone.

So, I asked them if I could have it moved earlier.....and that's the date they gave me.....the week of June 25th.


I hope I can still make it to San Diego.....but I still don't know.
Unless they changed the laws, I dont think they hold court on saturdays anymore.... ;)
and yes these are darn good cameras if i dont say...


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
there is a small possibility i could go to the San Diego thing, if the gas contribution and price of admission aren't too high

i would dearly like to steal some of GQ.'s knowledge!

also, who is up for a June 24, 2007 (sunday) hunt?


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2007
Same goes for me for San Diego. Would be fun to see GQ at work.

The 24th is not looking good for me right now. I'll confirm by early next week. I really don't like going this long b/w H&Hs.


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
If i hade to choose between the two, the local or San Diego i would choose S.D. for sure, plus I'm kidless that day as well, so my vote is for S.D. :4:


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
well, i am probably going to still go bug hunting on the 24th, if just to a couple places like 4-5 miles from my house that i want to give a bit of a more serious look at.... and i'm getting a ride to apple valley on father's day to look for bugs :D

there is a place where i can hit another one of those streamlets like in Day Creek Canyon or whatever that place is called. i did google earth and this new potential place goes back from miles. i have seen the first 100 feet of it before i had bugeyes, buty it seems like it might have potential :D

i will try to scrape together the cash to go to SD. it would be a shame to miss the hunting afterwards, if not the show itself. heh.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
June 24 Hike, June 30 San Diego Adventure, Bug BBQ!

June 24 Hike, June 30 San Diego Adventure, Bug BBQ!

A) Next Hike (June 24, Sunday)
B) June 30, Saturday, San Diego Adventure
C) Bug Bar-B-Que (BBBQ!)
D) Closing

A) Next Hike (June 24, Sunday)

The next hike is June 24, however you would do well to
read #3 "San Diego Adventure" before making any plans!
On June 24th i plan to explore one or two locations
that are in the foothills of the mountains between
where i live and the "high desert". I believe i have
seen scorpion burrows there, and i expect to find
giant centipedes and hopefully some kind of
mygalomorphae spiders. All comers are welcome. The
areas i am interested in share the same parking, which
is on a side street in a pretty freakin nice
neighborhood. With this short of a drive i feel
comfortable giving people rides from my house to the
new areas. We will be leaving established trails. I
would rate this hike a 2.5/5 for toughness, due to
this fact. Also, a few times ago i got a BIG ol' tick
on me. just walkign around and not the kind that gives
one lyme disease... but still something to think
about. I belive a lot of this new area will have
*tree cover* which would make a nice change from most
of the other areas we cover!

B) June 30, Saturday, San Diego Adventure
There is a good chance some of the group might meetup
and and do some kind of carpool down to the Scottish
Rite Center in San Diego, CA for the Reptile Super
Show and to meet up with GQ. (and any other SoSoCal
people) and go hiking/hunting with him! Gilbert (GQ.)
is masterly at tarantulas... something the majority of
the group have expressed interest in learning more
about catching. One BIG thing to consider. Gilbert is
not a super catcherman. He is like, a naturalist that
now likes to observe tarantulas and other animals in
nature. We MUST respect what he says as far as
catching or not catching things. He is being super
nice to show us his tricks, so we should pay him the
respect that deserves, you know?
url for the show:

$1 off coupon!

C) Bug Bar-B-Que (BBBQ!)
Well, there is increasing interest and excitement
about the BBBQ. Unfortunately we still do not have a
place for it. My living situation for the next month
or so is somewhat complex, so i do not want to plan
anythign around my house of this magnitude right now.
There is a possiblity that i will either be able to do
it at the house i live at now or if i get an apartment
we can do it there. We *WILL* have a BBBQ... it is
the when, only, that is in doubt!

D) Closing

Well, it seems like we have some cool group stuff
ahead of us! The list has TWENTY-FIVE members now
(*ahem* that is counting me, though). I have been
thinking more and more about the needs of the group
and what would best serve that... i think we could do
soemthing pretty special with a forum. I have been
thought experimenting with layouts and what not. If i
have time i might bash together something this weekend
(or next weekend... i am getting a ride to a new place
to bug hunt all day the 17th!)

Thanks for reading this... and remember... when you
feel that bug hunting itch... it's just SCABIES!!!!!

once again, this is the "editted" version of our, er, newletter. please join our group to get the inside scoop on some group deals coming up ;)


p.s. could someone post this to the thread on venomlist? i have been trying for the past 5-10 minutes and it keeps crashing my browser. but POST *THIS* NOT THE EMAIL VERSION! lol. gracias.
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Old Timer
May 10, 2007
Awesome, caco!

I'm definitely going to go to the reptile show, but I'm not sure I'll be able to go to the hike. And I don't know -anything- at all about finding tarantulas, etc, so I'd be a bit of a leech. I'd like to go, though. Sounds fun!

(btw, i'm in encinitas)


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Awesome, caco!

I'm definitely going to go to the reptile show, but I'm not sure I'll be able to go to the hike. And I don't know -anything- at all about finding tarantulas, etc, so I'd be a bit of a leech. I'd like to go, though. Sounds fun!

(btw, i'm in encinitas)
Hey were out to have fun and meet new people.. Weve yet to find a T on our h/h's but sooner or later we will ;) GQ is kind enough to show us some of the local area's so we can observe and learn from him. so come and join us and make the best of it.

P.s. i put on V/L for ya
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Old Timer
May 10, 2007
Hey were out to have fun and meet new people.. Weve yet to find a T on our h/h's but sooner or later we will ;) GQ was kind enough to show us some of the local area's so we can observe and learn from him. so come and join us and make the best of it.

P.s. i put on V/L for ya
Sounds good. What's V/L?
And is this a definite thing? If so, what time will it be?


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2007
Is there still a spot for me in a carpool? Has this been discussed/arranged yet?


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Is there still a spot for me in a carpool? Has this been discussed/arranged yet?
that hasnt really been discussed yet. the tranny on my van went out so i'm down to 1 car (the wifes) and my lil work truck, so i was hoping to catch a ride w/ someone, Paul if your up to the drive i'll put in for gas and i'm sure if Andrew goes he'll do the same, as for anybody else going i'm not sure.

Pulk V/L is Venom List another board. and we havent discussed times yet, but it prob. be best to get there at opening and go thru there, that way we have time for the hike.
If anybody else has plans or ideas please share.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
I found one of these today:

We were dirt bike riding on Gilman Springs Road off the 60 near Moreno Valley. I find these every time I go T hunting, but usually only at night. I wasn't really even looking, but this little guy's hind end was just sticking out of a hole. They are EVERYWHERE around here!{D


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2007
Warren - my car has been on the fritz a bit lately too but I'm bringing it in for a check/service next week so it should be good by the weekend. If that's the case we can use it. Anybody else that might be able to fit us in a carpool, please let us know as a back-up plan.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
my car would be a BIG dice roll. but if you don't mind cruising it the whole way we could use it as a back up.


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004
finally some free weekend! i want to go to the h&h. how far from van nuys? what time are you guys meeting? will i make it back in time to go to the vintage motorcycle races in the the evening in ventura?

does anyone need a large aquarium?


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I found one of these today:

We were dirt bike riding on Gilman Springs Road off the 60 near Moreno Valley. I find these every time I go T hunting, but usually only at night. I wasn't really even looking, but this little guy's hind end was just sticking out of a hole. They are EVERYWHERE around here!{D
nice. that looks like a female. i think i might also see some mites on the tergites (top armor plates) near the head. look in the joints where the two plates merge, like
finally some free weekend! i want to go to the h&h. how far from van nuys? what time are you guys meeting? will i make it back in time to go to the vintage motorcycle races in the the evening in ventura?

does anyone need a large aquarium?
there is going to be a tiny to small H&H on June 24th. no one has for sure committed to that one, but i have a couple tentatives. lol, i expect i will go if nobody shows up, as there is a couple places i have google earthed that are very close to me that i want to check out.

on June 30th we are also trying to somehow get together to get a few people down to San Diego to go to a reptile show (with some invert dealers) and meet up with GQ. that is not 100% though.

July H&H date(s) are open. suggest something that works for you and we will go from there.

and, though i typically don't give directions/driving advice i can say with some confidence that van nuys is far from me. i live in 91739 area code. we met at wburke17's house and that was like 30 miles W from me, which i think is closer to you. i get lost all the time though, so it is probably better not to, you know, listen to me very much.
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Old Timer
Apr 6, 2007
Cross Country H&H

I'm leaving on Thursday to go to Oklahoma, so I won't be here for hike or for show :(

On my drive to and back from Oklahoma, i'm going to be staying the night in AZ and TX, and hopefull catch many many scorps, also hope to catch a few bark scorps in OK also. What I want to know is if I bring back alot of scorps will anyone in SCABIES want some (for free)?? I don't want to come home with 100 scorps, then end up with 80 that i'm trying to get rid of :rolleyes: So if anyone wants some, let me know in the next few days so I can be sure to bring plenty home. :D :D :D