Monthly Southern California Hike and Hunt


Jun 1, 2007
Well i can't go tonight...well I could I'm just really really tired. I'll try to make it but for sure 2morrow. Honestly I'll trade for almost anything else if you want. If you have nothing to trade you can have it just get me back with something cool at another hike.
I have a P. murinus sling and a Adult G. Rosea. that i can trade, would you want either of those?


Jun 1, 2007
funny you should mention it

i was thinking it might be kind of cool if we started carrying a plastic grocery bag or two and bringing some trash out of the pretty areas we visit. you could tie them to the horizontal shoulder bar on my backpack when they are full, even.

obviously the wastelands are not the kind of place we would do this to...

idk... it would make for good press if nothing else... but the like, environmentalist hippy in me thinks it would be kind of cool
I agree on that idea too. Isnt to hard to pick up stray trash in the beautiful areas.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
ok, i have twenty pit traps ready to go into the ground. they are a range of sizes and shapes and stuff so hopefully some of them will work :)

i am going to leave here at like ~7ish i think. i would like to get at least some of the traps in the ground while it is still light out. plus dusk is usually a pretty sweet time to hunt :D


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
oh yeah!

my room mate is recording a band so if you are going to come tonight don't knock on teh door. heh.

see everyone who isn't coming tonight (saturday) on sunday june 24th monring. meet at my house at 9am. PLEASE try not to be late... it is getting hotter earlier (officially summer!) and we need to harvest the pit traps early!


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007

I got a call from David (twirl), and he said he'd be late tomorrow. Probably an hour or two late....(10 to 11ish arrival)

So, he'll eithr meet us at the wastelands (or wherever we are at the time), or at your house, if we still happen to be there :p

Anyway, cya all tomorrow!!!!


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005

I got a call from David (twirl), and he said he'd be late tomorrow. Probably an hour or two late....(10 to 11ish arrival)

So, he'll eithr meet us at the wastelands (or wherever we are at the time), or at your house, if we still happen to be there :p

Anyway, cya all tomorrow!!!!
cool cool

ok, griffin and me planted like 12-14 traps, then i lost the digging tool so we had to go back.

we caught like 7-8 scorps blacklighting though!!!!

ok, it was 6 scorps (3 "big", 3 little) and 1 little tiger centipede. it seemed like more cuz i was very excited i think. heh
Last edited:


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
hope you guys left some scorps for us tomorrow;)
c-ya guys in the morning


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hope you guys left some scorps for us tomorrow;)
c-ya guys in the morning
we did


we hadn't got the black light, white light pattern down yet and when we flipped this board a scorpion made it back into its burrow. we tried to flood it out but no dice. so we made a custom bit trap with a little path we made going right from the scorps burrow enterance to a pit trap. heh. it would be hilarious if it works.


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
hope you marked where you put all the traps! if not it might be real fun tryin to remember


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hope you marked where you put all the traps! if not it might be real fun tryin to remember
when it was light i took pics that have an identifiable landmark in the back ground. when it got dark we still tried to take pics but we also laid out big arrows on the ground. plus... one of the traps has the stupid pickaxe by it. the last pit trap we dug, uncoincidentily


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
June 24th H&H

So, the day got started a little later than usual. My cousin and I got to Andrew's palace at about 8:45 AM

We didn't get going till almost 10AM

And that's bad, because it's so freakin hot nowadays. Bad invert temperature....but we did pretty darn good, considering.

Here we are starting to gather at Andrew's house:

Here's the group photo before the outing (David- "Twirl and Kill" is missing)

1) Me, Neshan (NBond1986)
2) Warren Burke (WBurke17)
3) Dyllan (Warren's son)
4) Eddie (abyss_X3)
5) Adrian (Eddie's brother)
6) Earl (my cousin)
7) Liz (lizmotobike)
8) Mike (Liz's boyfriend)
9) Griffin (Griffin)
10) His Holiness, the Bug Messiah- Andrew (cacoseraph)

First, we visited the WASELANDS:

This is one (and the most successful) of the pit traps that Griffin and Andrew set the night before:

Here it is the next morning.....notice anything???

Pretty freakin awesome

Here's some random eggs I found on a tree stump...anyone know what they might belong to?

Here are some of the cool things we found.....we also found some S. polymorpha pedes, but I didn't photograph them.

SLIDESHOWS (Click on the pictures to view)

This was an awesome find.....a Horny Toad:

This is a BEAUTIFUL and large Kukulcania sp female that I found under some planks:

Here's a cute solifugid I found under a big cement rock. It ate as soon as I threw a cricket in for him. Now...letsee how well I can keep him in captivity...

Found a little mantid (crappy pictures):

And it wouldn't be a SCABIES hike and hunt.....without our dear friend Wendy (this is the only reason I go to these things):

Now for what we have deemed "The Wild"

Not much luck at the Wild, except for a scorp that Andrew caught (i have no photograph of it)
It was too hot. We spotted a gopher snake, but other than that....just a fun hike.

Here's some pics of our epic trek:

Allergic Pirate Drivers run rampant in these parts....

David's wimpy little car :p

Pooor David!!!......he wasn't careful on the road....and look at what happened to his little jeep.... :(

This is Adrian, on part of the hike, being too "chicken" to slide down that hill face that Eddie, David, and myself did.

This is us trying to coax him down.....but he wouldn't budge....

CLICK HERE to see his response to our kind words of encouragement. [Viewer discression is advised....Adrian is a very naughty child]

Anyway, those are all the pics I have of this trip. It was fun. We even took a dip in the big stream in the "Wild"

All in all, a very fun day.

Look forward to the next one.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Ohh my god Adrian is a character. But he said he like you all including you. It was a fun hike can't wait 'till the next one. I'm sorry i was so slow I'm not 100% healthy yet. My cough actually got worst from our little swim. And now I can't even breath threw my nose.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
A) Greetings SCABIES (Southern California Bugs,
Invertebrates, and Entomology Society)
B) June 30th, Sand Diego Adventure
C) Bug Bar-B-Que
D) Summer Inverting
Db) Night Black Lighting
E) Next H&H
F) Broke and Broken or Good Thing For Our Officers!
G) Local Pet Store Event!

A) Greetings SCABIES (Southern California Bugs,
Invertebrates, and Entomology Society)
Hello everyone! Our little group continues to grow!
We have had a record 11 people show up for a hike now!
Welcome to the three newest people on the list
luis138, jen650s, and ogershok. Luis is on AB and is
friends with Francisco (ftorres). Jen is on the AB
and is trying to make it to events and/or hikes.
Ogershok is from ATS and looking for local events and

B) June 30th, Sand Diego Adventure
Gilbert just hit me up on AB with a PM saying he is
free Sat or Sun and wondering about our side. I said
at least three of us (Warren, Ronin, Me) are going for
sure and their might be more and that there is at
least one or two people in SD that are trying to go,
too. I am also checking if this is going to be a
picture safari or a hunt, as we definitely want to
respect Gilbert's wishes in this area! I have asked
him when we want to meet at the Scottish Rite Center
and let him know we are all much more interested in
learning from him rather than the herp show at the
SRC. Anyone who wants to either catch a ride with
me or with any other drivers that show up at my
house... We will be meeting at my house sometime
around 8-9am, i suspect, on JUNE 30th, 2007 which is

here is the checklist for the san diego adventure
(p.s. i am only goign to include people who have
responded (pos or neg) to save room
 0) cacoseraph		yes
 1) Wburke17		yes
17) ronin		yes
please rsvp if you want to go!

C) Bug Bar-B-Que
OK, i have heard that i will be in my current house
for at least 1 more month. Therefore, i am going to
try to arrange to have the BBBQ on one of the
following days July 21 or 22 or July 28 or 29. It
depends on my dang room mates and how fair they elect
to be and what not. We shall see.

D) Summer Inverting
Boy oh boy! It is definitely feeling like summer now!
it is hitting 100*F in parts of the valley during the
day and i have a feeling that our nomral bug hunting
routines are going to produce less and less. I think
we might need to move to a more crepuscular type of
hunting... so that means we can meet at my house at
7am and try get into the field by 7:30-8am and/or we
can meet at my house at around 5pm and do dusk hunting
with maybe some black lighting at the end. We can
certainly keep the same schedule we have been... i
like to walk around and talk with people, even if we
don't catch any bugs... AND i could be totally wrong
(as i often am, heh)... just something to think about.

Db) Night Black Lighting
This point is kind of tied in to the last point....
when Griffin and i were setting out the pit traps for
the last H&H we ended up doing some blacklighting
also.... and it was AWESOME! I don't believe myself
or anyone i have hunted with in the wastlelands has
pulled an adult scorp in almost a year... and we
caught THREE in something like ~90 minutes
blacklighting! I think it would be fun to get a group
hunting... and that way people who don't owna
blacklight (...yet ;) ) can share in the experience...
plus it is really at least a two person job to do it
most efficiently. If anyone would be interested in
blacklighting please let me or the group know via
email or posting or whatever

E) Next H&H
Aside from the June 30th thing we don't have any more
H&H's planned... I am open for suggestions as to the
next one. If there is anybody who hasn't been able to
make a hike because of work or other obligations
NOW is the time to speak up!!!!!

F) Broke and Broken or Good Thing For Our Officers!
I broke my camera on the hike on sunday and my
computer the day after so i might not be able to post
pics or much of anything for a while...except when i
am at work. Hopefully i will get all repaired up
quickly and even if i don't... we have our officers to
rely on now so my being semi-sidelined is not that big
of a deal... speaking of officers:

SCABIES Social Leftenant, Neshan (nbond1986)
duties include: Knowing peoples' names. Introductions
and welcomes. Eventually (and hopefully!) our PR man.
The pretty "face of SCABIES".

SCABIES Minister of Scheduling, Warren (Wburke17)
duties include: Being able to properly use a dang
calender. Arranging hunts, events, etc. The "eyes and
brain of SCABIES"

SCABIES Head of Culinary Operations, David (DavidRS)
duties include: Producing the tasty goodness via bbq
and/or other. The "tongue and nose of SCABIES"

SCABIES General Operations Director,Andrew
duties include: Lounging About. Cracking jokes.
Something about the Hike&Hunts... The "fuzzy head of

Thanks to all of our "officers"! :D :worship:

(apparently i messed this up in the email, i switched stuff between me and davidrs. i think *this* is the real officer list)

G) Local Pet Store Event!
I have spoken VERY briefly with my local pet store...
I have some sort of half-baked, half-arsed idea about
putting together a kind of invert show and tell at the
local petstore. it would be a way to promote local
invert keeping AND scabies. The store manager said to
get back to him when i had a better idea of what we
might want to do... so any ideas? It definitely would
not be a selling type of thing, as i don't want to
like, infringe on my buddy's cheddar, as it were...
but more like an informational display by our group.
The store doesn't have a lot of room so i am thinking
it might be outside the store on a table or something
if we do want to try something. Any thoughts, suggestions?

like always, this is the editted, for public consumption version of the "newletter"... join SCABIES for the full version!


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Firstly, allow me to say.....Andrew, I really like your organized writeups. Very ncie. Very informative.....and it's nicely put together.

It's kinda like a little newsletter, and very fun to read.

Secondly, the little Holothele incei "Norte de Santander" decided to die.
He was alive through yesterday and most of this morning.....but I just checked in on it, and it had its leggs curled under its body, and it was making slow twitchy i put it in the freezer.

dont know if there is such a word as "humane" when it comes to they feel like we do??? but, i figured that it's more "humane" on my concience to practice the more widely accepted method for "humanely" exterminating a spider. LOL

anyway....little guy is dead. too bad :(

ill just have to steal one of your adult pokies to make up for it :D


Jun 1, 2007
Id like to go to SD on the 30th, but i believe im in the same boat as neshan, as in, I wont know for sure until later this week.

*ATTENTION* Anyone that has some of my old critters that were in the small glass jars!
After thinking about what Andrew said about the possibility that the Norte De Santander getting heat damage, ive thought about ways this could happen, since my T's arent in sunny room. I set up temp sensors in my room and have recorded the highs in both humidity and temp, 65%humidity and 81.5 degrees. So both of those are fine. So what i have been thinking is, regardless of temp or direct sunlight those jars that i had numerous slings and a few scrops in are far to thick of glass, which leads me to believe its jacking the temp up pretty high. This could very well be a newb mistake, but i ask you to please take them out of the glass jars before any more possible fatalitys.

I also hope this clears andrews name, because when i got the norte de santander from him it was in tip top shape.



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Id like to go to SD on the 30th, but i believe im in the same boat as neshan, as in, I wont know for sure until later this week.

*ATTENTION* Anyone that has some of my old critters that were in the small glass jars!
After thinking about what Andrew said about the possibility that the Norte De Santander getting heat damage, ive thought about ways this could happen, since my T's arent in sunny room. I set up temp sensors in my room and have recorded the highs in both humidity and temp, 65%humidity and 81.5 degrees. So both of those are fine. So what i have been thinking is, regardless of temp or direct sunlight those jars that i had numerous slings and a few scrops in are far to thick of glass, which leads me to believe its jacking the temp up pretty high. This could very well be a newb mistake, but i ask you to please take them out of the glass jars before any more possible fatalitys.

I also hope this clears andrews name, because when i got the norte de santander from him it was in tip top shape.

the thickness of glass would only affect temps in an insulating sense, unless sunbeams could hit it.... then it would act like a solar oven, i think.
i will swap out the guys in glass cages if you want though. i think i have at least 50 containers of that size lying around =P

also, i was just guessing about the brainfried thing. i'm probably wrong. you know how that goes =P


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Id like to go to SD on the 30th, but i believe im in the same boat as neshan, as in, I wont know for sure until later this week.

*ATTENTION* Anyone that has some of my old critters that were in the small glass jars!
After thinking about what Andrew said about the possibility that the Norte De Santander getting heat damage, ive thought about ways this could happen, since my T's arent in sunny room. I set up temp sensors in my room and have recorded the highs in both humidity and temp, 65%humidity and 81.5 degrees. So both of those are fine. So what i have been thinking is, regardless of temp or direct sunlight those jars that i had numerous slings and a few scrops in are far to thick of glass, which leads me to believe its jacking the temp up pretty high. This could very well be a newb mistake, but i ask you to please take them out of the glass jars before any more possible fatalitys.

I also hope this clears andrews name, because when i got the norte de santander from him it was in tip top shape.

oh, no worries Griff.

andrew's name is perfectly clear.....(ān'drōō)....see? not to difficult to pronounce.


nah, i dont think this was anyone's fault....and im not upset over it.....i figured it would die.

it might have been due to molds/pesticides/chemicals that we didnt want it to get in contact with......
and then again, it could have just happened a hemmorhage in a human's brian (happened to my dad a couple months back, and he's a perfectly healthy human.....) just a popped blood vessel.

crap can happen, so i think it was nature's way of getting rid of the little guy. God has His reasons.

no worries though.....i just hold it against your life....that's all Griffin :D
:evil: :evil: :evil:


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
check your mail folks!

important TIME SENSITIVE SCABIES group purchase info has been sent!!!!