Monthly Southern California Hike and Hunt


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i used to be scared of roaches too, heh

ok, so the plan is that Griffin is meeting me at my house @ 7:30AM and then we are cruising over to warrens by 8:00a to meet all those ppl. we will figure out cars and then get to SD by 9:30 (or probably more like 10) and do an hour or two of shopping and then.... THE HUNT!!


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2003
Yay, I'm attending my first SCABIES function. Everyone should have my cell # so you can get some "Gee, your spiders are so cheap" versicolors. Here is your Head of Culinary Operations at last year's chili cookoff. Normally I cook naked so it's easier to stir the chili and flip burgers.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
ok, so i can not for the freaking life of me find Griffin's number and for some reason can not get into my yahoo mail (apparently everyone who thinks i am an idiot *was* right)... so, Griffin, if you see this, i don't have your number. heh.

so hopefully i will see Griffin in like, ~half an hour and then we can roll out (*ahem* and get gas, i forgot to yesterday, heh) and hopefully be at Warren's sometime around 8.

and of course i forgot the way to warren's house (and have found out that trying to remember by driving it is just a like, convoluted way of getting myself lost) so i will no doubt be calling someone at some point about that.

see everyone later.


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
210 west (towards Pasadena)
myrtle north (towards the mountains)
huntington west (left)
left at the first street at TACO BELL


Old Timer
May 29, 2007
Warren, you live at TACO BELL???? It must be nice not to have to cook, but I like a little more variety myself;P


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
Hi Guys - i got a couple pics of the T Warren attempted to flood out. Not sure how to post them though. Obviously couldn't get pics of the one in the hole i found and only had one bottle of water left to flood because i was busy watching her. Very awesome to see T's in their natural habitat.

Hey Warren, did you get that girl dug up okay? i would love to see a pic of my first T find in the 'wild.' i would have loved the opportunity to dig her up myself but i didn't think to bring a shovel and also forgot to bring containers. That will teach me! LOL At least i had my camera and i still got to find a T!! :D

Thanks guys - i had a lot of fun today. jules


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004
Use some loctite on that turn signal it really helps and then you can come next time.

its past the loctite stage what it needs is a helia coil. loctite only goes so far. now jbweld........... no i have cut enough corners its time to do it right. ductape.

Very awesome to see T's in their natural habitat. -jules

how great! i hope you took notes for our next hike.!
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Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Hi Guys - i got a couple pics of the T Warren attempted to flood out. Not sure how to post them though. Obviously couldn't get pics of the one in the hole i found and only had one bottle of water left to flood because i was busy watching her. Very awesome to see T's in their natural habitat.

Hey Warren, did you get that girl dug up okay? i would love to see a pic of my first T find in the 'wild.' i would have loved the opportunity to dig her up myself but i didn't think to bring a shovel and also forgot to bring containers. That will teach me! LOL At least i had my camera and i still got to find a T!! :D

Thanks guys - i had a lot of fun today. jules
Yup got her out safe and sound;) pretty much everybody that wanted one, got one! 1 T per person bag limit. I also got a trap door w/ an eggsack (well see how that turns out)...

And i would like to thank GQ for his time to show us the local hills and what to look for:) I can only speak for myself but you made my day....oh heck probably my whole week... next time you travel up to our neck of the woods we'll be sure to take you to some of our spots.

Jules use imageshack or photobucket to upload your pictures to and then link them to the page...

I will post pics as soon as i can upload them.....

jen taco bell also has pizza hut in it as well;)


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Okay heres afew pics that i took today;
this was after the hike.
first off Dave (Twrill and kill) Andrew (Cacoseraph)

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
left to right
back of Neshans head(nbond), Gilbert(GQ), Davidrs, Paul(ronin)

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
The guy in the middle is Griffin

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
Some scenery shots

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
a T burrow

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
And a cute Aphonopelma Sp.

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
A trap door burrow

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
and a not so cute trap door spider

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30
and heres Andrew removing the entire burrow of a trap door

By wburke17 at 2007-06-30


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
Yup got her out safe and sound;) pretty much everybody that wanted one, got one! 1 T per person bag limit.
And a cute Aphonopelma Sp.

By wburke17
Awesome pics! Is this the actual T from that burrow? She did have a big booty!! She is beautiful. Can't wait for my niece to wake up so i can show her what she looked like all the way out of the burrow! Way too cool. Lesson learned - Next time i will bring more water and a shovel but it was still exciting just to find her burrow and see her come up for a quick hello!! :D


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Just hold on guys! I've got a LOT of pictures to post....

but, you gotta give me time to resize all of them and stuff.

Also, my beautiful "Singapore Blue" started webbing up immediately in her new home, and even ate the roach that she came with (she didnt want to eat it in her container at the show)

Shows you that she's really comfortable and knows that she's home :D {D coming soon!


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2003
Also, my beautiful "Singapore Blue" started webbing up immediately in her new home, and even ate the roach that she came with (she didnt want to eat it in her container at the show)
I think you won "deal of the day" on that one.

@Julesussies: Yes they were all very plump. Either well-fed or gravid. I'm betting there will be an eggsac from at least one.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
I think you won "deal of the day" on that one.

@Julesussies: Yes they were all very plump. Either well-fed or gravid. I'm betting there will be an eggsac from at least one.
yeah....pretty happy about that! LOL
I DO definitely plan to breed her with a male from Chris (Krazy8s)
VERY SOON!!! So, keep yourslf free for Singapore Blue Babies!!!

On the suject of gravid females.....boy do I have my fingers crossed!!!
Those girls were all so fat! gotta remember how many grasshoppers there were out there.....these girls could have just been really well fed.

Hmmmm.......we'll here's to hoping!!! :D


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2007
It was an absolutely great time. Thanks again to Gilbert (GQ) for sharing his knowledge w/the group. A successful show, H&H, and a carpool / dinner filled w/laughs, what more can one ask for? Well, maybe the BBBQ. :)

Neshan - thanks for the assist on the beautiful T.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
June 30, 2007 San Diego Adventure, and H&H's what everyone's been waiting for!!!!
(there are I think 45+ pictures coming up.......and that's only HALF of what I shot!....LOL. Good luck if you have a slow connection)

This is our San Diego Adventure (Reptile Show), and our H&H (hosted by our very own GQ [Gilbert]!!!)'s the shirt I drew up and wore during the whole trip.
(Andrew and Gilbert noticed an error, but I fixed the typo with computer magic.....)


This was quite the excursion, so it wouldnt be complete without a photo documentation of the journey. We all met at Warren's (wburke) house, and then took two cars from there. Paul (Ronin) drove one car containing himself, Warren (wburke), Andrew (cacoseraph), David (DavidRS), and Griffin (Griffin)

I (Nbond1986) went with David (Twirl and Kill) in his wrangler.

Paul's car leaving us in the dust...

A very important stop for food....VERY important.....Warren showing off his beautiful physique......
In these pictures: Warren (wburke17) and Paul (Ronin)

Some hills on the side of the free way....that's rattler and invert country!

Yes, I took a picture of myself. Now you can't make fun of me for it ;P

And just for kicks....a good representation of the capabilities of the Canon Powershot S3.....this is the ground of the freeway moving by at 70 MPH!!!

In California.....we eat BIG. And we have a Denny's to match our appetites!!! :D

Group shot!!! David (twirl and kill) and Griffin (griffin) couldn't put aside their childish habits. 20-something year olds trapped in the bodies of prepubescent school children.....tsk tsk tsk.....such a sad story. But here's the picture anyway....

Backrow L to R: David (twirl and kill), Griffin (Griffin), Gilbert (GQ), Warren (wburke17), Jules (julesaussies), Paul (Ronin), David (DavidRS)
Frontrow L to R: Neshan (Nbond1986), Jen (jen650s), Andrew (cacoseraph), and I'm terribly sorry for blanking out on the last person's name (could you fill me in so I can fix it?)
[Pulk and his father are unfortunately not in the group picture]

And now for THE FIELD


We employed two methods: Flooding and digging
Some people tried the twig/grass technique, but to no avail.
Usually flooding would only expose the spider briefly to ensure its presence, and then it would be dug up. Only once (Ronin's spider) did we actually get it out simply by flooding.

Here are some burrow entrances:

Do you notice the old eggsac strewn aside outside the burrow entrance?

And a dug up tarantula!!!

Mine is now happy in her new home, and has already had a roach!

Trapdoor Spiders

This was absolutely awesome......getting to see actual trapdoor spider burrows in person! Pictures can only tell you so much....

They are actually quite distinctive, and not so hard to tell appart from the rest of the ground.


Andrew also found his own (as well as others in the group)
He attempted (and kinda succeeded) to get the entire burrow out in one peice.
Warren actually got the last trapdoor of the day, and pulled out a huge female with an eggsac!!! [sorry, no picture!]

See the door?

And here's one of my purchases from the reptile show!!!
Just look at this girl! Cyriopagopus spp. "Singapore Blue"

I also purchased a S. calceatum sling that I haven't photographed yet.

Anyway, wonderful time!
Many thanks to Gilbert (GQ) for being a great guide to the mygalomorphs of Southern California!

We are forever in debt to you. You want any tiger pedes??? I think that would balance things out. LOL

Well, 'till the next time!!!

-Neshan W. Sarkisian (NBond1986)

S.C.A.B.I.E.S. official something something
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Jun 1, 2007
That group picture cracks me up. :)

BTW me and Gilbert got my tarantula out with just flooding as well. Thanks for all your help Gilbert!
