My female Lasiodora parahybana is the only T I've ever kept that absolutely LOVES big ol' nightcrawlers. I was picking up the remains of the 6 large crickets I gave her yesterday (her first meal since she molted on the 20th), and she immediately attacked my tongs. I decided to grab the tub of worms that were in my fridge and let her feast since I didn't feel like going to the pet store for crickets or roaches.
Oh, and oddly enough she barely makes any mess when eating them, she pretty much slurps the whole thing up like a sausage-shaped jello shooter. :}
I decided to toss my sub-adult female Lasiodora parahybana an adult deathhead roach today. She had a good sized wingless nymph yesterday, as well as the juicy Canadian Nightcrawler the day before yesterday.
Well, needless to say, I tossed the fat roach in, and she instantly pounced and put it's poor victim in a guillotine.
The appetite on this spider is amazing!
Enjoy my quick/crummy pics!
This is merely a snack for her. I wish I kept filming, she just kept going to town on nearly a dozen crickets in a matter of minutes untill she had a sloppy goo underneath her. I love how she does her shakey happy-dance right after smoting her meal.
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