Introduce Yourself

Dr SkyTower

Dec 21, 2019
I'm new on here, have been lurking for a few months (mostly in the scorpion forums as I am interested in scorpions) and have never thought to join as I don't currently have any invert pets at the moment! Have bred monarch butterflies and kept mantises as pets in the past though. I live in Perth Australia, which makes keeping scorpion pets from other countries a great big no no... and I can't even import Australian scorpions from other Australian states, as that is also a great big no no... but there are nine species of scorpion here in Perth - all of which I have never seen! :arghh:


Apr 18, 2019
My name is Ryan I've been into invertabrates most of my life. I hope to purchase my first T in the coming new year (G. Pulchra ). I've always loved all things "creepy" & "crawly". I'm hoping to meet more people with the same interest as myself. This is me ‍♂

Mads Octo

Jan 2, 2020
I go by Mads and am new here. I was looking into replacing my Brazilian Rainbow Boa but the place I got it from last time had no more then next thing I know I am looking into and studying Ts and ended up ordering a GBB. Mentioning I had arachnophobia but that seems to have gone now and have ordered 6 more since then. Looking into this to become a long time enjoyable hobby and to meet others that share this interest.


Jan 5, 2020
Heya, I'm Saer and I've found my love for bugs not too long ago, I've mostly just been drawing them so far but I'm planning on getting some blue death feigning beetles soon! I'm mostly fascinated by beetles, millipedes and stick insects (and hellgrammites have a special place in my heart)!


Jan 1, 2020
Hello everyone. I'm Abe. Not really new here, few months reading posts mostly because G0ogle directed me here. Kept some Ts for the past 2-3 months (I think), so happy decided to join the forum, lots to learn from you guys.

Started with couple of slings, now I have more than I initially planned lol.

Mostly slings.

Hope can get some guidance here.

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Albireo Wulfbooper

Aug 1, 2019
Hi! I've been lurking and learning for a while :) I've been an arthropod fan all my life but have only started keeping them (not including ill-fated childhood pets) in the last couple of years.


Jan 10, 2020
Greetings! I am the father of a 9YO daughter who is really the one responsible for starting us on this grand adventure. I will save you all the Moth Radio Hour story, essentially, it all starts at the intersection of World Class Roller Coasters and Tarantulas. Once we had our first Avic (because it was small and had pink toes and its name was Rose) my daughter became obsessed with Youtube videos and learning. Her favorites being Tarantula Kat followed by Tom Moran.

Once she started watching videos and surfing "The Google" she discovered Eupalaestrus campestratus and the rest is all her father (me) having little self control when faced with her enthusiasm for learning about these creatures, a genuine curiosity for observing the differences between species and lastly, curiosity about Shows etc. It does not help that I have access to a laser CNC machine and with the kids help we designed several versions of acrylic enclosures playing with what worked and what did not. Of course all the enclosures we made had to be filled...
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Jan 12, 2020
Hey y'all! I'm an elementary science teacher, and I just got started in inverts this past summer.
Currently I have garden snails, isopods, and millipedes. I'm here to learn more from the experts!

Chroma Trigger

Brachypelma Collector
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 9, 2020
Hello everyone! My name is Kevin and I am a 27 year old Security Supervisor from Switzerland. I got into the hobby in the beginning of November, after leaving the Swiss armed forces and moving into a new apartment. Currently I own 3 tarantulas.

I have informed myself on YouTube and forums for years, but could not get any animal while in the army. After moving into the new apartment, I saw that little B. Smithi sitting in a plastic box at my local pet store and fell in love (with a generic brown sling, I know). One week later it moved in with me. One month later the GBB. Another month later the Versi. Very excited to learn from the experts on here and look at all of your beautiful Ts!
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Jan 16, 2020
HI THERE! My name is Julie and I was scared to death of spiders until I found my Pink toe that I've named Pandora cuz that lady is crazy! Now I'm absolutely a full time spider advocate. Living in Indiana with my husband, 3 boys, 4 fish and 17 tarantulas (yes, they all have names) I'm new to the site and I'm always looking for tips and tricks to make all my babies super happy and healthy. If you have anything (about spiders) you want to share please feel free to. Looking forward to many enlightening conversations! Have a great day!!
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Jan 15, 2020
Hey everybody! I'm Rookie. I'm a normal comfortably settling into middle age, wife and kids and job and mortgage kind of guy. I have a motorcycle as a weekend toy and a charger as a daily driver. I'm from Maryland, a little north of D.C. and a veteran.

So I was never really into having arachnids as pets. For a while the only people I knew who had a pet bug were, let's say not my crowd. Fast forward a bunch of time and I found myself with an empty 10 gallon tank sitting on my dresser. Well crap, can't have that. So being older and wiser, and frankly starting to get bored with fish, I started looking at what I can put in it. A couple guppies, a betta, or an arachnid.

Something weird happened. I looked at the tarantulas and wondered if it was really possible. Just to see. And the more I read, the better they looked. And the more I looked, the prettier they got. Hmmm, I might be able to do this.

You can't imagine my shock when my wife of 19.5 years said "Yeah, I'd be cool with a tarantula or a scorpion". So a tarantula it is because one of the kids ifs absolutely terrified of scorpions. Alight, Mrs. Rookie, here's the big ol list of beginners tarantulas. Pick one out and I'll build the little lady a home.

So, as many of the married men here can guess, she falls in love with (I hope I'm spelling this right) avicularia avicularia. Yup, she picks the one that can't live well in my empty aquarium. So this weekend I'm setting up a terrarium for a pink toe tarantula.

My first arachnid, so I really look forward to asking everyone really dumb panicked questions. To having people tell me to use the search functions. And I hope I can grow to someone chuckling at a beginner's rookie mistakes and misunderstandings.

Diane Wisconsin

Jan 19, 2020
charlotte.jpg I'm new here. Do I have to wait for access to do a new post? Anyway, I'm new to the hobby, about one week in with my first T - a c cyaneopubescens . So much conflicting advice out there, so I thought I would join this board to learn more. I think I got here from a link from Jamies Tarantulas or Tom Moran's site. Attached is my little guy. I've just read I should not have misted, but that's what the seller told me (reptile fair). I just moved her into this somewhat larger enclosure. She hid for a day and was web building by this morning, so that's a good sign :). I have read you shouldn't leave food in the enclosure, but the seller left behind at least one red runner and some kind of larvae. I left the larvae behind when I moved her but it didn't appear the red runner was doing her any harm. Should I worry about a loose cockroach?

I absolutely love my garden spiders and the wolf spiders down by the local river. I enjoy photography so I spent the summer photographing garden spiders and a funnel weaver in my yard that I enjoyed watching catch her prey. I wanted to bring them all inside but left them to nature and decided to research T's instead, so here I am. I would also like to find a jumping spider and/or a black widow at some point.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012


Jan 22, 2020
Hi all, I’m brand-spankin new to this site. I don’t have a spider yet but I wanted to make sure I knew how to take care of one before I bought one. I really would like a little jumping spider but books and information on them seems limited. Hopefully I can find that information here. Thanks for having me.

john heyfron

Jan 23, 2020
Names John, from Essex, Uk, currently been keeping T's for around 6 years or so, have 17 in my collection but will be handing over 2 MM's this weekend at SEAs, hope to pick up a few more.
Been on reddit for a short time, always seeing posts referring people here so thought its best time to sign up.


Jan 17, 2020
Hello Everyone,
My name is Austin, I live in Tx and I'm new to the forum. I tons of hobbies and interests I dabble in; the only relevant one's being insects and Arachnids. I've had an Aphonopelma Anax for over a year now, I'm fairly certain she's female and I named her Terra In respect to our planet. My mothers neighbor found her and kindly offered her to me so I've taken care of her since. She escaped on me once but I found her hiding in my closet :p


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2009
Im Adam Fisher from southern Utah, Ive been a tarantula enthusiast most of my life. Ive kept a very large amount of species over the years and have solid breeding experience as well. I used to be on these forums more under the user name Kenzie, but after taking a hiatus from serious breeding and collecting for the sake of schooling and work im back, but couldnt remember any of my login info, So Im starting fresh under the user name Kingfisher86. Glad to be back on the forums, cant wait to rekindle old friendships and make new ones! Cheers!



Jan 31, 2020
Hey yall,
This place came up a good bit when researching new tarantulas so I figured it would be a good place to share what it helped me come up with. I have been keeping reptiles and the like about 30 years now so the transition to the hobby came after getting over my armpit sweating fear of them😆 so here I am now and look forward to talkin about these critters with yall.🤙


Feb 1, 2020
Hi everyone! I just signed up today but my daughter Victoria (riddick07) has been a member here. We are a longtime reptile home with snakes from tiny little African Wolf snake to a couple big and beautiful retic girls. Our oldest snake is a wonderful big Boa Constrictor Imperator (BCI) that is about 17 years old now and going strong! My daughter has lots of spiders and tarantulas (which I admit I call her creepy crawlies), but I have signed up as her Mantis Mad Mom :) I have always loved Mantis but just recently have become hooked on having them in the home! We have Chinese (doesn't everyone have those as a first, haha) and Ghost ooth brewing with new additions of Giant Shields (Rhombodera) and Asian Flowers (creobroter gemmatus) on the way! I am obsessed with the pantherina species, they are not very common but are awesome appearance and very friendly, hoping with encouraging interest that more breeders might add them to projects!

We are a parrot home too, my beloved boy is Max, the big blue brat - a blue and gold macaw turning 31 this year. We have other parrots in the home, but I will admit I am as bad as a mom with pics of her new baby when it comes to Max :)

Look forward to reading about everyone's interests and their favorite species - mantis, creepy crawlies or otherwise!!

Forgot to add that we are in Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania!

