Introduce Yourself


Sep 18, 2006
Hello Everyone!

Hi! I'm new to this forum and I'm new to Tula's - I got my first one this weekend, a young Mexican Flame/Fire Leg (B. boehemi)! :)

I'm from South Africa and I'm a mommy to a few reptiles, and a gorgeous baby Girl, who's my pride and joy!

My family thinks I've finally lost the last marble - they never thought they'd see the day I'd ever permit anything into my home with eight legs, let alone actually be a mommy to a Tula (I was an arachnaphobe until 2 years ago).

Well, I look forward to meeting everyone! Chat Soon!


Sep 26, 2004
Hi from Reno

OK, I've been a member for two years, but in the past have just used this site for info. I was turned on to T's by my friend Elizabeth (also a member here) about 2.5 years ago.

I posted earlier today because my GBB is in need of a girlfriend, but decided to come here and say hello as well.

At the moment I have only four T's, but have had a few others who are no longer with me for various reasons. I'd like to try another avic, though which variety, I haven't decided yet. My avic avic died as a result of injuries sustained when she fell from her web immediately after molting, and my versicolor was murdered my a marauding band of evil ants.

I also lost two T's (Cyclosternum fasciatum and Acanthoscurria geniculata) when I moved from the coast to the desert because I was too foolish to realize how much of a difference the change in humidity would make to how I maintained their enclosures. One T died while molting, when it only made it half way out of the molt. That may have also been related to lack of sufficient humidity, not sure.

Anyway, that's the history of my foibles and follies; hopefully, I've learned enough lessons the hard way that my current T's will live long and happy lives. I hope yours do the same.

Nick G

Aug 11, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm a fairly new member here, and am still feeling my way around the site.I recently took 3 pics of a female Lactrodectus with a camera phone at night, so I am going to try and get em' posted soon.Their quality may be not great, since it was at night,unplanned,et al.

El SD Fan

Aug 20, 2006
hello, my name is Raychel and i have been reading this forum for a while now. i have been in the arachnid hobby for a few years now. i also keep snakes and a tortoise and a bird.
here is a list of my collection.
i look forward to getting to know you folks.

0.0.1 Green Tree Python
1.0 Dumerils Boa
2.1 Boa constrictor
4.8 Corn Snake
1.2.1 Western Hognose
1.0 Striped Cali King
0.0.1 Leopard Tortoise
0.0.1 Northern Pygmy Toad

0.1 Jenday Conure

0.0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.0.6 Aphonopelma seemanni
0.0.1 Avicularia bicegoi
0.0.1 Avicularia geroldi
0.0.1 Avicularia minatrix
1.1.0 Avicularia avicularia
0.0.1 Avicularia versicolor
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum
0.0.1 Brachypelma smithi
0.0.3 Ceratogyrus brachycephalus
0.0.1 Cyclosternum fasciatum
0.0.2 Grammostola aureostriata
1.0.70 Grammostola rosea
0.0.1 Lasiodora parahybana
0.0.1 Nhandu chromatus
0.1.0 Phormoictopus cancerides
0.0.1 Poecilotheria ornata
0.0.1 Poecilotheria pedersoni
0.0.1 Poecilotheria regalis
0.0.1 Poecilotheria striata
0.0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei
0.0.4 Psalmopoeus irminia
0.0.1 Megaphobema robustum
0.0.1 Theraphosa blondi

2.3.0 Centruroides vittatus
0.1.0 Hadogenes paucidens
1.0.0 Hadrurus arizonensis
0.0.1 Heterometrus cyaneus
0.1.12 Heterometrus spp.
1.0.0 Hottentotta trilineatus
0.0.2 Lychas mucronatus
0.0.3 Pandinus imperator
0.0.4 Parabuthus transvaalicus
0.0.1 Scorpio maurus palmatus

critter slave

Sep 18, 2006
Yup, not much to say about me. Okay, well maybe there is considering I'm up late at night looking at pictures of tarantulas and contemplating getting some. Yeah, I figure what the heck. I have a lizard, two tree frogs, four fish tanks totalling 100 gallons and 25 fish, and a colony of crickets. How much harder could a few bugs be, eh?

I also have an indoor garden of house plants, and a soon to be set up vivarium for me froggies. I'm also into bonsai, the art of dwarfing trees. Yeah, if the world went to hell, and they built colonies on the moon, I'd be pretty well off with my skills. They'd finely be useful. Until then...

I think maybe some of the millipedes look interesting too. And some giant snail. And hermit crabs. And birds. And pretty much every other timorous beasty of the wood.


Sep 19, 2006

Hi, I'm Stuart from the UK. I've just gotten into inverts recently, but have had a variety of exotic pets for some years now. I currently have a Cobalt Blue, a Pokie metallica and five Versi slings. I'll be adding a couple of Regalis and possibly a T Purpureas. I'll post some pics soon.

Andy Gigas

Sep 20, 2006
hello everyone

My name is Andy. I'm a big fan of all "bugs" but my real interest is the myriapods. It's great to know that there are many knowledgable people on this board to talk to, I look forward to it.

Just AL

Sep 18, 2006
Just a qwik Hello

Hiya peeps AL here from Ontairo .Just thought I would say hi and Thanks to Pinklady and Wolfy72 and teh guys from Nextyear for getting me started in this hobby now Im an addict lol.I have 5 T's so far but that number will go up Im am very sure lol.

1- Choco Golden Knee
1-Venezuelan Greenbottle Blue
1-Honduran Curly Hair
1-Mexican Red Rump
1-Usambara Orange Baboon


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2005
Hiya peeps AL here from Ontairo .Just thought I would say hi and Thanks to Pinklady and Wolfy72 and teh guys from Nextyear for getting me started in this hobby now Im an addict lol.I have 5 T's so far but that number will go up Im am very sure lol.

1- Choco Golden Knee
1-Venezuelan Greenbottle Blue
1-Honduran Curly Hair
1-Mexican Red Rump
1-Usambara Orange Baboon
I'd like to say Welcome to everyone here, all the new comers and those just kind browsing and reading tryin to decide if you should join or not...well... YOU SHOULD what have you got to loose ? Plus look at all you gian...a colony of new friends and hobbyist, plus a wide database of info at your Welcome once again everyone.

On a personal Note here, i'd like to extend my own personal greeting to Al, it's about time you you "Got Bit' ... Welcome bud to one of the most addicting hobbies in the world.. pull up a seat and enjoy man. you'll love it...

Hope everyone enjoys thier time here as much as I have....


Aug 4, 2006
hello, my name is Raychel and i have been reading this forum for a while now. i have been in the arachnid hobby for a few years now. i also keep snakes and a tortoise and a bird.
here is a list of my collection.
i look forward to getting to know you folks.

0.0.1 Green Tree Python
1.0 Dumerils Boa
2.1 Boa constrictor
4.8 Corn Snake
1.2.1 Western Hognose
1.0 Striped Cali King
0.0.1 Leopard Tortoise
0.0.1 Northern Pygmy Toad

0.1 Jenday Conure

0.0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.0.6 Aphonopelma seemanni
0.0.1 Avicularia bicegoi
0.0.1 Avicularia geroldi
0.0.1 Avicularia minatrix
1.1.0 Avicularia avicularia
0.0.1 Avicularia versicolor
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum
0.0.1 Brachypelma smithi
0.0.3 Ceratogyrus brachycephalus
0.0.1 Cyclosternum fasciatum
0.0.2 Grammostola aureostriata
1.0.70 Grammostola rosea
0.0.1 Lasiodora parahybana
0.0.1 Nhandu chromatus
0.1.0 Phormoictopus cancerides
0.0.1 Poecilotheria ornata
0.0.1 Poecilotheria pedersoni
0.0.1 Poecilotheria regalis
0.0.1 Poecilotheria striata
0.0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei
0.0.4 Psalmopoeus irminia
0.0.1 Megaphobema robustum
0.0.1 Theraphosa blondi

2.3.0 Centruroides vittatus
0.1.0 Hadogenes paucidens
1.0.0 Hadrurus arizonensis
0.0.1 Heterometrus cyaneus
0.1.12 Heterometrus spp.
1.0.0 Hottentotta trilineatus
0.0.2 Lychas mucronatus
0.0.3 Pandinus imperator
0.0.4 Parabuthus transvaalicus
0.0.1 Scorpio maurus palmatus

Oh,,....GOD!,.... Is this what I have to look forward to??? I'm only into the tarantulas but, oh no, my home will soon be a zoo!!! YEAHHH!! I'm loving that!!


Sep 21, 2006
Hi From Texas

Hello, my name is Susan and I live in San Antonio, TX. I just recently got into keeping tarantulas about 2 months ago.

My boyfriend and I purchased a Chilean Rosehair from our local Petco store two months ago and we have been surprised by the spider stork. Our T's name is Stella Mae and on Sept. 9th Stella laid eggs and holed up in her hidely log with her egg sac. Talk about surprises. :)

Thank God for the Schultz book; a great source of info. After a brief flurry of freaking out and now that we have settled down, we are looking forward to helping Stella bring her eggs to term and becoming proud parents to zillions of little baby tarantulas.

Tarantulas are like potatoe can't own just one, so after Stella Mae we acquired Smokey Joe, a Mexican Fireleg, Harlowe, a Texas Tan, Fuzzywig the Curly Hair T, Tai, a Chaco Golden Knee and Lady Pinklington, Pink Zebra Beauty. And they all love to burrow; sometimes I think they have a backhoe and shovel hidden in their substrate the way burrows pop up overnight.

The thread on how to build an incubator has proven to be a life saver so I'm glad to be a part of Arachnoboards.

Y'all take care,


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2006
Hello to all

Hello to all, my name is cliff and I live in Winnemucca, Nevada. I have always been interested in spiders and tarantulas but only recently decided to jump in. I am getting my home for my new friend ready. I hope to get either a G. rosea or something similar, have'nt really decided yet. Also very interested in keeping some true spiders. I really enjoy what I have found on this site.



May 3, 2006
Hello eveyone my name is Misty I am excited to meet you all. A little about myself ... hmm well i started collecting a couple of years ago. i grew more and more interested. right now im in the middle of getting my first P.Metallica. sooo exciting . My first was a cobalt blue whom i love very much her name is violet. unfortunatly i do not have any pictres of myself but i do have a couple of my babies pictures. seeing how they are much more important than me. on the my profile is my monstrosity, my first emporor scorpion. in a black light of course.


Sep 20, 2006
Hello my name is tasha, I live in pearisburg va. I just purchase my very first tarantula, and I'm thinking about purchasing some more later. I'm very happy with my tarantula and its name is "tea".

I hope many years will come with me and "tea". {D


Aug 2, 2006
Hi my name is Kim and I live in SW Florida.
I am a recovering arachnaphobe and I believe I'm doing quite well. I currently have 0.0.2 G. rosea, 0.0.1 G. aureostriata, and 0.1 A. hentzi. My want list includes a G. pulchra, B. albopilosum, A. versicolor, E. campestratus, and a C. cyaneopubescens just to name a few. I think my husband may be in trouble. For my other critters I have...

0.0.1 Albino Bull snake
1.0 California King snake
1.0 Sinaloan milk snake

1.0 Burmese Python

0.1 Dumerils boa
2.1 Pastel Colombian red tail boa
1.0 Central American boa
1.2 Colombian red tail boa

2.1 Bearded dragon

0.1 Patternless leopard gecko

0.0.2 Northern Blue tongue skink
0.0.1 Yellow/Silver Tanimbar Blue tongue skink
1.1 Merauke Blue tongue skink
0.0.1 Yellow Indonesian Blue tongue skink
0.0.3 Irian Jaya Blue tongue skink

0.1 Umbrella Cockatoo "Sindel"
0.2 Dogs (Doberman "Chloe", Dobe mix "Sweet P")


Sep 25, 2006
Museum Of Natural History

I am Curator of the Museum of Natural History in Leavenworth, KS, which serves school district USD 453 which comprises of approximatly 2,000 elementary grade students. We are attempting to add an Arachnology Department to the Museum, and therefore are seeking mounted donations to use as teaching aids in a classroom environment. Please, NO LIVE SPECIMENS!
Anyone having a THERAPHOSA BLONDI, mounted, we would like to hear from you. Your assistance in adding to this new addition would be very much appreciated.
Ivan L Biehn
1320 5th Ave
Leavenworth, KS - 66048


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2006
Respect for everyone on this board...
What to say, IM from Serbia(lots of you dont know where is it on the world map), and I will buy my first T next week... Nhandu Chromatus or Bvagans, I dont know yet... Anyway, Im here to learn about T's, before I even make them a terrarium, and maybe some day to help someone...
That will be enough for now...


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2006
HI everyone!
Im here to learn as much as posible. In the last few days I learn a lot about tarantulas reading on this board.
Im from Serbia where arachnology isn't wery popular, so I have troubles collectin informations. My 1st T is on the way, and I want to welcome it with a nice terrarium wich will fullfill its needs... that is why I'm here...

Nice to be a part of somethin new
(sorry but I am completly illiterate on english)


Sep 28, 2006
Hello folks,

I am the architect of the Canadian Arachnologist, Nearctic Spider Database, and Nearctic Arachnologists' Forum (all of which are accessible via

I just fired up the annual photo contest associated with the above (directly accessible via Twelve lucky winners get their imagas in a 2007 calendar. Details can be read at the above URL.

Happy to be a new member,
