User Hobo's photos


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
I could come down on the only like 40mins away

lemme know your hours of avialibility over the weekend....i can make it anytime

I could bring you down a couple a A. matallica slings if ya like?

lemme know if that works for ya!


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Awesome pictures Jason, what is the status of your C. perezmilli slings????


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Awesome pictures Jason, what is the status of your C. perezmilli slings????
Well one of 'em up and died a few days after molting into what I suppose is 4th instar... No idea what happened... but most of the rest are all molted into 4th instar already, with a few stragglers still eating at 3rd instar. I'm planning to start selling them when shipping weather gets better, and they should be a reasonable size by then too.

Here's a 3rd instar eating a quarter of a cricket leg

And a 4th instar, about to grab itself a pinhead cricket. It's already showing adult-ish colors!

While I'm here...

Out and about after a recent molt, my P. irminia.

P. sp. antinoius eating in her hide

A better view of my teeny B. emilia sling.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Awesome, hopefully I will be able to get some of those little guys, nice pics of the P. irminia, mine never comes out of it's hide, at least not since I have had it.


Old Timer
Feb 14, 2009
My shipment of 4 spiders arrived a couple of days ago, but unfortunately one didn't make it :(
The female H. lividum unfortunately passed on sometime in transit. Really sucks:(. The death is somewhat of a mystery, as the packing was stellar, there were no signs of trauma on both the spider and the box, and all other spiders were more than perfect condition when unpacked. Have been in constant contact with the seller, he suggested that the most likey cause was possibly it getting too hot from the one heatpack in the cooler (This cooler is about 14" x 18" x 12" by the way, so it's pretty big). Anyway, enough of the negative, and on with new pictures of my new spiders!

First, I posted an enclosure I had made earlier in this thread. Here it is complete with sub, a dish, and fake plant!

Only one thing missing.. the spider! A beautiful, 3" (probably more) FAT female B. boehmei, now dubbed "Fat Mum"!
Here's her immediately after unpacking. The paper towel almost literally burst open from her girth as I pulled her out of the vial (woudl you believe she fit into that tiny vial there?)

And in her new enclosure

She has immediately taken to the burrow I had made for her, and usually sits at the entrance.
Just today, I've already caught her clearing out the shaft of dirt, as I had packed it in just in case she didn't want to use it. I'm glad she actually makes use of it. I was expecting her to completely ignore it and just stay vertical behind the plant or something, in the typical doing-what-you-did't-expect tarantula fashion.

That is not a Boehmei, she is a Baumgarteni. The pic above is a positive ID, there is a yellow check mark on the metatarsus right above the tarsas. Boehmei's have a black checkmark. Congrats!


May 11, 2010
My shipment of 4 spiders arrived a couple of days ago, but unfortunately one didn't make it :(
The female H. lividum unfortunately passed on sometime in transit. Really sucks:(. The death is somewhat of a mystery, as the packing was stellar, there were no signs of trauma on both the spider and the box, and all other spiders were more than perfect condition when unpacked. Have been in constant contact with the seller, he suggested that the most likey cause was possibly it getting too hot from the one heatpack in the cooler (This cooler is about 14" x 18" x 12" by the way, so it's pretty big). Anyway, enough of the negative, and on with new pictures of my new spiders!

First, I posted an enclosure I had made earlier in this thread. Here it is complete with sub, a dish, and fake plant!

Only one thing missing.. the spider! A beautiful, 3" (probably more) FAT female B. boehmei, now dubbed "Fat Mum"!
Here's her immediately after unpacking. The paper towel almost literally burst open from her girth as I pulled her out of the vial (woudl you believe she fit into that tiny vial there?)

And in her new enclosure

She has immediately taken to the burrow I had made for her, and usually sits at the entrance.
Just today, I've already caught her clearing out the shaft of dirt, as I had packed it in just in case she didn't want to use it. I'm glad she actually makes use of it. I was expecting her to completely ignore it and just stay vertical behind the plant or something, in the typical doing-what-you-did't-expect tarantula fashion.

That is not a Boehmei, she is a Baumgarteni. The pic above is a positive ID, there is a yellow check mark on the metatarsus right above the tarsas. Boehmei's have a black checkmark. Congrats!
Are you sure?
That looks like the classic boehmei.


Old Timer
Feb 14, 2009
Are you sure?
That looks like the classic boehmei.
100000% sure its a Baumgarteni. Classic boehmei have very little black patches on their carapace, baums have a carapace much like a smithi. Boehmeis have red from their knees down the legs, baums have a pronounced flame knee, much like a Auratum, but going down the colors turns light orange(the naked eye is better at seeing this than a camera). Last is on the metatarsus, boehmeis have a black check mark while baums have an orange checkmark(this is the only 100% way to id a baum). Trust me, I've id'd many baums and all are positive. I say again, Congrats!!!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
That is not a Boehmei, she is a Baumgarteni. The pic above is a positive ID, there is a yellow check mark on the metatarsus right above the tarsas. Boehmei's have a black checkmark. Congrats!
Are you sure?
From a more recent photo of her (the one here is before her molt), you said she was a boehmei. Here's your post, in TalonAWD's thread.

Either way, I was never planning on breeding her, so as long as she's orange and pretty, she could be whatever she wants to be!
Thanks for the heads up though:)


Old Timer
Feb 14, 2009
Are you sure?
From a more recent photo of her (the one here is before her molt), you said she was a boehmei. Here's your post, in TalonAWD's thread.

Either way, I was never planning on breeding her, so as long as she's orange and pretty, she could be whatever she wants to be!
Thanks for the heads up though:)
I must have quickly looked at the pics on talon's post last time, I observed them now in more detail and I was mistaken. I do see the yellow check mark on the first pic when it looks like the t is hanging on the left 2 legs. I just wish the 2 didn't closely resemble each other cause Baumgartenis are overlooked in this hobby, well based on what I've seen.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
It's been a while (the season's got me busy!) so here are a few pics!

L. violaceopes. Three weeks after molting and she finally came out.

Here's some moving pictures of feeding time (be sure to watch 'em in HD)!

My P. irminia, stalking and grabbing it's perfectly still prey... and forgetting where her front door is.

P. lugardi, popping out for lunch, Trapdoor style!

N. chromatus, not wasting any time.. and remembering her way back home.

A. pissi, very quick and what looks more like a feeding foxtrot than waltz...

And finally, the hopeful father of some avic slings, my MM A. avicularia, still has an appetite (or at least doesn't like his abdomen poked by annoying crickets!).

...and yup, hopeful father!
For you see, this very morning I came home to this...

And a couple of hours later, this!

Yup, that's a sac in there!
It's about time! Leave it to her to do so when I'm so busy and stressed with work. Thanks doll, you made my morning!


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Which one is that Jason, also where did you get the A. pissi from, those pictures were incredible. I am looking forward to the new year, going to be placing a tarcan order and crossing some things off my wishlist.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Spiders are so goofy, mine do the same thing. Grab a cricket and lose their minds because they can't remember how to get back into their burrows :rolleyes:

Great vids, nice quality to 'em!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Which one is that Jason, also where did you get the A. pissi from, those pictures were incredible. I am looking forward to the new year, going to be placing a tarcan order and crossing some things off my wishlist.
That's the A. avicularia of course! I'm hoping its a good one, as she is only about 4" and the sac is fairly small looking.
I got the A. pissi from Dave (Avery exotics Dave) At a reptile show this past summer. I think he might have some left so better make a note on that wishlist of yours!

Spiders are so goofy, mine do the same thing. Grab a cricket and lose their minds because they can't remember how to get back into their burrows :rolleyes:

Great vids, nice quality to 'em!
Thanks man!

And yeah, it's like they're so into hunting mode that they don't think about anything else. And when they get it, they're all like "Oh god where am I? I'm out in the open! I gotta hide somewhere quick!"


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
congrats on the sac!.....still waitin for my A. avi to drop:wall:


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Yeah I saw that is was the versi after I posted LOL. There was something wrong so I couldnt view the videos earlier. I have been trying to get ahold of Dave but haven't had any luck recently.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
congrats on the sac!.....still waitin for my A. avi to drop:wall:
Thanks! I honestly expected this one to molt out of it, figured she might be too young. But....! :)


I'll get those sling to you I swears! Christmas has me working a whole lot more, they're all molted, by the way.

Yeah I saw that is was the versi after I posted LOL. There was something wrong so I couldnt view the videos earlier. I have been trying to get ahold of Dave but haven't had any luck recently.
Versi?! Haha I wish. Just the A. Avicularia. Versi is actually on my wish list... When I get more space! Haha.
It may take a while, but Dave usually always responds eventually!


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
I must have versicolor on my mind. Oh and usually always responds eventually is probably the best four words together I have ever seen.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Welp, start off with the bad news first.
The avic has been leaving the sac for long periods of time, and since it's been a month, I decided to just go ahead and pull the sac. Of course when I open her nest up, she goes and grabs it again.

So I get it and first thing I notice was that it felt very firm. My perezmilesi sack was much more... loose than this one.

So I open it up, and all the eggs are in one giant ball, with quite a few turning black:( I kept the most normal looking ones (Some are larger than others, and not all are completely round. I've read that this means that the batch is no good) and stuck 'em in the incubator just in case.

They have since started to turn dark and shrivel a bit, so I'm guessing it's a no go with her:eek: Ah well. It's probably the males fault. Yeah that's right, blame him, not me! I'm guessing he was just too old. He's still kicking though, so who knows.

Now the cheerier stuff.

My Male P. metallica molted, and is about 4" now!

Hopefully he's getting close to maturing.

And just this morning... the Male GBB that I got from Armando finally molted!

And what's more, he's finally mature! I'll just need to wait for a molt from my female, who's due in April, though I'm currently stuffing her silly to get her to molt sooner!

Let's see his junk.

Maybe I'll print this out and post it in her enclosure, to get her juices flowing:}

And here's a few randoms.

She's one molt ahead of her brothers. Getting big!

G. rosea has finally started using her hide as a hide. It only took her a year!


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
Awsome pics dude!......sorry to hear about your Avic sac....i jus picked up a freshly molted MM a. avic....hes all yours when im done wit him....hes a good size, and is hella fat for a MM.....prooly gunna pair him up wit my female tonight, so should be able to bring him down wit me, when i come to grab them slings......

...oh, btw...its lookin like i will have some versi slings up for grabs......pullin the sac feb3rd....she laid on jan 7th,....i dont like to count my slings before they hatch, but this one is lookin good!
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