User Hobo's photos


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Is this an A. versicolor? Beautiful tarantula, so many different colors on one spider.
Yeah, she's in that transitional phase between juvenile and adult colors. Her sister's a lot closer to adult colors, but her tube web is thick so I can't prove it.:)


Apr 2, 2012
Here's some random shots of feeding time:

A freshly molted female in the communal.

Pardon my intrusion, but which genus/species is this? I feel like I should know this, but I'm at a loss. Gorgeous shots btw.


Jul 26, 2015
Hobo, the housing for your venny's (Irminia) is perfect. Because although they're "arboreal" I've noticed they prefer to live at the base, right where the tree meets the ground. In fact to feed my 3" girl I just drop a roach down in here hole or anywhere near it and WHAP! Game Over-- Dubia. I handled mine when they were young. Wait til they double in size from what they are now... You won't want to handle them :) lolz... Well maybe you'll want to, but don't.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Hobo, the housing for your venny's (Irminia) is perfect. Because although they're "arboreal" I've noticed they prefer to live at the base, right where the tree meets the ground. In fact to feed my 3" girl I just drop a roach down in here hole or anywhere near it and WHAP! Game Over-- Dubia. I handled mine when they were young. Wait til they double in size from what they are now... You won't want to handle them :) lolz... Well maybe you'll want to, but don't.
Hah, that was 6 years ago. The males are long gone, the one female is still with me, and much more than double that size.
She lives in here now:

When I first set it up, I had the space behind the cork mostly full of dirt. She has since evacuated all and webbed up the side, so I see her maybe a couple of times a year, if I'm quiet enough.

Anyway, here are a few shots:

Newly molted B. boehmei (this is the second one I got "recently"):

A tiny N. tripepii I nearly forgot I had.

And, a new addition, A 9"+ T. stirmi!


Jul 26, 2015
Heterothele gabonensis I presume.

this has nothing to do with the post but can I just say, the underpants gnome quote about spiders and profit it a great analogy. Sometimes I feel like the ones that breed the spiders are the only ones that buy them lol... Of course that's just not true, but great quote. Both for content, and making me lolz

---------- Post added 07-31-2015 at 07:32 AM ----------

Wow 6 years ago! lol that's crazy. Good to hear she's still doing well, I bet she's muuuuch bigger lolz. That's a nice setup for her, mine has done the same thing as far as excavating all of the dirt and shoring it up with webbing. I usually just drop a cricket/Dubia down her hole... Though I'll admit sometimes I like to just place them in there and watch them wander around until detected by "La Tigré" (that's her name) and destroyed. Quickly. She's up with with my Ornata as far as quickness of feeding responses. I should have named her Blur haha. Love the pics! Keep them coming ;)