User Hobo's photos

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
You have an extraordinary knack for photographing and documenting. Each series just seems to come out perfectly. Quality pics and none of the 'what the heck am I looking at' or 'just what the heck are you talking about'.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
You have an extraordinary knack for photographing and documenting. Each series just seems to come out perfectly. Quality pics and none of the 'what the heck am I looking at' or 'just what the heck are you talking about'.
Thanks. I think I owe that to my relatively small collection and the fact that I almost never give/sell any Ts away that I didn't hatch; the same Ts get photographed over and over again through the years:)

'nother shot of that GBB, for that thread I'm still quietly updating...



Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
That O. diamantinensis is a new species to me and really pretty! Is there a common name to them? Thanks a lot for posting your pics, quite nice indeed.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
That O. diamantinensis is a new species to me and really pretty! Is there a common name to them? Thanks a lot for posting your pics, quite nice indeed.
I'm sorry. I really should keep a closer eye on this thread.
I don't know the common name (or if it even has one), but here's the article.

Well, not much as been going on, it being winter time, but here are a few shots of the H. gabonensis communal.

Juvenile stalking some crickets.

Adult at the mouth of her tube web.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

And a female airing out a sac.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Thanks for the link to the paper, nice to know there's another T whose gender may be determined by color


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
It's been nearly half a year, I guess it's time I threw some photos up here.

First the sad.
My N. chromatus died (on her back, but was not in premolt!), cause unknown.
She was heavily gravid (I cut her open and she was full of eggs), but never dropped a sac.

My MM G. rosea attempted a post ultimate molt, and unfortunately didn't go his way.
Interestingly he got his palps out just fine, but couldn't get his back half out.

Here's a shot of his deformed bulb.

And his bent legs, complete with very long tibial hooks.

He was barely twitching when I got to him and was already fairly hardened, so there's was no freeing him.
No sense letting him go to waste (G. rosea female just kept trying to get laid, so the Pampho had to do the job).


On a more lighter note, one of the P. metallica I paired way back in August finally dropped a sac last month.

I pulled it about three weeks later, and found it to be still wet inside.

Here you could see the liquid between two eggs.

Fearing the worst, I set them up in an incubator anyway.
Good thing too, because a week later they started to pop.

Not too shabby all things considered. Not all of the eggs were fertile and some failed to hatch out (I'm keeping them around until they rot just in case).
Hopefully I can get these guys to third instar without issue.

Maybe the other female will decide to drop soon too....


And, some randoms I took over the past six months.

I'll try to keep this updated, but just in case I forget,
See you all next year!
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Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Sorry to hear about the deaths, but good luck on the P. metallica eggs! Also, that pic of the little GBB sling on it's back threatening is priceless. I've seen that kind of behavior from a couple of mine so far - both males. The females are not as feisty for some reason :D

Athenas Boy

Apr 8, 2012
I just spent the last 2 days going through all of this and you are an artist! I absolutely love every single one of your T's! Congrats on the sac by the way!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Thanks guys!

More photos of the P. metallica brood:

Molting into 1st instar

There were a few freaks that had weird legs that I had to manually extract from the egg. Most did not molt into 1st instar, but I managed to help this guy out.

Using water and gravity!

Free, but with stumpy legs. The one behind him got that far, and gave up.

Unfortunately, he got munched while molting into 2nd instar :(

This one molted just fine on his own, though. He has even stumpier legs!

A few of the first instars seemed to have their legs held up high all the time, and all of them died. This one began to leak brown fluid.

I called 'em "fliers" :)

Molting into 2nd instar

There was some cannibalism. It seemed to start off with others chewing on molts, but eventually one would start chewing on someone else's butt as they emerged.

A feeding frenzy!

Yet somehow, 'ol gimpy managed to avoid it all and successfully molt again.

They all left the top of the incubator to hang around the sides.

Darkening up...

And finally, molting into third instar!

male or female? :)

Already a bit blue


The male M. robustum finally kicked the bucket after two years. Here are some photos of his various parts:



Epiandrous fusillae

and his double tibial hooks

and, here's a freshly molted B. boehmei

a freshly mature male E. pulcherrimaklaasi sp. blue. Or is that Maraca pulcherrimaklaasi now?
At least that's what he was sold as.

and the female.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Very awesome "birth" documentation there, mate! Great pictures and insane that you managed to even help a tiny ewl to molt into its next stage! Wth?

Also, your E. pulcherrimaklaasi (actually, they're mostly called E. sp. "blue" and if I remember correctly, Chad said not Maraca spp.) female looks stunningly beautiful! I wished, my girl would decide to molt :)


Staff member
Apr 11, 2010
Very nice Jason!
Very awesome "birth" documentation there, mate! Great pictures and insane that you managed to even help a tiny ewl to molt into its next stage! Wth?

Also, your E. pulcherrimaklaasi (actually, they're mostly called E. sp. "blue" and if I remember correctly, Chad said not Maraca spp.) female looks stunningly beautiful! I wished, my girl would decide to molt :)
Schmidt described E. pulcherrimaklaasi from two specimens, male and a female. The female described was actually E. truculentus. The spider in the hobby is not a Maraca species. Best to keep them labelled as Euathlus sp. 'blue/blue femur' for now. :)

Blurp from: The Andean tarantulas Euathlus Ausserer, 1875, Paraphysa Simon, 1892 and Phrixotrichus Simon, 1889 (Araneae, Theraphosidae): phylogenetic analysis, genera redefinition and new species descriptions (Perez-Miles and Perafan, 2014)

The male holotype lacks palpal organs and the original figures are not clear enough to identify it (Schmidt 1991). However, given the presence of a retrolateral node on the palpal tibiae, the presence of the urticating setae type III and IV, and besides other characters of the generic significance, the male holotype seems to be Maraca, consequently is transferred to the genus. Hence Maraca pulcherrimaklaasi comb. nov. is proposed. The female paratype (with no further information, deposited at SMF, not examined) is not congeneric with the male(based on the original description), and is identified as E. truculentus in this paper(see above).
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Thanks guys.
I don't think any of the ones I helped out survived except for the gimpy one, so I guess for them it just wasn't meant to be.

The gimpy one, by the way, has successfully made it to third instar. He was the last to do so. It looks like the gimped legs/palp have started to regenerate a little bit.
If they remain so, I may try and pulling some and see if they regenerate gimped or normal. For science.


Jul 27, 2014
Great photo's hobo and the quility looks great! nice setups and T's you've got aswell, would love to get more if i had the room, do you know that jon3800 since your both from canada, he seems to be all over youtube. Wonder if he's on here....


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
And I'm back!

Momma GBB has finally decided to molt. I have been dreading this day, fearing the worst. Here's why, if you haven't been following: First problematic molt (and resulting deformities), and Second problematic molt (and her removing her leg).
I was lucky enough yet again to be around when she decided to flip on her back:

I watched her as she finally began hours earlier, and it seemed that that problem area was being shed at the same pace as the rest of the molt.
She managed to molt without any serious issues!

and flipped over

She's hidden herself away for now, but here's a shot of her new palp and larger leg I

Her leg is still bent at the femur, but from what I've seen it doesn't look too bad as it did last molt:

Hopefully it will straighten out with successive molts.

Another molt that went by without any serious problems was the P. antinous (Here's what happened last time).
Although I wasn't able to catch her mid molt, I did see that ther wasn't any bleeding this time. The area is still white and pretty much looks like it did before, so I hope it eventually gets better rather than worse.

This girl also molted within the last couple of months. I need to check inside their cork tubes more often.

And here's some shots of the P. metallica slings having their first meals [SUB]that aren't other P. metallicas...[/SUB]:



Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
I'm glad your couple having the problematic molts in the past did so this time without issues! That's really good news! I still think if I'd be anywhere near you and one of mine would have such problems, I'd probably race out to you and ask for your help, haha! "The T surgeon" is a title you have attained over those documentations in my book.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Yessssss.... made it in before a year passed.
I still keep tarantulas!
Haven't gotten any new ones, and have lost a few (mostly mature males, but my P. murinus and P. antinous passed away :()
Here's some random shots of feeding time:

A freshly molted female in the communal.

and a couple of (I presume) to be her slings from her past eggsac.