Yes Just finished planting. Still looking for some kind of climbing plant and some airplane for the hanging piece of wood tho. This is how it looks so far.Nice setup! Are you going to add some live plants? It would look awesome with some hedera helix, bromeliad and moss. A chamadorea elegans can fill fhe vertical space also, but the webbing may kill the plant.
That's a nice setup!! But if you want something more elaborated, you don't need to complicate too much, you only need some dry grass, a rock or some wood for hide, and a soft cactus and it's done.Everyones set ups look so cool. I have an A. Chalcodes & after seeing these terrariums, mine seems so bare.
Originally I was thinking of adding some sort of decorative plastic item like a "fake" cactus.....but I read that it wasn't necessary, so all he has is a log hide & a water dish......but he seems happy View attachment 293353
Amazing terrarium! How many scorps do you have in there? I really want to buy my first scorpion at Repticon this weekend. Any tips on husbandry?View attachment 302324 40 gallon for P. imperator colony.
About 20 or so. Most are juveniles though. Pandinus and Heterometrus are pretty easy to keep. I keep the temps 80-90 with high humidity. Make sure there’s plenty of substrate and a flat rock/piece of wood for them to burrow under. If you house multiple scorpions in the same enclosure, you’ll want extra hides in case any want to be alone.Amazing terrarium! How many scorps do you have in there? I really want to buy my first scorpion at Repticon this weekend. Any tips on husbandry?