Thanks beetleman,those amazonicas are awesome! can't wait see when they get some size on them, i gotta get some:drool:
For the Avicularia bicegoi that I have they are between...what kind of camera do you use?
and.. how do you get them out of their tubes without ruining them?
i have trouble taking pics of mine as they wont come out.. my versi just molted and i cant even get to its exo! haha
Here is a link to some lens. The company I used has long since gone out of business...what kind of camera do you use?
and.. how do you get them out of their tubes without ruining them?
i have trouble taking pics of mine as they wont come out.. my versi just molted and i cant even get to its exo! haha
Thanks. I figure since I am only photographing at home on a platform it is good enough for me. If I ever find myself in the deep amazon jungle then I would consider a $5,000+ camera for use.Wow, thanks for the info! Yeah, I don't have the guts to try to coax slings the way you do...but who know's, I may change my mind. I'll have to stick the info away somewhere for later. Thanks for the camera recomendation. Yeah, the whole "you get what you pay for" is certainly not true with cameras. I prefer my walmart special 4.0 megapixel to my friend's pricey 10 megapixel olympus.
Thanks so much. I will continue to post pictures of them as they become adults. That way anybody whi is interested can get an idea of how their slings will turn outas they grow.Your Avics's are all gorgeous. I have read this thread with interest as my collection of Avic's grows. Its great to see the changes yours have gone through with each moult. Excellent pics and Tarantulas's as always :clap:
Thanks. I can not wait for my Amazonicas to get larger. 9 inches is huge for an Avicularia. I will need a cage that is 18x18x36 inches for an animal as large as them. Some other people are interested in how they are going to turn out and I do not mind placing the pictures online for everybody to see. Right now three of them have have huge abdomens so I expect a nice molt in the next few weeks. I expect to see some coloration really coming through within their next molt or two. My other two are a little bit smaller so they will eat and molt at a later time.:clap: yes that versi is awesome! luv em:drool:
I spoke with Jason Magnusson at...i just saw on his list he has a purple amazonica 4" sounds nice,but ofcourse the money thingi think someone here just picked up 1 at arachnocon. very awesome avic.
awesome,thanks for the info,yeah it was afew pages back, oh and sorry on your minatrix dyingI spoke with Jason Magnusson at...
...via email a few days ago about that tarantula and mine. He said that the amazonica that massmorels has was from the exact same person that the 5 Avicularia_sp._amazonica that I bought from him. So mine should be the blue/green version just like massmorels is that you can see pictured in this thread a few pages ago.
That other one that Jason Magnusson has on his site...
Avicularia Sp. Purple Amazonica Recently Updated! a completely different species of tarantula alltogether. It is probably from a different country or area within the amazon jungle. The amazon jungle spans several South American countries. My species which is the blue/green version came from Brazil in the amazon jungle. Look at the spider that is fifth up from the bottom of the page at...
and you can see this is what an adult blue/green version looks like. My 5 should start to look a lot like massmorels actually within the next molt or three. Not far away like within the next six months or so.
There is also an issue in Europe about the amazonica name being used on other Avicularia species that is causing a disruption... hopefully the amazonica name issue will get resolved.
Anyway, if mine turn out like massmorels, huge 9 inch, very very dense hair, blue/green carapace and legs, white frosted hair tips, and red based hair abdomen I will be extremely happy! Even one step further if I end up with 2 or more of both males and females I will be bouncing off of the walls.
WARNING: On another note 2 of my 8 Avicularia minatrix are dead.With half inch slings you MUST keep their cage damp. It looked like they died trying to shed their exoskeleton. 5 out of 6 of my remaining minatrix have recently molted with one minatrix left to molt. The substrate was damp but obviously living in the Western USA I should of spayed the inside more frequently like every other day instead of every 3 or 4 days. Any new sling owners of half inchers should take this into consideration. While I spent only $35 each on them I could of very easily gotten $200+ for an Avicularia minatrix adult when they got to that size. That hurts the pocket. I want to keep a couple of males and a couple of females of each species then sale what is left to pay for the hobby expense.
No problem ShadowBlade, the two that died were not the ones that I have been photographing but thanks for the advice anyway. I will admit that I probably rush it a little bit to much but I am EXTREMELY GENTLE with them even after their exoskeleton gets hard. I will just nudge them, NOT POKING AND NOT PUSHING, with my 12 inch tweezers. Just grazing the hairs will cause them to move in the opposite direction so you do not even have to touch their phisical body at all. The one that I have been photographing is still alive and doing just fine. Like I said, the 2 that died looked like a failed molt. I am now spraying down the inside of their cage every two days. I am going to watch the 5 out 6 remaining minatrix to eat since they molted several days ago. I have to order some more pinheads since my minatrix slings are still small even at what they are now which is about 3/4_inch long. I will be feeding them this week after their exoskeleton gets a little bit harder.Don't take this like a kick in the butt.. You shouldn't be taking them out so quickly after a molt for pics. They're too fresh, and avic slings are fragile enough. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason for losing your minatrix.
beetleman said:awesome,thanks for the info,yeah it was afew pages back, oh and sorry on your minatrix dying those spiderlings are fragile,goodluck on your remaining ones.