Same here, looking at the light between the hairs in the third picture appears to have a greenish tint to it. If you look at the very tips of the toes in the second picture and the third I see thin blueish lines. Anyway that is the casting that I was talking about. If you look at Massmorels photographs early on in this thread that one looks very blue and about a medium sized animal which I think is a very nice looking animal.Gorgeous :worship: :worship:
Yip I see the blue/green colour but it looks more blue in most pics but slightly greenish in pic 3.
Yea, I know the Avicularia species are skewed at best. My versicolor, bicegoi, and minatrix all came from...Thats the difficulty of the Avics, you just have to wait and see how they grow but also are you 100% sure that each of the photo's in the link are genuine A. amazonica? Some photo's look to be more green than blue and others more blue but it could just be down to camera angle, lighting, flash etc. so may not mean anything.
In all honesty, its such a confusing subject trying to ID Avics. We know when we have genuine A. versicolor, A. laeta, A. minatrix as they are quite distinct but when it comes to the others then thats where the difficulty lies as they are similar in colour especially as slings.
I have A. braunshauseni which look just like the A. sp. "guyana" but supposedly grow much bigger so I wont know until adult if they are the real thing or not.
The A. bicegoi is different again because there are supposed to be none in the hobby. I have 2 slings here but as there is nothing scientific to compare them to then I really dont know.
I think its just a case of waiting a few more moults or maybe send moults away to Ray Gabriel to study.
Your Avics are all beautiful no matter what they turn out to be.If you do have genuine A. amazonica then you will have real beauties there that a lot of people would love to have.
Thanks beetleman. This one does seem to be molting more frequently these days.:clap: beautiful as always,yeah they do grow fast,mine is gettin pretty big also.
Your A. genic is stunning. I cant wait until mine gets some colour. Its only around 1cm just now lol.
The A. sp. amazonica is gorgeous. In these photo's it shows more blue than blue/green. The photo's are excellent. Wish mine were that good :worship:
Thanks beetleman, it does have a blueish sheen to it. Even the hairs on the carapace look to be a blue color.:clap: oh yeah,definitly a blue sheen there,beautiful!
Thanks Elaine. Absolutely, we should (((both))) continue to post their pics as they get larger for a good comparison. I would like very much to watch yours progress through each molt. That way any others interested in this species can watch them grow. Hey, where did you get yours from if you do not mind me asking??Woohoo I've been waiting so patiently for these pics :clap: :clap:
Definitely looking blue to me too. I cant wait until mine get that big. 1 of my 2 has moulted last week and measures approx 1inch. The legs were pink before the moult but now have a slight blue tint to them. Hope you dont mine me putting the pic in your thread. Just holler if you want me to remove it.
I got mine from...Thanks![]()
Mine came from a girl on another forum who got them from a dealer in Germany. I dont know who the German dealer is though.
Its good to watch how yours are doing after each moult to be able to give me an idea of what to expect with mine since there is virtually no information out there about them.
Like you I'm already planning ahead and will probably have to build my own enclosures for them when they mature.
If it helps any, I use these for my avic slings once they get to around 1 inch.
I bought them from Ikea for only £1.45 each. They measure 7" height x 6" length x 3" depth. I'm just getting some ready to rehouse my versi's into.
Check this link out Elaine. This person very clearly placed the correct label on these little slings. This person has honesty which is great! You can see that even at the first molt their abdomens have the black base hairs that are very short with the longer pinkish/red tipped hairs...You could be right about the German breeder. I only have 2 at the moment but keeping my eyes open for another 2 or 3.
Sorry to hear 1 of yours died. I'm just about to feed the one that moulted last week. She ate only 2 days before moulting![]()
Yours look great in the herp haven. The blue is very distinctive on the underside.