Search results for query: lividus

  1. NMTs

    O. sp. Vietnam as a display tarantula? heater and humidifier (neither of which are expensive or cost much to run) and I see my fossorial species out all the time. Some of them out this evening: 0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Hana O.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronica dwarf 0.0.1 Citharognathus tongmianensis 0.1 Cyriopagopus...
  2. Brewser

    Cyriopagopus albostriatus availability/care

    C. Lividus Resides in a Hole... Likes to show off great looking legs.:drunk: lol
  3. Dick Longfellow

    Today in the Spider Room?

    Rehoused a C. Lividus. Went smoothly just a short burst into its starter burrow
  4. deyean

    Help picking a new fossorial buddy!

    Went to the expo, came back with a dent in the bank account... After a long talk with one of the guys, got myself a c.lividus juvie, they didn't have change so they gave me a c.sp hati hati juvie for a fiver out of the blue. My girlfriend got a Brazilian black juvie/SA and a Heterometrus...
  5. Stu Macher

    Help picking a new fossorial buddy!

    ...with a female from spider shoppe. If you're set on an OW, raising a sling is probably a better option. Not to say you can't do it, but a C lividus is a blue demon with 8 legs. Especially if it's wild caught. There are MANY NW's out there that rival the beauty of a C lividus, and won't...
  6. Mustafa67

    Which tarantula?

    Those are such opposite Ts, its very random to compare these. 3rd tarantula and a defensive old world (C Lividius)? No, just stupidity. Grow a brain and do some research. A Moderatum would be my recommendation of these two.
  7. JackV

    Which tarantula?

    Thank you! This is the exact kind of comment I was looking for. Me and my dad are very passionate about owning tarantulas, and we are in the market for one. I did know that these are old world, and will be looking for a different species as soon as possible, although our local pet store doesn’t...
  8. Ultum4Spiderz

    Which tarantula?

    Worse than catching a loose pokie I bet …. 🤣😠😠 I rarely got threat poses.
  9. kingshockey

    Which tarantula?

    make your parents aware if you get that c lividus :rofl:your mom would be pretty pissed i think if it escapes and you have an old world running around with a possibly nasty bite
  10. Arachnophobphile

    Which tarantula? done proper research on best practices in rehousing defensive NW T's with UrS? I highly suggest looking into it. As far as Cyriopagopus lividus this is definitely not for you. Have you even communicated any of this to your parents? If you're not aware this is an OW with medically...
  11. AMGTarantulas

    Which tarantula?

    I would go with the the Moderatum! Neither of my cobalt's come out. I see them maybe once every 6 months or less.
  12. Tbone192

    Which tarantula?

    A moderatum for sure. C lividus are very pretty. I own numerous OWTs but never this species. They are the poster child for feisty fossorials, very fast and angry ball of blue. Definitely not a good 3rd T but put in time and research and one day C lividus is on the table. If you want a blue...
  13. NMTs

    Which tarantula?

    C. lividus is not a good choice for your third T - I would strongly discourage you from getting one. A. moderatum would be a good choice. They stay relatively small (5" give or take), are hardy and easy to care for, and look good. All the normal Aphonopelma drawbacks apply (slow growth rate...
  14. viper69

    Which tarantula?

    An OW T- you should wait Mod- it’s not docile like some other Apho Do more research than asking too, read on AB
  15. Ultum4Spiderz

    Which tarantula?

    A. moderatum unless you like obligatory burrowers which good chance either will dig one. I wouldn’t get C lividus without doing plenty of research there fast and bitey. I still haven’t had one.
  16. JackV

    Which tarantula?

    Im having some issues choosing my next tarantula. This would be my 3rd, although the first one passed away. My choices are an A. moderatum, or a C lividus. They are both really beautiful, and I need the goods and bads of both. I’m fine with either.
  17. CrazyOrnithoctonineGuy

    If you were a T…..

    Sure, makes sense. LMAO! (But as someone who is still a lividus fan and keeps them it’s a bit sad to see how far their standing has fallen)
  18. Spinnenfritzi

    If you were a T…..

    cyriopagopus lividus... Was considered cool 18 years ago :D
  19. Stu Macher

    What is your most visually appealing Tarantula?

    Stunners. As cliche as it may be. I have to say P metallica for me lol. Poeciletheria in general blows me away
  20. CrazyOrnithoctonineGuy

    What is your most visually appealing Tarantula? terms of visual impact: However, there are a bunch of other contenders for the title in terms of overall looks, like Ampha (my AF C. lividus) and Aranya (AF C. natanicharum). And that’s before you get into the fact I have a number of Ts that are still growing up that could easily...