E.Variabilis building a lid (GIF)
Yeah cool my young fella will enjoy going out for a look. That would be handy having a look at that guide when you release it im keen to have a look. We only have the 2 trapdoors at the moment but theres plenty around where we live. The other trapdoor we have seems happy in it's current setup so I'm not too worried but a good guide will be really handy for future reference cheers
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Nice little Longipes! You can find 2 other additional Arbanitis there as well, one of them you need an extremely good eye to spot as they have lids on their burrows. Hadronyche Valida and Infensa compete for ground space under rocks and Hadronyche Formidabilis can be seen in tree trunks if you're lucky enough to find one. There's a ton more, Tamborine is a spider megaspot and one of my favorite spots to photograph their wild habitats

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