Who's behind the computer - Part 1

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Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
I haven't the slightest idea why you have been avoiding posting your picture. I for one really like to see pics of the people I get to talk to every day......especially when they are as beautiful as you are. :eek:

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
Gene said:
I haven't the slightest idea why you have been avoiding posting your picture. I for one really like to see pics of the people I get to talk to every day......especially when they are as beautiful as you are. :eek:
Oh wow, I'm flattered! ;) Have you posted a pic of yourself in this thread? If so, could you give me a link to it (I don't know how to even begin combing through all of these pages).

BTW, I forgot to mention it b4, but the shirt I'm wearing is one of Wade's P. regalis T-shirts. Very cool! :cool:


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
Mad Hatter said:
Oh wow, I'm flattered! ;) Have you posted a pic of yourself in this thread? If so, could you give me a link to it (I don't know how to even begin combing through all of these pages).

BTW, I forgot to mention it b4, but the shirt I'm wearing is one of Wade's P. regalis T-shirts. Very cool! :cool:
I have posted a pic here but I must warn you it's an few years old. I just don't have any recent one's to post. And contrary to what Mr. Rourke says that is not me in my avatar. (unfortunately) If only I could be that dark hero............ well never mind. There I go day dreaming again.

You can look HERE and you will see the page I am on. I believe it's page 91.

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
Gene said:
I have posted a pic here but I must warn you it's an few years old. I just don't have any recent one's to post. And contrary to what Mr. Rourke says that is not me in my avatar. (unfortunately) If only I could be that dark hero............ well never mind. There I go day dreaming again.

You can look HERE and you will see the page I am on. I believe it's page 91.
You're cute! :) BTW, how many years is "a few years old"?

I was wondering about you're avatar - I almost remarked on it in the last post... that's Kain isn't it? (or Cain, I can never get the spelling right). I love that game! I liked Kain a lot better than Raziel (I have no clue if I spelled that one right or not). I'm no good at playing games tho, so I have to watch my brother play it so I can get the story.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
Mad Hatter said:
You're cute! :) BTW, how many years is "a few years old"?

I was wondering about you're avatar - I almost remarked on it in the last post... that's Kain isn't it? (or Cain, I can never get the spelling right). I love that game! I liked Kain a lot better than Raziel (I have no clue if I spelled that one right or not). I'm no good at playing games tho, so I have to watch my brother play it so I can get the story.
Why thank you. I am flattered as well if not a little embarrassed. :eek: That pic is about 2 years old. It was uploaded in Feb of 03. I know, I know... I need a more recent pic but I really don't like where age has taken me. {D

My avatar is Kain & you nailed the spelling of Raziel. I don't know if you are up on the whole story but I did like Raziel better until I started to understand were Kain was going with his plan. Very cool game none the less.

Here is a new pic I just took of me. That's my little Tarantula work station behind me. :D

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Old Timer
Jun 25, 2004
yeah, I've been a member for a while and never posted a picture of myself. So, boys and girls, here I am. Please try to contain your screams of intense pain. LOL!
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Old Timer
Jun 25, 2004
Let me get the record straight: I wasn't just dressed and done up like I was in a wedding or something; I really look like this ALL THE TIME...

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
Gene said:
Why thank you. I am flattered as well if not a little embarrassed. :eek: That pic is about 2 years old. It was uploaded in Feb of 03. I know, I know... I need a more recent pic but I really don't like where age has taken me. {D

My avatar is Kain & you nailed the spelling of Raziel. I don't know if you are up on the whole story but I did like Raziel better until I started to understand were Kain was going with his plan. Very cool game none the less.
I think you look just fine! I don't know what you're talking about when you say you dont like where age has taken you.

You're not going to believe this, but before I liked Kain, I actually liked Mobius :eek: - that is, until I figured out what a manipulative sleezebag he really is. :mad:

Just a month or so ago, my brother finished the most recent game (I think it's called the Legacy of Kain, but I'm not sure). The end was sad, but perfect. I don't know if they'll be creating any more of those games, tho.

Talk to you later, handsome. ;)


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
guesskatiejules said:
Please try to contain your screams of intense pain. LOL!
Screams of pain LOL!!! {D
Again with the beautiful ladies...........that for some reason don't show pics for a long time. :?

It never ceases to amaze me how many women that are just plain HOTT are into Tarantulas & inverts. Where were y'all when I was like 6 and every girl I showed a bug to either ran, screamed, hated me, or any combinatoin of the three?

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
guesskatiejules said:
Let me get the record straight: I wasn't just dressed and done up like I was in a wedding or something; I really look like this ALL THE TIME...
I can believe it. :) You're gorgeous!

:( I guess I should take my picture down. I'm just not even in the ballpark anymore.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
Mad Hatter said:
I think you look just fine! I don't know what you're talking about when you say you dont like where age has taken you.

You're not going to believe this, but before I liked Kain, I actually liked Mobius :eek: - that is, until I figured out what a manipulative sleezebag he really is. :mad:

Just a month or so ago, my brother finished the most recent game (I think it's called the Legacy of Kain, but I'm not sure). The end was sad, but perfect. I don't know if they'll be creating any more of those games, tho.

Talk to you later, handsome. ;)
Well thank you.

Yup, Mobius is a real sleez but Mortanius sort of came around. Too bad the Hilden had already taken control of him.

The whole series of games is called Legacy of Kain with a subtitle to describe each installment. The last being Defiance. It is rumored that there will be other games in the series but I don't know how soon. I hate that Raziel was again imprisoned in the Reaver but with out him Kain just isn't complete.


Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
Gene said:
It never ceases to amaze me how many women that are just plain HOTT are into Tarantulas & inverts. Where were y'all when I was like 6 and every girl I showed a bug to either ran, screamed, hated me, or any combinatoin of the three?
The world is changing... for the better. But really, I think we're just so spread out over the globe that the only way we know that others exist is through this wonderful site!

I mean, I still get a lot of flack from anyone and everyone who knows about my hobby.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
Mad Hatter said:
I can believe it. :) You're gorgeous!

:( I guess I should take my picture down. I'm just not even in the ballpark anymore.

Don't you dare! :eek: :eek:


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2004
Mad Hatter said:
I mean, I still get a lot of flack from anyone and everyone who knows about my hobby.
Me too. It's quite funny actually because I work in a very conservative environment and people's jaws hit the floor when they hear of my hobbies.


Old Timer
May 28, 2004
guesskatiejules said:
Let me get the record straight: I wasn't just dressed and done up like I was in a wedding or something; I really look like this ALL THE TIME...
I want you to know I COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY 100% Believe you! {D
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Spider-man 2

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
Do you know how hard it is to type to Wayne instead of Dwayne? It's branded in my brain to always put the D before the freaken W. I continuously hit the back space over and over. I blame your parents.
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