One of my two L. nigerrimum slings has molted-this one has been in premolt for around a month, so about damn time!
Also, now that I've gotten a good look at my P. irminia sling, it's obviously molted at some point without me noticing. The enclosure it's currently in isn't ideal for maintenance so I'd probably rehouse it as soon as I can get it fattened up (it's eating like crazy as of today)
My beautiful Pop up Puddin, Psalmopoeus pulcher sub adult female moulted a couple of days ago, 4.5 inches on her moult, and I was naughty n took her bk board off so I could get a sneek peek and the floof !
Loving her little house too those dirt curtains are an inch thick and runs the full hight of her corkbark, homemaking t style
Just doing checks now my sons away to school and Miss Sizzy Rocket Brachypelma emilia saf surprised me with a moult, I haven't got the moult yet, as you can see she's guarding it but looks like all went well and I already know she's a she so no rush
Recovered a recent molt from my O. violaceopes (It's actually molted twice within the current molt-a-thon going on in my house), which molted around two weeks ago....and unfortunately it looks like it could be male, a bummer as I've been expecting it to be female based on how dark its legs became after its previous molt (right now its legs are a chocolate brown) and because I literally just finished setting up a new Exoterra for it.
I'll have to check again after its next molt given the relatively small size of the T, but it doesn't look good.
In more positive news, my Scolopendra sp. "Mahalona" pling underwent its second molt with me today.
Edit: The third and last of my three C. lividus sacmates also molted today. The fourth (non-sacmate) sling is still a long way off....
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