Not really today but my first sling molted like three days ago, I was kind of terrified and thought it was in death pose until I saw it in its hide and I was extremely relieved
A tiny Avicularia sp. Peru Purple moulted yesterday, the day after it arrived. It was looking pretty chunky, so it makes sense, but it wasted no time getting settled before leveling up.
1" N. incei sling, unsexed
1" A. aurantiaca sling, unsexed
1.5-2" P. murinus (South Kenya) juvie female
2" E. cyanognathus juvie, now a molt-confirmed female!
And last but far from least, my lovely female C. cyaneopubescens Artorias dropped a molt. Suspected premolt but wasn't expecting a molt so soon, she's gotta be pushing 4.5-5" now. Was nice enough to sit pretty for me while I flashed my phone in her face to get a picture.
My Grammastola pulchra molted a few days ago and I finally saw her stretching out on the glass. Gained a bit of size too. 2 molts this year so far by far my friendliest tarantula!
Penumbra, my little P. sazimai sling, just under a month after the last one.
The second one was a surprise; my AF P. regalis. I was expecting it to be into spring of 2020 before she molted again as last molt cycle took her 15 months, but this time around it only took her 9 with the previous molt being at the end of March.
Measured the molt right at 6.5" - Velka is getting big.
I've got 5 GBB slings, all of them are doing well, except for one little sling. Strangest thing, my one little GBB sling hasn't hardly been eating for the past month. I try to feed it with the others every usually refuses food.
Last night I couldn't sleep, so was checking the roaches to make sure that all is well....they are my food source for the slings. Then I went through the slings. And this little GBB, that almost never eats has moulted.
My little P regius molted today! I got 2 from the same sac. Chong molted a month ago and has been twice the size of Cheech for that time. Now Cheech is probably 2/3rds the size of Chong now
I knew you could do it little buddy!
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