white stuff in avic avic mouth need help asap!


Dec 20, 2011
how is she doing now? My A. metallica is trailing white goo all over her enclosure and not eating, acting totally lethargic but her mouth doesn't look like it is full of anything, her mouth parts just look haggard like she has been trying really hard to get stuff off, but no white. She drinks off her web when i spray it and her abdomen isn't shriveled. I thought of this post when I saw the trailing of watery white all over, it looks a lot like those first photos on this thread.

did she pull through?
She is alive and well. I ended up microscopically examining the white stuff and saw what appeared to be ovoid yeast cells. I did not do a germ tube or any other tests to confirm my suspicions. I took her out a few times a week and cleaned her mouth with a warm water solution and tried to get as much as I could off. I cant tell you if this helped. Symptoms lasted up until she molted in january 2012. The molt had white stuff all over the inside of the mouth and her underside was stained white in some spots by that point. After she molted her mouth looked fine. I waited 2 weeks before feeding her and the symptoms never came back. Its been 9 months and I have not seen her behave how she was during that whole time.

As far as what people said about eating poop, I can guarantee you that this was not the case. I saw my tarantula open her mouth and spew white liquid all over the side of the enclosure and wipe her mouth across it multiple times. I have yet to see her have any white viscous material in her mouth and the pacing around the enclosure stopped.

I don't think its unreasonable to think that inverts can contract bacterial or fungal infections, and I believe that was the case. Something to do with her molting stopped all symptoms, so if your tarantula has these symptoms my advice is to isolate from the rest of your tarantulas. completely sterilize the old enclosure, and wait it out for a molt. In my case it took for ever but all symptoms stopped afterwards.

Now I have ten tarantulas. maybe Ill post some pics or you can follow me on instagram @ageaye


Old Timer
May 29, 2012
I read the post too and really felt for you and your T, I'm really glad to hear she pulled through!! How big is she now?

It's amazing how strong they are ae! It sounds like she was very sick for a long time, yet she fixes it with one moult =)