What is a species that you wouldn't keep again?


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
Any WC T. Last one I had was an unknown Aphonopelma sp. that I had from 2013 to 2018. Did well over the first 3 years. Sometime following a molt, she just stopped feeding and this went on for almost 2 YEARS before she finally died on me. My guess is old age. She barely moved at all over the last year I had her.

Actually, that's not completely true as I STILL have one WC in my collection, a young (3"+) G. porteri, also purchased in 2013, which is now 5" at least. Thus far, she eats most of the time and has only fasted once for about 3-4 months last summer. Maybe she was tired of those superworms I fed off, because once I dropped a cricket in with her, BOOM ! She was on it immediately. Once she finally passes, I'm no longer taking a chance with WC T. I'm very lucky that I never got one with parasites.