Warning: graphic images of starvation


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
WayneT said:
Now...there is another thing I've considered while reading this discussion. It's a more radical approach, and may inflame some, but it's not meant to. What about petitioning CITES to place the G. rosea's on the protected species list?
Thanks for the kudos WayneT :) and as for CITES, that is a good idea since the importation is the beginning of the problem, but there is a good chance that it not only would really make some angry but it could have other reprecussions as well that one would not at first consider...
At the lowest end of it you have the poor native folks who are making a meager income from collecting, or at least, I assume that they are collected by natives who get paid some pathetically low price for them by an exporter. If I am wrong on this someone please correct me. So, there is one bit of damage that could be done. Perhaps if natives could be taught better collecting, handling and management methods AND get paid enough to make it worth their while, it could be turned into something good for them AND the T's, just like has been done with teaching the native peoples of various countries how to farm exotic butterflies or manage rainforest crops.
Then there is always the "shot gun" effect - if we push for a CITES ban on g.rosea, it might draw enough attention that some of the crazed groups would jump on the band wagon and try to get ALL tarantula importation stopped. So there is damage possibility number two. I've yet to find a way to put a leash on a rabid PETA member or an exotic pets hater, let alone a government official who can't tell the difference between a g.rosea and a house spider.
All that said though, I still think banning import would be the best way to stop the abuse. I think there is a good chance that it may happen soon even without our help. This years crop of imports (at least the one's that I've seen) have been much smaller than previous years, some of them down right tiny. With the slow growth rate of g.rosea I'd say that we are beginning to see the effects of over harvesting.
I'd also like to add to your plea for a rich land owner, or even one of those multi million dollar lottery winners out there - a couple hundred thousand would make this project a reality really fast ;)



Old Timer
May 28, 2004
And you touched exactly on why I'd even hesitate to mention a ban on imports Gail, the fear that it would spread to eveything else. Good point, again. And I also agree about the sizes of the G. rosea's I've been seeing in the pet stores in this area, very small indeed.
Maybe our T-warehousing venture would work?
Go pick a winner in powerball Gail...I may just run up to Kansas this afternoon and pick one up myself!


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2004
banning imports would do nothing but keep us from beign able to get stuff, it wouldnt stop the rapeing and destruction of their habitat nor woudl it stop them from exporting them. if anything it woudl just make the rapers turn more twards exportign dried specimines into the US and bannign live animals would not stop that. the best and ONLY way to stop cruel pet dealers from selling near death animals is simply not to buy them, if they dont get a sale they dont restock wake up and smell the capitalism!


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2004
i am a lover of all living things and to see those pics is terrible i am new to the hobby but i still have respect for all animals....great buy and hope everything works out for the best...


Old Timer
May 28, 2004
pinktoes804 said:
i am a lover of all living things and to see those pics is terrible i am new to the hobby but i still have respect for all animals....great buy and hope everything works out for the best...
Well it's great to have you on the boards!


Oct 4, 2004
hello WayneT,

I would like to help to. I am not a rich land owner tho :) But if you need an official web site, any computer stuff done (CG), i can do. Anything to would help make things better.

My worries are those :

There is already animals associations against cruelty. T's are not considered as animals? If we start fighting against harm done to arachnids, is not this leading to other issues.. What about scorpions or even the crickets we feed our T's.. Should they have rights too? I know its going far, but in my views, all life is valuable.

Would be nice if we could have a brain storm on ideas to make changes, to help in a way.


Old Timer
May 28, 2004
sonatine_pellin said:
hello WayneT,

I would like to help to. I am not a rich land owner tho :) But if you need an official web site, any computer stuff done (CG), i can do. Anything to would help make things better.

My worries are those :

There is already animals associations against cruelty. T's are not considered as animals? If we start fighting against harm done to arachnids, is not this leading to other issues.. What about scorpions or even the crickets we feed our T's.. Should they have rights too? I know its going far, but in my views, all life is valuable.

Would be nice if we could have a brain storm on ideas to make changes, to help in a way.
First of all, I don't believe I've welcomed you to the boards, so welcome :)
You mention concerns of issues being raised through animal cruelty groups, i. e. PETA that are also elements I considered before even mentioning it. The last thing I would want is to have heat brought down on our beloved hobby.

So, lets go back to what Gail mentioned about buying up these wc caught individuals and caring for them until they were healthy for sale in the pet trade. Seems a monumental task, granted, but what in this life that is worth anything isn't one?
Brainstroming is an excellent start!
But your concern is most definately appreciated and most welcomed!
Thank you ;)


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2003
Yep, I've seen my fair share of neglectful pet shop owners. Unbelievable how they tell you T's need a bigger enclosure then the ones they are keeping them in. And the saddest thing is, they know it and yet they still keep these T's under the most horrible conditions.

I'm glad to say that since I started breeding a few of my most commonly kept T's, a good majorirty of the local pet stores have purchased my stock and have told they will continue to do so.


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2004
I rescued a rosey that the pet store gave up on. she was on the floor in the back room...the good thing is. he wont get amore Ts.. good luck.. they are hardy bugs.. they should do well


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
Heart-rending. Sort of like the starving children of T-afra.