Warning: graphic images of starvation


Dec 31, 2002
Originaly posted by conipto
P.S. - Petco still uses the same setup where one rose hair burrowed under a divider to eat another, so chalk another one up to corporate stupidity.
I know what your mean, there's a petsmart here in Kansas, that I don't believe they know much about what they're selling; and will just say anything to sell the product. Here's the 3 reasons:

1. (animal) They had a chameleon on display and just a water dish in it's cage. I was told earlier (before I went to petsmart) that all chameleon's can not drink from a water dish and that they need a water dripper. I looked all around the cage and couldn't see one.

2. (product) We were buying a siphon from them, (to drain and clean a fish tank) and we had the tube, and all we needed was a way to hook it to the faucet. We asked one of the employees if this certain screw-on-attachment connected the hose to the faucet. She said yes (instead of going to go ask someone), so we drove all the way home, and tried to screw it on, well it had the exact same threads as a faucet; and could not be screwed on. When I went out to the outside water spicket, it attached. Which is what it was designed for in the first place. So back to the store we went.

3. (animal) We were buying green anoles, and noticed the anoles were flaring out their throats (crest). We grabbed a petstore employee and asked if only the male or females have that crest (sexual dimorphism). Becuase we wanted only so many certain males to certain females. He said "yes" only males have the crest, later I read in a book on anoles, that all anoles have a flare-out crest and that they are used in mating or territoriality (usally following a up-and-down thrust of their bodies to intimidate); and that the males crest was more vibrant in color than females.

So I don't ask them any questions about animals or products anymore.

P.S. I believe that animal cruelty should be punished and the punishment should suit the crime. Let that inconsiderate bastar* be starved to the point where he looks like that. . . sorry just venting.
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Old Timer
Aug 9, 2002
WC specimens often come in very emaciated.

Sadly, I have seen worse than what you posted. I had a full grown rose hair that I picked up off a local woman about 4 months ago. It had an abdomen literally the size of a pea. The spinnerets were as big as the rest of the abdomen. I was sure I would lose her no matter how hard I tried, but a few pinky mice and a bunch of crickets made her into what she is today...



Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002
That is so sweet.. She looks great! poor baby.

Originally posted by Chris
WC specimens often come in very emaciated.

Sadly, I have seen worse than what you posted. I had a full grown rose hair that I picked up off a local woman about 4 months ago. It had an abdomen literally the size of a pea. The spinnerets were as big as the rest of the abdomen. I was sure I would lose her no matter how hard I tried, but a few pinky mice and a bunch of crickets made her into what she is today...


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2002
In support of those who look to "rescue" where and when they can, I am posting this. I read it somewhere several years ago and it (like several other things) has never left me. I will re-tell it to the best of my ability, but again it is someone elses work...


One morning a couple is walking hand in hand along a tropical beach admiring its beauty. As they walk they notice that there are thousands upon thousands of starfish washed up on the beach from the storms the night before. Many of them are so far up on the sand that they will surely never feel the kiss of the sea agian and are doomed to dry in the coming day's sun. The couple discuss the impending demise of the starfish and agree that it is just nature's way and continue thier walk along the beach.

The couple spots a figure far down the beach scurrying back and forth from the beach to the sea. Watching as they approached they discover that it is a local boy and he is gathering as many starfish as he can carry in his arms and throwing them one by one back into the sea. When the couple finally caught up to the lad they ask him "Why are you doing this? There are thousands upon thousands of these starfish on just this one beach. There must be hundreds of miles of beach all laden with washed up starfish. Do you really expect to make a difference in all this?"

The lad looked at the couple, then down at the starfish in his hand, and he hurls it into the sea as far as he could. He turns to the couple and said, "No, but I made a difference to THAT one..."


Fight the good fight... take your victories where you can...


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Quite simply, beautiful...



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Very well said Arachniphile - I actually heard a similar one many years back that stayed with me in the same way - maybe that is why I am so OUT OF SPACE for more spiders and yet keep somehow finding one more nook or cranny to put one in that desperately needs a home.



Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002
Sad to say, and ive said before, petshops here as as sad as they come. I have so far found 4 shops that carry Ts, and all 4 of them have no idea what the Ts are called, no idea of wether they are arboreal or terrestrial, etc. All use a wet sponge instead of water dish, and of course, all the spiders they still have in stock are near death at the moment.

Only one shop has begun to take my advice and now provide some substrate for their Ts and also a water dish, and they remove the dead crix more often too.

The other 3 have more or less fuc*ed me off and one of them even lost about 12 Ts altogether last month. I would try rescueing them but even in their dilapidated condition, their prices have maintained...what gets to me is their urge to close the sale and they act so godamn nice to you...even say theyll consider your advice, etc...but at the end of the day, its just your money they want...

All some ppl care about is making money these days...ive already got half a mind to molotov their cars, or worse...the bastards...

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Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002

I think your rescue was the best thing that could have happened for those t's! They would thank you if they could!

Good for the t's and good for you! While we are on the topic of pet stores, I have been trying to convince a local pet store to use real water rather than cricket gel.

Stupid question here, but can tarantulas actually make use of cricket gel?

If not, does anyone know of a link to information that states so? I want to convince these people to use water instead, as I have seen many deaths in both scorps and t's there, and don't know what else to attribute it to.

I have looked at their t's that were dying and provided my suggestions, and they used them temporarily but now they are back to the old way of keeping.

Any suggestions, comments or thoughts?




Old Timer
Sep 3, 2004
saving animals

I hate to say this but the more you save T's from iresponsible pet stores/ vendors the more they bring in. I run a shop (hopefully a responsible one) I have heard numerous times how people have saved dying or sick looking animals. I tell most people to report the store/vendor to the humane society or their local herp society. Hopefully they can emberass or fine the store into caring for their animals. Saving the animals just puts money in their pockets. I know it's hard to resist but responsibility must be thrust on those whose main concern is money. Most of us who are hobyists care to much for our animals to let money be the primary concern for our reasoning. I do hope that the T's survive at least they are in better hands for the duration of their lives. Cheers :D


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
Instead of buying them I´d had a talk with the seller, and the show staff about starved and misused animals. That might get him to think twice before showing up again, which he will for sure now when he sold 8.

I dont support "samarithan" buys at all.



Old Timer
Apr 18, 2004
awwww poor lil buggers!!!!! Man i wish i could save T's at 3.50... it costs me 50 - 100 to save anything...haha


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
I don't think it counts as a rescue if you have to pay for the animal, no matter how little it costs. It's hard to walk away form that type of situation, but refusing to buy those Ts and encouraging others to do the same is the only way you're really going to help.


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
poor rosies...if never seen any in that bad a shape. the petshop i go to might look not that well organized, but at least the animals get fed. all the rosies got a plump abdomen (even if the do use a sponge for water). the only one i've seen with a small abdomen (but not nowhere near as small as the one in the first pic) was a mature male wich they had just gotten a week before. but then the rosies sell there for 14 -18$ apiece.


Old Timer
May 28, 2004
Gail, how are they doing now? I noticed this thread began in 2003...maybe you've posted about it since then, but since this thread is up again, mind sharing? Thanks!


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2004
hey good for you. i saved a rosey from a pet store myself.. i have to ask do dem amd who ever else consider T's animals or just bugs...i am going to call a few connections i have and get an answer. i will let all know.. but good for you to save these very amazing creatures.........


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2004
I think part of the reason why they are skinny is that they look like mature males to me


Jun 30, 2004
THAT is freaking horrible!!!!

I am so sorry to see that!

The shows I go to in this area are like the one you visited as well. The abdomens on the T's, mostly rosies, were horrible :( They looked like they were going to die any minute. Small deli cups, and just lying there. They wanted $3-5 a piece. I felt so bad for all of them.

The pet store here in this area was putting them in sand, w/ a sponge, etc.
And like 5-10 crix a day! When I went in there, I talked to the owner about it, and printed out some care sheets from petbugs.com and now they are taped to the wall in the reptile area, are fed a little better, but still have a sponge. I had to bring a molt in there once to *show* them about the sucking stomach, and how *small* it is :(

They have had a male and female rosie for about a year now. I am tempted
to buy them, but I don't want them to order more :( They want $14.99 each.

It is just horrible to see such things :(

Greg Wolfe

Old Timer
Sep 13, 2003
Graphic Images...

I commend you Gail for rescuing those rosies. There will always be neglected T's out there at shows or pet stores. I have rescued a few myself.
Thanks to you, those rosies can life a healthy life. :)


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2004
If you take a beter look at the pic (to everyone) the spider looks like a mature male and if that si the case the small shrunken abdomen is normal and not out of the ordinary.


Sep 11, 2004
OMG! :( :mad: That is so sad and aweful! Now I'm GLAD that Windsor has no Tarantula selling petstores. *sniff sniff* Good luck with the rosie's, I'll be praying for them! (Is it silly to pray for tarantulas? I don't think so!) :( :( :(