Crotalus said:Comparing two spiders to each other is like comparing apples with pears. If you get bitten and die it doesnt matter which is "more dangerous" then the other.
The first statement by Nicholas is true if you look on LD50 - but LD50 is only a indicator on the toxicity on mice. Not humans. If you get a full envenomation of a Atrax male and do not get serum, the risc are high that you die. This is not the case with Phoneutria venom.
Guinness Book of records is not a good reference source. Its full of crap.
You need serum if bitten by a funnel web. Since they developed the Atrax serum in the 1980's there have been no deaths due to a bite.
You might need serum after a Phoneutria bite but most survive the ordeal without.
You dont, in most cases, need widow serum after a bite of a Latrodectus. Most likely due to a small venom yield.
A good site that deals with Atrax venom and effects of bites:
I realize that the Atrax venom isn't nearly as toxic to mice as it is to humans.I don't think the LD50 is what Nicholas is basing his opinion on.You state that if you get full envenomation from a male Atrax that there is a high risk of death...Before antivenom in 1980, there were only 13 recorded deaths.I would think, alot of the victims got the "full envenomation", but still only 13 deaths.I'm not downplaying the loss of 13 lives but that's not a high ratio.My numbers could be slightly off,I going off memory,but they are close.I don't think there has been but a handful of wandering spiders deaths either.
I've always had a certain fascination with the Syndey funnel web that I've never had with the Brazilian wandering spider.I would prefer that the funnel web had the honor but I would like hard facts not just opinions or third party information.If anyone has that evidence, I would love to see it.
To see how you have to shift through the BS on the internet, look at all the supposed brown recluse bite photo's where the victims affected limb is about to fall off.
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