The Dead Animal Room


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
such as the rhino's and elephants( which are not endangered)
I'm not anti-hunting, and I'm pro taxidermy (do some myself) but I'd thought I should step in here and say that the black rhino is critically endangered, and even feared extinct in West Africa. Just google search it if you don't believe me.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2006
the not endangered comment was meant for the elephant only, sorry if i was unclear..........


Jan 14, 2007
Those are some incredible mounts. Very well done..
Of course, I'm glad we're not trophy hunting things like that anymore, but, those mounts should still be preserved.
My grandfather and great-grandfather were trappers and worked as lumberjacks. I've got a couple pelts from him, some skulls too.
I still think that controlled hunting when used as part of a management program is a good thing. I'll probably be getting my deer permit next year. My family is living in northern Michigan right now. Most of my relatives get a deer or two each season that they use for food, and mount if it was a decent size.


May 14, 2007
:eek: part of me dies when i see this :(
I totally agree with you on this one.. But it was way back when and shes right things have changed.. (for the worst i'm afraid) :( but kool taxidermy... It's amazing what people can do.. I know here in Bass pro there animals they have there says they all died of diffrent causes and they had them taxidermy to show people and such... I know we have about 3 taxadermy things on my mom an dad house walls.. 2 anlope (spelling?) and some fish my dad cought...
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Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
I think Skye did an excellent job explaining why she wanted to post these pictures :) I for one have never seen some of the different types of African antelopes, and all of the animals are so beautifully preserved it looks like they're still alive and frozen in time. Yeah, most of the animals are now endangered, but getting upset over something that happened years ago won't bring the animals back to life. Just my two cents ;)



Oct 13, 2007
Whether it happened in the past or not, it represents a wild disabandon of respect for nature. Tigers, almost extinct in the wild. Black Rhino's, almost extinct in the wild except for Western Black Rhinos, they're gone completely. Asiatic and African Leopards, both threatened in the wild. The majority of the African Hoofed stock, threatened in the wild. It may have happened years ago but the heads on the wall are part of their downfall. Don't get me wrong. Hunters are actually one of the better sources of conservationism in America. Ducks Unlimted has saved and restored more wetlands than the private sector and the government combined. Deer hunters has actually set back the balance lost by the extinction of mega predators in North American forests. But hunting for the sake of blowing some animals brains out and putting its hide on a wall is disgusting no matter how you attempt to rationalize it to me.
You never know, maybe they had some 200 lbs Rhino ribs with BBQ sauce, or you see how the Leopard is halfway out of the wall ? Maybe they ate its ass. Only the Great Grandfather and Grandfather would know. PLENTY of people go hunting for Deer, shoot their target, and send the head in for Taxidermy.

Nowadays, they send in a picture, and its made of scratch from a mold.

Back then none of those animals were endangered so the thought of killing them off wasn't in their heads really. And don't forget Teddy Rosevelt. One of the greatest conservationists the world ever saw, and he killed each one of those animals. Hunters have great respect for nature and do really try to conserve. Our problem wasn't with over hunting, its with poachers. Poachers kill and sell the parts like Ivory tusks, lion skins etc etc to people who don't even hunt. There's a big difference.


Old Timer
Sep 4, 2005
That room was very impressive, and professional. I see nothing wrong with hunting animals that are legal to kill, and have a strong survival rate. I just dont like the overhunting we have done that wiped out alot of species of animals, And also trophy hunting rare animals. I belive that the animal is more worth alive then dead.


Aug 16, 2005
That is indeed a beautiful collection.

While I hate seeing mounted animals, and it always makes my cry (as I am now), I feel a collection like that serves as a testament to a era past. For those that like hunting and mounting, its an amazing collection that few would ever get to see, for those that are upset, its a reminder of our fragile world and how important it is to protect and conserve it. So everyone, whether happy or angry about it, should be able to take something from it.

I also did not see it mentioned, but before the days of computers, advanced photography, and the ability to make life-like recreations, preserved specimens were the way people learned about animals. Even if you don't like them you have to realize they served an important part in evolution of the study of biology/zoology. And yes, I realize those particular specimens are in a home and not out helping science, but where do u think museums, schools and institutions got the animals from?

I also find it weird that people are so upset about this, yet theres a whole bunch of people on this forum that kill and mount bugs. Why is the killing and mounting of bugs any less upsetting to people (especially people that like bugs), then the killing and mounting of a larger animal?

I nearly threw up yesterday when I opened a thread about a someone mounting a giant water bug. I love giant water bugs :(


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Those have to be the most beautiful mounts I've seen to date. I LOVE taxidermy and I long to do it one day. Heck even if I'm only preserving people's pets its a huge fascination to me!

If an animal with me dies I usually preserve it and I also collect fresh dead if they look free of disease (I still disinfect everything of course, but I'm not taking some mangey old alley cat... that would be aesthetically bad and the smell... gah). I have feet and wings, bones, skulls and feathers everywhere here. I like to cuddle the bird wings at night because they are so soft and comfortable. I used to chew my cockatiel's foot.

I love to hunt! I don't allways kill if it's a bug or a pigeon. I just love the chase. Even as a kid chasing grasshoppers and cicadas in my alotment. Catching those giant flies that bite, catching four inch dragon flies in the heat of summer in Russia... mmm yeah... you learn so much! You develop and discover.

Some of my best memories are snuggling the pretty mounted animals and rugs and skins in my neighbours house. She has zebra, tommy gazelles, leopard and lion skins. Probably more, lots of traditional african drums and all kinds of things from her travels. My stepdad used to travel africa too but he only brought back drums, spears and two foot high carved idols.

Thank you so much for showing! Your stuff is incredibly beautiful! :) I envy you, I'd be in there every day just snuggling fur and feeling each different kind and falling asleep. Heck you may walk in there one day and find me nestled up there on a mount near the ceeling all curled up and warm.



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2003
AMAZING! your grandfather was some prolific hunter!!

It is amazing to see that kind of stuff.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
While I do find it amazing, interesting, informative, beautiful etc...that tiger made me sooo sad, only because they're my favorite and therefore I'm a bit biased. I went to the Columbus Zoo and they had a real tiger pelt that we could touch, it was actually confiscated at the Columbus Airport, someone was trying to smuggle it in. That is what is so sad to me, is that this stuff is going on today. I understand that it was alright back then when tigers were everywhere. But today, when most of the tiger species are extinct and the rest are critically endangered, it is a true tragedy to see that there are still idiot people killing them for their pelts. Your grandfather was a great hunter, and from the quality of his room, I'd say he respected those animals even though he hunted them. You can just see it in the way they're preserved. Thank you for sharing that with us, Sky.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
Overall the room is... interesting.

It definitely serves as a testament to a bygone era (Thankfully). It's bothersome for me to see things like the rhino, elephant tusks, and lil' tiger cub there because those are declining species which have been directly affected by "Great White Hunter" types killing indiscriminately during the 20th century. Because of habitat destruction and shrinking available land, these species are having a hard time bouncing back from that period of disrespect and lack of appreciation for nature.

But overall, the collection is very impressive and I can appreciate its historic value and artistry. It's important that collections like those, and ones found in public museums go on to serve as public awareness tools for these species that still currently need our help. For some people it's the closest they may get to those animals and hopefully even those stuffed skins can leave enough of an impression to warrant some respect. Hopefully their beauty will inspire someone to do something to help the animals and habitats in crisis.

By the way, I am in no way inferring I know anything about your grandfather TxBlonde, I'm sure he's a great person. I hope he understands what a powerful impact his collection will leave on people.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
Overall the room is... interesting.

It definitely serves as a testament to a bygone era (Thankfully). It's bothersome for me to see things like the rhino, elephant tusks, and lil' tiger cub there because those are declining species which have been directly affected by "Great White Hunter" types killing indiscriminately during the 20th century. Because of habitat destruction and shrinking available land, these species are having a hard time bouncing back from that period of disrespect and lack of appreciation for nature.

But overall, the collection is very impressive and I can appreciate its historic value and artistry. It's important that collections like those, and ones found in public museums go on to serve as public awareness tools for these species that still currently need our help. For some people it's the closest they may get to those animals and hopefully even those stuffed skins can leave enough of an impression to warrant some respect. Hopefully their beauty will inspire someone to do something to help the animals and habitats in crisis.

By the way, I am in no way inferring I know anything about your grandfather TxBlonde, I'm sure he's a great person. I hope he understands what a powerful impact his collection will leave on people.
not quite true but good effort


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
I know I know it was perfectly leagal at the time the tiger was shot
but just think if no one shot any tigers would we have only 5,000 left in the wild? would we have them so close to extinction?

sorry to anoy any one I just realy love the big cats ya know


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2007
im also one of those who thinks it's sad, even back in the day, but on a positive note, im glad it got use this way instead of on the black maket like the rhino horns and elephant tusks, im also sure the meat was eaten and not wasted????? you can send me the polar bear by the way. that in a window would be soooooo funny. or open the door and have it remotely go when it opens to scare soliciters etc lolololol