Our second T! Lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian Salmon Pink)


Jun 1, 2017
Picked this feisty little dude (?) up couple days ago. Current legspan of maybe six inches, I believe he's still considered a juvenile. They didn't know his sex. Looking at method #2 here and this it looks like he's likely a he, but we'll see.


They said to drop in 5 or 6 crickets and leave for the night and do it again the next night, so 10 or 12 a week. We dropped in 3 or 4 our first night in the travel container and it was like a Roman Colosseum front row seats. He ate a couple and webbed up the rest. He lost what he'd webbed when we moved him into his new tank, so we gave him 8 more last night (didn't mean to drop in so many). He took out most of them, I removed the last couple when it got to where he was punting them away like a football!



This dude is fiesty. Even moving him to the tank was special, as gentle as I was, he was not thrilled. But, he seems calmed down now. I've been able to reach in and get crickets out for example. I wouldn't have considered that last night.


We made due with what we had for the tank setup. I am hoping he takes to the pendant light, that will be cool. We put the glass rocks in for him to move around, should he want. We hear they do that.


Overnight, he fluffed around the moss, on the right, then crashed in the back left corner behind the wood. Funny how they lean to their sides when resting.


I'm very excited about this one! He's in a 10G for now. As a juvi, he's the same size as my adult C. Versicolor, Bonnie. Who also rests on her side.

Unsure on name. Thought about Clyde. ;) But unsure the sex. Maybe "Shannon" or some other either-way name. He's definitely a lot more outgoing than Bonnie. She's pretty shy. This dude is anything but!

Here's to hoping for a female, but being cool with a male - and a big ol legspan! Oh, and that our screen top doesn't get eaten through, as told is possible when older, if we use wider mesh, heh.
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Aug 5, 2012
Forget about names at the moment, you really need to set up the enclosure properly, you need more substrate, 1.5 x DLS, so if your T is 6" a gap of 9" should be left between the top of the enclosure to the substrate, the bark looks very sharp, maybe position it flat so the T doesn't fall onto the sharp edges, good there's a water dish. Nice T, they really are eating machines, enjoy your 8 legged wonder, he's a cracker. (Just an observation for the benefit of the spider).


Jun 1, 2017

I dunno his leg span honestly I haven't measured, he just looks the same as Bonnie, but they said 4" of sub in a 10G for now, and gave us a bag of sub that would do that. Which, it did until I tamped it down. Now it's about 3". There is a 9.5" gap between top of substrate and screen, at the moment.

Which bark? The dark cross piece was what he had in his original enclosure he came home in. I assume you mean the light brown, drift wood. I'll lay it flat or flatter when he's done napping behind it. I see what you mean, in case he falls from screen..

I was thinkin' that water dish might be a little small, but should do for now, yah?


Aug 5, 2012

I dunno his leg span honestly I haven't measured, he just looks the same as Bonnie, but they said 4" of sub in a 10G for now, and gave us a bag of sub that would do that. Which, it did until I tamped it down. Now it's about 3". There is a 9.5" gap between top of substrate and screen, at the moment.

Which bark? The dark cross piece was what he had in his original enclosure he came home in. I assume you mean the light brown, drift wood. I'll lay it flat or flatter when he's done napping behind it. I see what you mean, in case he falls from screen..

I was thinkin' that water dish might be a little small, but should do for now, yah?
Measure your T when it's on the glass, then make the substrate changes, the spider will eat 1-2 crickets a week at most, whoever told you 12 is mistaken, THEY SAID, forget that pal, the distance should be determined by the size of the spider, you'll be well informed on this forum pal, we're all here to help with advice or any worries you have, and all in the interest of the animals we love so dearly.


Jun 1, 2017
Should the substrate be tamped/pressed down or left fluffy and loose? Someone, I think on here, said tamped down. But I'm not getting that math. I've only had one cup of coffee this AM though. Can you help? You said sub should be 1.5 the DLS. It's a 12" high terrarium. If the DLS is 6", that would be 9" of substrate leaving 3 inches to the screen. That can't be right.. Or, is it 1.5x DLS to figure out the gap to screen and all rest should be sub? In that case, I might be in okay shape. I'll measure him soon as he is up and on it again. He was on it a lot yesterday. Why in the world did I not think to measure?

The 'they said' is just to explain why I did whatever I have done thus far. I do indeed trust this forum more. Course, the main dude who was helping is a member here ;) But, said it's been years since he logged on.


Aug 5, 2012
Should the substrate be tamped/pressed down or left fluffy and loose? Someone, I think on here, said tamped down. But I'm not getting that math. I've only had one cup of coffee this AM though. Can you help? You said sub should be 1.5 the DLS. It's a 12" high terrarium. If the DLS is 6", that would be 9" of substrate leaving 3 inches to the screen. That can't be right.. Or, is it 1.5x DLS to figure out the gap to screen and all rest should be sub? In that case, I might be in okay shape. I'll measure him soon as he is up and on it again. He was on it a lot yesterday. Why in the world did I not think to measure?

The 'they said' is just to explain why I did whatever I have done thus far. I do indeed trust this forum more. Course, the main dude who was helping is a member here ;) But, said it's been years since he logged on.
Yes tamped down pal, sorry if "they said" came across wrongly, it was supposed to mean forget what you've been told by the seller, you'll get all you need here. I'm a member too, as are you. The second variation of the DLS, that's funny a 6" spider with 3" of space, sorry had to say....


Jun 1, 2017
:) So about that substrate formula - was it 1.5 x DLS for thickness of sub, or for the gap left? I have to assume gap left but lemme know!


Aug 5, 2012
:) So about that substrate formula - was it 1.5 x DLS for thickness of sub, or for the gap left? I have to assume gap left but lemme know!
Yes leave a gap of the DLSx1.5, should have put that more coherently.


Jun 1, 2017
Thanks! Though at full leg span I don't see how 25-30" gap is even possible. Nor when a sling, why 10 inches of sub is necessary so it must a forumula for this mid range size with typical aquariums. I'll be good with this one once I measure I'm sure, I'll worry more as he gets bigger on how to adjust. :)

I'm happy to hear he'll be happy with 2 crickets a week. I already have a teenager eating me out of house and home!


Aug 5, 2012
Thanks! Though at full leg span I don't see how 25-30" gap is even possible. Nor when a sling, why 10 inches of sub is necessary so it must a forumula for this mid range size with typical aquariums. I'll be good with this one once I measure I'm sure, I'll worry more as he gets bigger on how to adjust. :)

I'm happy to hear he'll be happy with 2 crickets a week. I already have a teenager eating me out of house and home!
The longer you have the big guy the easier it will become, they really look after themselves apart from water and food, he's a nice size, but nowhere nearly fully grown, he could end up 8" or more, depending on age, with males feed less, as they mature faster than females, once they mature (hook out) they don't live for long, that's just the way it is, he'll get bulbous pedipalps and tibial hooks for mating, you'll learn all this in time, if you don't already.


Jun 1, 2017
Yah I'm hoping for female but don't mind seeing the hooks etc in person, we can aim for female next if we like the species.


Jun 1, 2017
I feel like I'm getting adequate enough direction and am asking enough questions for "questions and discussion" forum to be fair enough place. I'm getting direction on safety and male vs female. But thanks I guess.

Report and ask to have it moved if you like.


Aug 5, 2012
Yah I'm hoping for female but don't mind seeing the hooks etc in person, we can aim for female next if we like the species.
1.5 x DLS is the formula for all terrestrial species, it's good experience having a male (or a female), the male matures faster, so the less often you feed him prolongs the life span, he looks about 4"-5" mark, so he's got a loooot of growing to do.


Jun 1, 2017
Interesting, I see. I can't wait to actually measure him. Wake up buddy, get up on that glass! Then I'll lay that rock flat(er) too.


Sep 24, 2015
Yeah there's no questions in the first post. Questions and discussions that are relevant to the hobby as a whole. This isn't what I follow this section for.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
At that size its not a juvie...its a sub adult....if its female it really close to and possibly mature...if its a male, its almost certainly penultimate...meaning it will mature next molt.

Sizes of this species are greatly exaggerrated.


Jun 1, 2017
@Venom1080 I wish you'd let up. I've made three threads and you've been less than friendly on two. This is discussion. If you want it moved report it, if staff moves it fine.

@cold blood I tried looking at the bottom, I'll post a picture, maybe someone can help at least guess the sex.

@mconnachan Ok I layed the wood down as you suggested, no sharp edges now and can still go under the arch if wants to. And after looking at pictures of Forrest floors in Brazil added one more plant. Course, those glass rocks and that pendant light are native to Brazil forestry, I don't think, but still. See these pictures. Is it too crowded or okay? I tried to put in a few things it could move around, I hear they like to do that. Also, see him on the glass? That DLS you see there I measured to 5.5", if he stretched fully would be close to 6". I have 3 to 3.5" of substrate in a 12.5" high terrarium. Appreciate all your kind help.

Side note. He was pretty nice about me moving stuff around. Might have flicked a hair or two, he did stick his butt up and kick a little at one point. But, overall seemed much calmer today.

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