nessesary bloodshed (new video)

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Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
I'm not surprised the video was made. I'm not surprised that many people find it entertaining. What does surpise me, Meaningless End, is that you would be surprised at people's reactions. Did you honestly expect something different?

I know that some people fight their dogs. I know that some people will film that. I know that a good number of people will find that entertaining. I also know that if you produce and broadcast that sort of thing, you are going to draw some flak. I don't expect the dog fighters to understand WHY they are drawing flak (if they did, they wouldn't be participating in such a cruel sport in the first place) ... just that they ARE going to draw flak.


arachi american

Nov 5, 2006
i dont think theres really anything to argue about here. some people get a kick out of stuff like that. personally i like to stun my rats and give my rabbits painkillers (hope thats not illegal?) before theyre fed off. but i get a sick twisted enjoyment out of seeing things go wrong and animals just get WRECKED. it happens. im sure theres a good percentage of herp enthusiasts that have varying degrees of that twistedness. the peta folks are (publicly anyway) far on the other end of the spectrum, but its definately not a black and white issue. feel how you want about it, bad things happen. sometimes theyre caught on video.theres plenty of videos of people getting slaughtered all over the internet. maybe some people should widen their scopes a bit.

arachi american

Nov 5, 2006
oh and skinhead dave, while probably racist, makes a decent point. we knew we were catchin heat for that one.

and ive personally learned quite a bit from every one of the experiences that we caught bits and pieces of on youtube. most notably middle finger position when picking up dangerous scorpions :)


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
ok so i got allot of heat from people regarding my T videos... thats something i sort of expected.. but i figure this vid might be a little less controvertial and one that the reptile lovers here might enjoy...

i know some words are spelled wrong on the vid but im feeling to lazy to fix it.... so i dont care....
seriously, what was the point of this? to call attention to you killing things? if you want to sit around and gripe about people's comments on your videos, i wouldn't encourage them by posting vids like this.


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
Mee too. It needs to be a gory one, something to give these cowards an actual reason to complain, none of these wimpy pussy videos.
what is so fascinating about watching a snake attack and digest a mouse/rat/rabbit? it's always the same strike.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
what is so fascinating about watching a snake attack and digest a mouse/rat/rabbit? it's always the same strike.
thats like saying whats so fascinating about that snake sitting on the branch .. its alwayse the same snake.

everything about theise animals fascinates me. thats why i love them and am in this hobby...


i got a new suntiger today =]


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Wow, alot of good points have been made, too many to quote. I'm glad that so many here share my opionin that vids such as the ones on this thread only hurt the hobby in the long rung, not to mention being inhuman.

But I'm very surprised that anybody here would ever say something like this:
what is so fascinating about watching a snake attack and digest a mouse/rat/rabbit? it's always the same strike.
Then whats the point of even owning a snake (much less a scorp or a T)? For me as long as I have the time (not falling asleep) I will always try and watch one of my snakes eat. I never get tierd of it, and I doubt I ever will. ~ Rex


Aug 3, 2007
This happens in the wild every day, no big deal to me. But the music did seem to make it a lil more disturbing.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Mee too. It needs to be a gory one, something to give these cowards an actual reason to complain, none of these wimpy pussy videos.
There is something wrong with you.

If you are trying to impress Meaningless End and arachi American then I doubt you are succeeding. Even though I do not agree with them on some issues they are much higher on the maturity level than you are and all in all are good keepers. We are all having a debate and you have had nothing positive or even worthwhile to contribute. I’m guessing your age is somewhere between 11 and 14. Please stop your annoying nonsense dribble and go clean your room or get some homework done. I guess people will do anything for a higher post count and to get some attention :rolleyes:

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
There is something wrong with you.

If you are trying to impress Meaningless End and arachi American then I doubt you are succeeding. Even though I do not agree with them on some issues they are much higher on the maturity level than you are and all in all are good keepers. We are all having a debate and you have had nothing positive or even worthwhile to contribute. I’m guessing your age is somewhere between 11 and 14. Please stop your annoying nonsense dribble and go clean your room or get some homework done. I guess people will do anything for a higher post count and to get some attention :rolleyes:

thanks... that was almost a compliment...well ... close enough anyway.

about the last sentience of your thread. its not that we do anything to get the count up.. this is something we do because we love doing it. keeping exotic animals has always been a huge part of my life and i greatly enjoy it. everything in the videos we make is just stuff we do on a daily basis anyway... so why not put it on film? i know we have made some questionable videos that where a bit off kilter( mainly the scorpion one) but just because a video might not be positive or send a good message dose that mean that it should not be aired? i mean if you can post vids of people being blown up in Iraq then a couple rats dieing shouldn't be a big deal.
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Old Timer
Nov 17, 2006
Can we please have a single thread related to live feeding that is not completely hijacked?

Seriously, we all know what you think.
Keep it to yourselves for once, or start your own thread.

At some point in your lives you're going to have to realize that different people have different ethical views. I pray that someday ya'll will reach that realization. After you figure out that people have differing views on morality you will also have to learn to accept them. Good Luck, you're going to need it.

The constant moral high ground "your a sicko" type statements are annoying at best.

In regards to the videos:

I found it interesting. I was amazed by the speed and "efficiency" of the pythons in the video.

Notice how I haven't posted my moral opinion of the video? I did not do so because it is not relevant to the discussion. If the moral treatment of your feeders is very important to you [as it is to me, just keep in mind that our morals may differ], perhaps you should have a sticky put in place so all visitors are aware of your opinions. That way moral opinions will not have to be shared on a regular basis, which derails threads completely.

I am serious by the way, I think that a sticky would be a good idea.

I know that I come across as a bit cross in this post, but I am getting pretty annoyed that instead of coming across some decent discussion in many threads I read through 5-6 pages of "your sick." Please keep the non-productive stuff to yourselves. If you really want to stick it to the people who post videos such as this, do not reply to or even view [if the nature of the thread is obvious by the title] the threads. That way the thread will just die, and if certain posts never get replies, people will stop posting things of that nature.

Finally, I think this board could be a better place if we could please learn to respect each other and our differing viewpoints just a little bit?
And before I am labeled as an evil live feeder, I have never fed live prey.
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Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
This happens in the wild every day, no big deal to me.
I understand where you are coming from, these animals have evolved in such a way where they eat live animals. But thats in the wild, not in captivity. In captivity there is no reason for us to feed live rodents. It is just causing pain that doesn't need to happen. Thawed rats give everything a snake needs just the same as a live rat. And keepers still get to watch the amazing strike and consumtion. For me the reason for owning exotics is not so that I can watch the painful demise of rodents. But thats me ~ Rex


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
There is something wrong with you.

If you are trying to impress Meaningless End and arachi American then I doubt you are succeeding. Even though I do not agree with them on some issues they are much higher on the maturity level than you are and all in all are good keepers. We are all having a debate and you have had nothing positive or even worthwhile to contribute. I’m guessing your age is somewhere between 11 and 14. Please stop your annoying nonsense dribble and go clean your room or get some homework done. I guess people will do anything for a higher post count and to get some attention :rolleyes:
Why would I try to impress people online that I don't know and probably don't even live in the same country as? This isn't a dating site for hurtin people that are too cowardly to go find a date the old fashioned way! I cleaned my room yesterday, and it's summer - there isn't any homework you <silly-goose>.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Aw come on, why does any kid try to impress anonymous people on the internet?

Sigh. I kept out of it for 4 pages. But, I guess it's time to speak up.....

I can't help but notice that the defenders of feeding live and posting the videos seem to get more pleasure from the reactions garnered than they do from the feeding themselves. Where I come from, we call this "trolling". Some pretend to be affronted by being called such things as 'sicko's" and what-not. But before anything like those descriptions were launched, we had comments like these:

"I laugh at people who can't handle live feedings and then have to hate on other people in order to make themselves feel better. HAHAHA im laughing at you wimps. I have enjoyed your videos, and am patiently awaiting more. You need to add blood."
Someone objects to your methods and tries to debate it semi-civilly with you and this is the response? That's pretty mature. But wait. There's more!

"just so you vaginal ones out there dont get too offended, we DID make this video on how to properly kill a rat."
While there could be some value in a video showing how to properly euthanize a feeder animal humanely, taking time to explain that it was a pet rat that you merely got tired of negates any good intentions, IMO. It makes me wonder "So, what happens to the ball when this guy gets angry or bored with it? It gets fed to a monitor, I suppose". I suspect that tidbit about the rat being a pet was thrown into the conversation for added shock value, but I'll allow a benefit of a doubt there, albeit a tiny one.

Let's move on, shall we?

"Ha thats great arachi american. These forums need more people like you and need to ditch a few of the weeklings that post lame opinions like...I won't mention any names."
I don't think that one needs additional comment. It speaks for itsself on a couple different levels.

"as far as the damage to the snakes go thats only going to happen by leaving prey in over night with the snake. feeding off tongs and it isnt an ishue.
Not really trolling there, but is disseminating false information. Which on boards like these might be considered a worse sin that trolling.

Now, admittedly your opponents start to turn up the heat but kindly notice who really started to be disrespectful first.

"Im the bad boy of these forums."
Irrelevant, but I'm including it because it says something about the motivation of the posts. And it was pretty well shot down by one of the administrators themselves. Here is a hint. If you begin to draw the attention of authority figures on a privately-owned message board, it isn't a bad idea to consider lying low and or toning down the rhetoric. Especially when they fire a thinly veiled hint that that your posting privileges might come under review.

"Mee too. It needs to be a gory one, something to give these cowards an actual reason to complain, none of these wimpy pussy videos."
Whew! That one was just blatant. Don't enjoy those sort of videos? Then you must be a coward.

In light of these illuminating posts and others, I'm pretty skeptical that these videos are made for educational purposes or to benefit the hobby in any manner. They might be useful in dissuading potential keepers from taking on something more than they have the stomach for, I suppose. And the argument for drawing more people into the hobby is a pretty thin one. If such videos as that were the main reason for deciding to take on a specimen, the reason for wanting said animal would be highly suspect, if you ask me.

However, they do strike me as a pretty handy excuse to call people "wimps" and imply that they are "pussies". Of course, you have the syntax incorrect when you do that. I think you mean "compassionate" and "humane" but I'll overlook those spelling errors.

For disclosure purposes: Have I ever live-fed prey? Yes. And I've been able to find it an interesting and yet still feel remorse for the prey animal. I don't have anything that requires anything larger than nightcrawlers and crickets at the moment, but ya know, I even feel a twinge of pity for them. I've never felt the urge to set up a heavy metal soundtrack and videotape the feedings for entertainment purposes, though.
I've killed wild game and taken pleasure in the success of the hunt, but took little pleasure in the actual death of my quarry. And whenever I killed anything, I ALWAYS took measures to insure that my prey did not suffer needlessly and that their deaths were as quick as I could possibly make them. And in the few instances where kills weren't as clean as they should have been, it pretty much ruined the experience.

I only include this last paragraph to illustrate that I am not some animal rights activist on the warpath. Or a wimp. In fact, I'm not even railing against the actions taken in this thread as much as the attitudes. I'm not a big fan of trolling.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Aw come on, why does any kid try to impress anonymous people on the internet?
Good question. When you find the answer post it here.

I can't help but notice that the defenders of feeding live and posting the videos seem to get more pleasure from the reactions garnered than they do from the feeding themselves. Where I come from, we call this "trolling". Some pretend to be affronted by being called such things as 'sicko's" and what-not. But before anything like those descriptions were launched, we had comments like these
I think your exactly right, well mostly. I have never taken, nor posted a video ever before in my life. But given the reaction in this thread, I am going to make some gory gory gory ones and post them hear just because people will watch it, when they know it is something they are absolutely going to despise, and then they will rant and rave and rabble rabble about it. But your completely dead wrong about the "trolling" bit, trolling is a method used to catch fish. It <edit> works great and you need to try it.

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