nessesary bloodshed (new video)

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Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
Actually, there are a great many people who don't feel the need to put small animals through needless pain for entertainment purposes. I'm one of them.

Stop trying to convince yourself you're in the majority.
so can you honistly say youve NEVER fed live food to a reptile? i didnt think so.

as far as the damage to the snakes go thats only going to happen by leaving prey in over night with the snake. feeding off tongs and it isnt an ishue.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Ha trying to kill the rat…you are <edit> who has way to much time on his hands and you couldn’t even do that “experiment” (as you called it) correctly. All you did was torture the rat and cause the death of your scorp…yey for you. Yeah you’re definitely out doing what’s best for your animals…get real! Your doing it because you enjoy it.

Please rationalize that fiasco for me….I would LOVE to hear all about it.

I didn’t even want to watch the educational vid of your “pet” rat…she was driving your balls crazy so she was taught the lesson? WT<edit> is wrong with you…hope you don’t have any kids…. but when you do I’ll wait for you to post the vid of when you get bored of them and try to teach them a lesson.


:evil: Steph:mad:

PS- I never had a problem with you guys handling your T’s (I really liked those vids) but the more I learned about your activities the more I began to hate what you do and even more so the fact that you keep animals…. YOU should be locked in a cage for the safety of all the animals you come in contact with.

that shouldnt be too long of a wait. =) the retic at the beginning was mine....ive got 3 others and a whitelip that do some van damage when they eat. if i can get my video capture to work we got that albino ripping open the belly of a rabbit and dumping its intestines all over the cage. got a mouth full of POOP in the process, the whole thing was very brutal, "so it goes". people were PISSED about us tryin to kill a rat with androctonus venom, and when we posted a video showing the speed and agility of a heteroscodra maculata it was nothing but "wah wah youre not supposed to handle those spiders, you stressed it out..."

::sigh:: theres no reasoning with people on subjects that other people have already decided for them. like <edit> evangelicals.

just so you vaginal ones out there dont get too offended, we DID make this video on how to properly kill a rat.

that was my pet rat helen keller, i had her for a few months but her being around was driving my ball pythons crazy...theyre too small for her so i decided to make a lessen and a snack out of her. so it goes. brandon's on narration.
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Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
as far as the damage to the snakes go thats only going to happen by leaving prey in over night with the snake. feeding off tongs and it isnt an ishue.
It's not like a rat or mouse needs 24 hours to elect to defend itself when something is killing it. A bite can happen the instant the snake and mammal make contact. My mouse that mauled the snake attacked it the second the snake came near. I was there when the snake who died at the zoo was bitten, and it was mere instants after the animal was placed in the tank. Tong feeding may reduce the chance of a bite, sure. But the fact of the matter is, it only takes a split second for an animal to deliver a puncture wound that can lead to serious and even fatal infections. Overnight is more likely to cause damage like this.
They're your animals, so what you ultimately chose to do is your choice. As I said, I really hope you never do have to experience an injury to one of your herps. But please do not give misleading information to other suggesting that there is no risk at all involved in feeding live unless the rodent is "in overnight!" I say this not as a "wimp" or "weakling" as some have rudely suggested in this thread, but as someone who doesn't like to see herps needlessly injured or killed when something as simple as stunning or pre-killing prey could have prevented it.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Ha thats great arachi american. These forums need more people like you and need to ditch a few of the weeklings that post lame opinions like...I won't mention any names.
Wow. I suddenly feel the need to become a manly man by basking in your oozing machismo. :rolleyes:

The guys defending this thread have ultimatly made up their minds that they are some how doing this hobby a world of good. Its funny how when I have tried to make a point to local lawmakers that reptiles and exotics can be kept responsibly, a video just like this one always seems to crop up and be used against me. The actions boil down to child like stupidity bordering on sadism. Yes, I have fed live. I have fed live ONLY to wild caught snakes refusing any other source of nourishment. I truthfully don't have a problem with it, it is ultimatly your animal. But when you glorify the carnage, it hurts the hobby as a whole. The title of the thread indicates to me you just live for the negative attention, so you can be the "bad boy" of the boards or some other crap.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
{D Yeah !!!!!!!!!!! THIS VIDEO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really love the monitors but then again, I do have a very dark side! {D


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
Wow. I suddenly feel the need to become a manly man by basking in your oozing machismo. :rolleyes:

The guys defending this thread have ultimatly made up their minds that they are some how doing this hobby a world of good. Its funny how when I have tried to make a point to local lawmakers that reptiles and exotics can be kept responsibly, a video just like this one always seems to crop up and be used against me. The actions boil down to child like stupidity bordering on sadism. Yes, I have fed live. I have fed live ONLY to wild caught snakes refusing any other source of nourishment. I truthfully don't have a problem with it, it is ultimatly your animal. But when you glorify the carnage, it hurts the hobby as a whole. The title of the thread indicates to me you just live for the negative attention, so you can be the "bad boy" of the boards or some other crap.

Well said. :worship: :worship: :worship:


Old Timer
Nov 5, 2005
But when you glorify the carnage, it hurts the hobby as a whole.
Agreed 100%, not just on this point either. Herp (& invert) keepers have enough of a bad image in the public's eyes without videos like this floating around, gleefully promoting live feedings. I don't agree with how you (O.P.) feed your animals, but they are your animals, and you obviously feel that throwing rats in while they are still conscious is "nessesary." I'm not going to try to argue you on this because what's the point? My point is that if you follow the news at all, the only time you ever see herp (& exotic in general) keepers mentioned is when A - someone is bitten/injured/killed, or B - someone's something escapes. This is bad press for our hobby, and it has been happening a LOT lately. Lawmakers & politicians love to ban things, and with all this bad press, the only defense the hobby has is from the responsible keepers out there who can defend it, and and justify the keeping of these animals by showing that they are not ravenous killers who will eat every pet in the neighbourhood should they escape. Videos like yours do not help the image of the hobby. The average person watching your video is going to think the average herp keeper is a bloodthirsty moron who enjoys hearing rats die painfully. The average person who is already against the keeping of exotic animals is going to see your video and find complete justification for continuing to push for a ban on them. You don't come across as a conscientious keeper trying to provide a stress-free environment for healthy animals; more like someone who just enjoys carnage and watching things get devoured. Why wouldn't lawmakers & politicians put restrictions on these animals into place, if this is what people are doing with them?

You can do whatever you want with your animals, man, but when you post up videos like this, it makes the entire hobby look bad, so don't ever wonder why people start giving you heat about it.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I hated the fact you take your pet rat and say your snake is annoyed by it, so you send it to death.

wt<edit> is so hard to move the rat cage into another room/location.

That is a lame excuse by you.

And why would we need a feeding demo, are we that dumb we dont know how to feed a snake? C'mon snakes feed themselves if live prey is dropped in. YOU only need to hold the prey if it's dead to make the snake think the prey is alive, and there are right/wrong ways to do that. If you wanted to show us how to feed a snake dead prey that would have been more educational minus the unnecessary death scene.

Another lame reason to post that video.

I will never buy any animals that need to eat large live prey like mice or anything larger, but I dont hate snakes and such I just wont own them because I dont like feeding prey like that, something other people may keep as pets.

I dont enjoy watching animals die especially when you know the prey has no chance at surviving, putting it in a cage is certain death and in the wild getting a meal is never always certain. I didnt even need to watch the video to know what will happen at the end. The videos here are all the same snake/lizard/tarantula kills helpless prey, people flock to videos, arguments start, yadda yadda yadda.

I dont think i'll post in these debate topics anymore I was trying to prove a point but as you know people take sides here and my posts usually dont make a difference anyway I have no friends here who back me up so my posts are useless.

it's too bad because I really liked this site and thought it would be fun.
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Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
"Im the bad boy of these forums."

No i'm much badder, but you be the devil of the forums and i'll be the angel so you get kicked out and I stay.

And i'll stick to my opinion on the topic because my opinion (aswell as some others) are far from lame.
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Old Timer
Jul 23, 2007
I won't go on bashing your vid, but i will put my 2 cents in: I believe if you can humanly feed your herps. you probably should. IE: prekill their food.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
"Im the bad boy of these forums."

No i'm much badder, but you be the devil of the forums and i'll be the angel so you get kicked out and I stay.

And i'll stick to my opinion on the topic because my opinion (aswell as some others) are far from lame.
Ive already been kicked from these forums and here I am.


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Sep 23, 2002
Ive already been kicked from these forums and here I am.
That's because we were nice and let you come back. Keep it up and we'll rethink our decision ... :embarrassed:

Oh an you are FAR from being the "bad boy of these forums". :rolleyes:



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
That's because we were nice and let you come back. Keep it up and we'll rethink our decision ... :embarrassed:

Oh an you are FAR from being the "bad boy of these forums". :rolleyes:

am i?

indefinite article though. i would hardly aspire to be *the* badboy... but *a* badboy... perhaps. i do only glorify hurting myself, however =P


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2007
feeding live rodents for your own amusement to make them suffer is sick and unnecesary. but that video is not worse than the terrible pain you can see on this one :(


your uncalled for pain and suffering of feeding prey is disturbing but that's my opinion.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
you guys tell me to feed pre killed... guess what.. i do. you can actually see me feeding my GYP pre killed in the video because he is the one i worry about.. the macks can handle themselves just fine. ALL OF THEM GET PRE KILLED FOOD.. unless of course im making a video such as this one.
you say you guys don't want to see a video like this and that know one else dose either?
well so far for the time its been up its managed to become my most popular video... my goal was to entertain people and so far people have been entertained. so i have no apology's.
i go from pet shop to pet shop quite often and i am familiar with quite a few of them. one thing that is a constant is that you can usually find a feed me a mouse for a dollar sign. And all day people will buy a mouse to watch a monitor rip it to shreds.. parents, little kids, young old, black, white, doesn't matter.... do you consider that any worse then what i was doing? are they "endangering the good of the hobby" the fact is videos like this often bring people into the hobby far more offten then they drive people out.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2007
i go from pet shop to pet shop quite often and i am familiar with quite a few of them. one thing that is a constant is that you can usually find a feed me a mouse for a dollar sign. And all day people will buy a mouse to watch a monitor rip it to shreds.. parents, little kids, young old, black, white, doesn't matter.... do you consider that any worse then what i was doing? are they "endangering the good of the hobby" the fact is videos like this often bring people into the hobby far more offten then they drive people out.
so you'd jump off a cliff if you see others doing it? Pet shops are certainly not the place to be looking for knowledge or role models. What you say doesn't surprise me given the fact most pet shops give wrong advice 70% of the time for the animals they sell and do not train their 16 yr old employees on proper care.

I'm not trying to give you beef or anything like that but just because you see pet shops doing it doesn't mean its ok and safe. Any parents taking their kids there to watch or pay for a live mouse to squeak and moan in agony purely for their amusement should have their kids removed! Children are very impressionable and will imitate anything, the disturbing message you are teaching is not to respect feeding animals and get a kick off their agony and that IS irresponsible parenting.

Pet shops don't care about agonizing and suffering prey if they can get people to buy their "NEW: AGGRESSIVE MONSTER EATERS" stock faster and they obviously don't care about their animals health either if they don't have a problem feeding several mouses per day to those animals. It's as healthy as doing the same with your tarantulas and feed them 6 or 8 crickets PER day if people pay you $1 for doing it. it's sick and irresponsible. not to mention childish and unnecesary.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Yea, the old "but everyone else is doing it" excuse. I know other people are doing it, BUT THEY AREN"T PIMPING IT AS ENTERTAINMENT. That was my (and several others) point. It hurts the hobby. And I can assure you, if the pet store selling "feed the monitor a mouse" were here, it would be shut down. That goes beyond cruelty to the mice but into cruelty to the monitor.
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