Naming your T's!


Apr 12, 2016
Whenever I talk about my tarantulas I call them their scientific names - however in my home I call them by their "pet names"
Kiwi, Cupcake, Vino, Sundae, and Pepper.


Apr 6, 2016
A lot of you take this well too far yes it's nice to be a part of forum but it isn't your life ..if I got banned or this site vanished then tough cookie move on I think some people on here would cry or worse.

A lot of people judge others based on their opinions beeing different to theirs ..for example I name my ts, ballbags: I don't name mine your a crap owner you should die for naming your t. Not quite as full on as that but near enough lol.

At the end of the day they are a thoughtless part of the animal kingdom so of I want to name her I will I'll do anything g I like with her and as long as there is no risk to her everyone else can whistle Dixie for all I care. .....but I wouldn't advise puti g up a post about how your a professional t handler so your going to try throwing them at walls to see reactions of them.


Apr 6, 2016
On a more possative note I like names related to my other hobby...sativa I have and eventually ID like to call other ts, indica, Kush, cookies, diesel, blue, get the idea


Oct 25, 2014
At the end of the day they are a thoughtless part of the animal kingdom
Ohhh...That's a real positive way of viewing these unique beautiful creatures...
One would think that with your other hobby you would be a little more intune with nature.Lol..

You seem to have a neither here nor there mindset concerning the hobby wich is fine...Alot of people keep Ts for a few months or a year or two get bored and move on.. For some of us though it's been a passion/addiction for decades.. We are not any less entitled to take it seriously as you take it passively..
You suggesting that we chill is like us suggesting that you give it up..

Name your Ts dont name your Ts doesn't matter to me i just think its kind of boring topic that has been beat to death on the boards over the last few months..


Apr 6, 2016
Don't get me wrong I enjoy my t I am fascinated but it's a fact they are thoughtless they don't care if I name it or not hell they probably don't even know what there doing half of the time although I like to think there's some intelligence there somewhere, and yeh I agree theyre facinating, beautiful ect ect but there's no need to have a royal bank over it is just a page on the internet afterall , its not like people are gunna get awarded for having a strict regime on rasing ts.

Red Eunice

Mar 2, 2014
Being relatively new to the forum (though a long-time arachnoboards lurker) I have no problem with new threads on a recurring theme like the naming of tarantulas. I actually like it better than a resurrected thread from a week or month or year ago because it doesn't already have 47 pages of comments for me to wade through before posting my own. Sometimes a thread that has gotten too long can be a little intimidating to jump into.

As for names for my own wee beasties, most of them are nameless. They are pets and I am attached to many of them - particularly those that I've raised from slings - but it's hard to name something if you don't know whether it's male or female - and may not know for months or even years. (I've had terrible luck with sexing any of my t's until after they've matured because they rarely leave me an intact molt. The legs and carapace are fine, but there's never much left of the abdomen.)

The exceptions are my Chilean Rose (Rosie) who was named by some of my students, my B. albopilosum (Surly Temple) who started out as a sweetheart but has gotten grumpy in her mature years, and my A. versicolor (Romeo) who has turned out to be male - and spends most of his time on a "balcony" he created between the cork bark and the glass. (I'd really hoped that he would be a "Juliet", but no such luck.)
Surly Temple Lol!
Actually met her, Shirley Temple-Black that is, when she was a U.S. Ambassador to either Ghana or Kenya in, as I recall, 1975. Lovely and funny woman.


Sep 21, 2015
Ohhh...That's a real positive way of viewing these unique beautiful creatures...
One would think that with your other hobby you would be a little more intune with nature.Lol..

You seem to have a neither here nor there mindset concerning the hobby wich is fine...Alot of people keep Ts for a few months or a year or two get bored and move on.. For some of us though it's been a passion/addiction for decades.. We are not any less entitled to take it seriously as you take it passively..
You suggesting that we chill is like us suggesting that you give it up..

Name your Ts dont name your Ts doesn't matter to me i just think its kind of boring topic that has been beat to death on the boards over the last few months..

Then ignore the thread and move on to one that interests you more. It's not that hard! But no, you along with many other blow hard types on this forum just can't leave a thread alone if you have decided it is a topic that you have personally seen too much of. You cant just leave well enough alone and let others enjoy themselves!? Maybe it is still interesting to them? Did that ever occur to you? I don't care how long you have been posting on this site- Here's a little protip: It's not all about you.


Apr 6, 2016
Just look after your pets :) no need to get all excited on aracnoboards and go on like your the spider god ...anyone can keep a t they don't have to like em so much they wank over them to have a long healthy life.


Apr 8, 2016
What makes you name some but not others? How many do you have?
The ones I have named I would class as my collection but I share my house with many,many more. I grow on slings of many different species then sell them on as juvenile or subadult for extra cash. Thats not to say that I don't feel a connection with some, though I try not to because I know I will be sending them onwards at somepoint. :sorry:


Sep 24, 2015
On a more possative note I like names related to my other hobby...sativa I have and eventually ID like to call other ts, indica, Kush, cookies, diesel, blue, get the idea
careful nothing gets into or near the Ts cage. will wipe it out for sure.


Sep 24, 2015
personally, i name some of my ts but not all of them. only my rarer ones or favorites are the ones deserving of a name! i once had all of my collection named but forgot most of their names and gave up. i treat mine like tropical fish, no names and they are only look but dont touch pets.


Oct 25, 2014
Then ignore the thread and move on to one that interests you more. It's not that hard! But no, you along with many other blow hard types on this forum just can't leave a thread alone if you have decided it is a topic that you have personally seen too much of. You cant just leave well enough alone and let others enjoy themselves!? Maybe it is still interesting to them? Did that ever occur to you? I don't care how long you have been posting on this site- Here's a little protip: It's not all about you. [/QUOTE]

Well your obviously a noob thats still names his Ts....
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Sep 21, 2015
Then ignore the thread and move on to one that interests you more. It's not that hard! But no, you along with many other blow hard types on this forum just can't leave a thread alone if you have decided it is a topic that you have personally seen too much of. You cant just leave well enough alone and let others enjoy themselves!? Maybe it is still interesting to them? Did that ever occur to you? I don't care how long you have been posting on this site- Here's a little protip: It's not all about you.
Well your obviously a noob thats still names his Ts....[/QUOTE]

No. Wrong again. Don't try to bait me. You don't have the mental capacity, imagination, or wit. And even if you did, it's not like I would be very worried about being banned. Puh-lease. Thinking you are all hard because you've been on here since 2014 and tagging your location as "South of Heaven". LOL. You're not. Don't even try to convince me mister try hard.

Just to put my money where my mouth is:

Administrators paying attention to this thread,

I respectfully ask that you ban me permanently and make it known you have. I would consider it a great personal favor if you would.



Oct 25, 2014
[/QUOTE]No. Wrong again. Don't try to bait me .And even if you did, it's not like I would be very worried about being banned.

Just to put my money where my mouth is:

Administrators paying attention to this thread,

I respectfully ask that you ban me permanently and make it known you have. I would consider it a great personal favor if you would.


They have medicine that can help your paranoia bud...

Just relax man your takeing all this way too seriously.. Just take a few deep breaths grab a nice hot mug of chai put on some Celine and relax with fluffy or mitsy or whatever it is that you have named your Tarantulas..

PS I found it really creepy how you obviously stocked my profile before you responded to what I said... (Shivers)
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Sep 28, 2014
I like to name mine by numbers.

The way I see it is that these amazing creatures already have names. Now that I think about it its kind of like if your name was bryan but everyone decided to call you steve...

Just my opinion.


Dec 25, 2014
Muahahahah, i don't believe this. Sort of déjà-vu effect :angelic:

For the record i have a 0.1 NW Theraphosidae, old like hell, grumpy, bitey when trying to remove for clean the water dish, that i named "Dr. Cooleridge", saw a grave in UK once and the pic was funny.

Was a perfect mix of those late 1800/early 1900 moustache man and Albert Fish :)


Oct 25, 2014
I like to name mine by numbers.

The way I see it is that these amazing creatures already have names. Now that I think about it its kind of like if your name was bryan but everyone decided to call you steve...

Just my opinion.
Your alive! OMG! Man don't lie I met Cinderella, Elsa and beyonce.. Friggin weirdo..Lol


Oct 25, 2014
Muahahahah, i don't believe this. Sort of déjà-vu effect :angelic:

For the record i have a 0.1 NW Theraphosidae, old like hell, grumpy, bitey when trying to remove for clean the water dish, that i named "Dr. Cooleridge", saw a grave in UK once and the pic was funny.

Was a perfect mix of those late 1800/early 1900 moustache man and Albert Fish :)
Ya because these threads never happen and end like this.. Lol! Hence why I opened my fat mouth!


Sep 28, 2014
Your alive! OMG! Man don't lie I met Cinderella, Elsa and beyonce.. Friggin weirdo..Lol
I tried to PM you but you have a messy inbox... Time to clean it up my friend.

And yeah the sicaruis sp. has not taken me down yet hahaha

Figured I would stalk your profile and figure out what fires your starting in the boards and hop on the bandwagon haha

Im still here.